SRRT Resolutions 1997: Resolution on Library Service to Homeless People

Text of 1997 SRRT resolution, adopted at ALA Midwinter Meeting, on library service to homeless people.

Resolution on Library Service to Homeless People

Adopted at 1997 Midwinter Meeting

WHEREAS the American Library Association supports free access to information (ALA Policy 50.3); and

WHEREAS the American Library Association has supported special services to specific groups, such as prisoners (ALA Policy 52.1), youth (ALA Policy 52.5), and poor people (ALA Policy 61); and

WHEREAS in the current economic and social climate of the United States, there are many and increasing numbers of persons (including children and youth) who have no fixed residence; therefore be it

RESOLVED that the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association encourages libraries to extend services to this population, seeking ways to serve their needs within the community, and developing ways to recognize them as community members; and be it further

RESOLVED that information referral programs for the special needs of homeless people be developed and maintained by libraries so that community resources beyond the library's special services can be made known to this group of users, and that efforts be made to publicize this service through social agencies, bulletin boards, and the community grapevine.