SRRT Resolutions 1976: Resolution on Racism and Sexism Awareness

Text of 1976 SRRT Resolution calling on ALA to commit to a coordinated action program that will combat racism and sexism in the library profession and in library service.
Resolution on Racism and Sexism Awareness

Adopted at 1976 Annual Conference

WHEREAS, during the last 200 years the U.S. has failed to equalize the status of racial minorities and of women, and

WHEREAS, the ALA has professed belief in the principle of equality yet has failed to aggressively address the racism and sexism within its own professional province;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the ALA actively commit its prestige and resources to a coordinated action program that will combat racism and sexism in the library profession and in library service by taking the following steps:

  • The ALA will survey library schools to determine the extent to which racism and sexism awareness training form part of the curricula and urge that such training be added to the curricula in every library school where it is not included.
  • The Library Administration-Personnel Administration section will develop a model in service program providing racism and sexism awareness training for library personnel.
  • The Public Library Association, the American Association of School Librarians, the Children's Services Division, the Young Adult Services Division, the Reference and Adult Services Division, and the Association of College and Research Libraries will be urged to develop a program to raise the awareness of library users to the pressing problem of racism and sexism.
  • The Resources and Technical Services Division will develop a coordinated plan for the reform of cataloging practices that now perpetuate racism and sexism.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President and Executive Board assess the extent of implementation of these steps and report on progress by the 1977 Annual Conference.

SRRT Newsletter Issue 41, p. 9