SRRT Resolutions 1992: On Omar al-Safi

Text of 1992 SRRT resolution, adopted at ALA Annual Conference, on Omar al-Safi, a librarian being subjected to deportation from his homeland.

On Omar al-Safi

Adopted at 1992 Annual Conference

BE IT RESOLVED that the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association protest the deportation of Omar al-Safi from his homeland. Al-Safi, a librarian at Bir Zeit University in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, is being subjected to an "administrative deportation," under which the Israeli military authorities are not required to present any evidence or afford the accused the right to a trial. We note that such deportations are strictly prohibited by the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 by a foreign occupier. We call on the Israeli Supreme Court and the Israeli Attorney General to stop or reverse all deportation proceedings against our colleague, and either release him from "administrative detention" or afford him the right to a formal trial with the public presentation of any evidence against him.