SRRT Resolutions 1975: Editorial Independence of American Libraries

Text of 1975 Resolution in which the Intellectual Freedom Round Table Executive Committee and Social Responsibilities Round Table Action Council urge the formulation of a clear and unequivocal editorial policy which guarantees to the editor of American Libraries independence in gathering and reporting news and opinions.
Editorial Independence of American Libraries

Adopted at 1975 Midwinter Meeting

WHEREAS, The American Library Association prides itself on its support of intellectual freedom and the principles expounded by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; and

WHEREAS, American Libraries is the official journal of the ALA; and

WHEREAS, Recent questions have arisen regarding the freedom of the editorial staff of American Libraries to gather and report news of major library issues; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Intellectual Freedom Round Table Executive Committee and Social Responsibilities Round Table Action Council urge the formulation of a clear and unequivocal editorial policy which guarantees to the editor of American Libraries independence in gathering and reporting news and opinions.

SRRT Newsletter Issue 34, p. 7