SRRT Resolutions 1993: Resolution on the ALA Council Voting Record

Text of 1993 SRRT resolution, adopted at ALA Annual Conference, on access to and availability of ALA Council voting records.

Resolution on the ALA Council Voting Record

Adopted at 1993 Annual Conference

Whereas, the United States of America is a democracy dedicated to the concepts of democracy and the freedom of information;

Whereas, the American Library Association is a champion of that freedom within this country and the world;

Whereas, the members of any society need to be informed in order to make intelligent decisions at the ballot box;

Whereas, the ALA Council went on record in 1982 that the voting records of its sessions should be available to the members of the Association by the easiest and cheapest means possible; and

Whereas, that means was determined to be through publications of these records in American Libraries;

Therefore Be It Resolved that the Social Responsibilities Round Table go on record against the proposal by the Committee on Program Evaluation and Support (COPES) made in Document #4.1 presented at the Midwinter Conference of 1993 to cease the publication and dissemination of these voting records to all ALA members.

Be It Further Resolved that this objection be made known at the ALA Membership Meeting and to the members of ALA Council.