SRRT Resolutions 1993: Resolution on Haiti

Text of 1993 SRRT resolution, adopted at ALA Annual Conference, on Haiti and urging the US to grant temporary asylum to all Haitian refugees.

Resolution on Haiti

Adopted at 1993 Annual Conference

Whereas, Haiti and the United States have historically had an extremely close relationship;

Whereas, a military coup in 1991 overthrew the democratically elected government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide which had promised a new era of hope and dignity for the long-oppressed and desperately poor Haitian people;

Whereas, the United States has denied refugees the right of asylum;

Whereas, the 2000-member Social Responsibilities Round table of the American Library Association is dedicated to promoting human rights and social justice everywhere;

Therefore Be It Resolved that Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association urges the American government to immediately grant Temporary Protected Status to all Haitian refugees, including Guantanamo; and

Be It Further Resolved that copies of this Resolution be sent to President Clinton, Ambassador Lawrence Pezzullo, the Haiti Communications Project, the Quixote Center/Haiti Reborn, and the library press.