SRRT Resolutions 1974: Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Text of SRRT Resolution calling for return to the original inclusive language in ALA's Equal Employment Opportunity Policy.
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Adopted at 1974 Midwinter Meeting

SRRT Action Council fully and vigorously endorses this statement on Equal Employment Opportunity Policy which is to be considered by the ALA Council at the 1974 Chicago Midwinter meeting, but demures at the emendation of the policy presented to the Executive Board where a parenthetic definition of individual life style was attempted. We believe that the definition of individual life style is contradictory at base. We endorse the original wording "regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, individual life style, or national origin," wherever these words appear in the policy statement, as proposed by the Committee in preference to the amended document presented to Council.

SRRT Newsletter Issue 29, p. 5