SRRT Resolutions 1993: On the Colorado Boycott
On the Colorado Boycott
Adopted at 1993 Midwinter Meeting
WHEREAS, the voters of the State of Colorado have approved Amendment 2, a state constitutional amendment which negates and abolishes the civil rights of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people,
WHEREAS such outrageous and damaging official policy endangers, not only lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, but all people, and
WHEREAS, the American Library Association has adopted several anti-bias policies, most notable 54.3 and 54.17, which commit the Association to equal opportunity for all persons regardless of individual life-style,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT resolved that SRRT strongly urges the American Library Association to move the site of its 1998 Midwinter conference from the State of Colorado;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the Governor of the State of Colorado, the Mayor of the City of Denver, the Colorado Board of Tourism, the national gay and lesbian press, and the national library press.