SRRT Resolutions 1993: Resolution on the Closure of California Library Schools
Resolution on the Closure of California Library Schools
Adopted at 1993 Annual Conference
WHEREAS, in February, 1993, the University of California-Berkeley announced the suspension of admission to its School of Library and Information Studies;
Whereas, in June, 1993, the University of California-Los Angeles proposed the imminent closure of its Graduate School of Library and Information Science;
Whereas, the American Library Association, in a 1990 resolution, affirmed its support and respect for the professional library education in American research universities;
Whereas libraries and librarians are essential to democracy, to education, and to the quality of life;
Whereas libraries, now and as they evolve, require professional librarians to help fulfill the public's right to know;
Whereas the action taken against library schools at Berkeley and Los Angeles jeopardize the future of libraries, library service and the public interest in California and in the western United States;
Therefore Be It Resolved that the Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) of the American Library Association supports the continued existence of degree programs in library and information studies at U.C. Berkeley and U.C.L.A.;
And Be It Further Resolved that within these ongoing programs of library and information studies, SRRT encourages a strong commitment to educating library professionals in the public interest and the public's right to know, and that copies of this resolution be sent to the governor and state legislators of California, to U.C. officials, to the U.C. Regents, and to the California and library press.