SRRT Resolutions 1991: Resolution on Access to Information and Discrimination Against Marginal Users

Text of 1991 SRRT resolution, adopted at ALA Annual Conference, on supporting access to information, and standing against discriminatory practices affecting marginalized individuals.

Resolution on Access to Information and Discrimination Against Marginal Users

Adopted at 1991 Annual Conference

WHEREAS, Libraries increasingly face the challenge of latchkey children's use and a growing number of homeless people with no place to go, and

WHEREAS, The marginal users of the library are sometimes subject to discrimination in other settings because of ethnic origin and other criteria, and the American Library Association has taken a strong stand against a wide variety of discriminatory practices, and

WHEREAS, The American Library Association has taken strong stands on free access to information, and literacy programs, opposing government intimidation of free expression, and invasion of citizen privacy; Therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the American Library Association support access to information and deplore any discriminatory efforts to remove persons who have committed no personal endangerments, legal misdemeanors or crimes from the premises, and urge all libraries to develop detailed policy statements and training programs to support the right of access.

SRRT Newsletter, Issue 101, page 1.