SRRT Resolutions 1993: Resolution on United States Military Surveillance Information

Text of 1993 SRRT resolution, adopted at ALA Annual Conference, on requesting that US military surveillance information be shared with civilian agencies in the national interest.

Resolution on United States Military Surveillance Information

Adopted at 1993 Annual Conference

Whereas, the American Library Association has a policy supporting access to information,

Whereas, coding for restricted access to information on the part of the United States governmental agencies has continued,

Whereas, the United States military establishment is expanding the database of secret satellite information with a forty million dollar budget expenditure building up the Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado System,

Whereas in a time of stringent economic times, there has been limited access to weather and other information by the civilian offices of our generation;

Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Social Responsibilities Round Table asks the American Library Association Council to pass a resolution requesting the Defense Department to share all factual information from the Buckley system and other military satellites including but not limited to climate, weather, environment, navigation, and agricultural resources in order to help our civilian agencies to better serve our country.