SRRT Resolutions 1974: ALA Staff Committee on Mediation, Arbitration, and Inquiry

Text of the 1974 SRRT Resolution calling for the ALA Staff Committee on Mediation, Arbitration, and Inquiry to investigate personnel policies and procedures at the University of Chicago and report their findings at the 1974 ALA Annual Conference in New York.
ALA Staff Committee on Mediation, Arbitration, and Inquiry

Adopted at 1974 Midwinter Meeting

WHEREAS the membership of the American Library Association at the 1973 Annual Conference in Las Vegas resolved that SCMAI conduct an investigation of personnel practices and procedures at the University of Chicago Library, and

WHEREAS this resolution was endorsed by the Council of the ALA, and

WHEREAS SCMAI was directed to conduct its investigation and report back at the January 1974 Midwinter Meeting in Chicago, and

WHEREAS the issues involved in the University of Chicago case transcend the problems of labor relations and litigation involving labor organizations or individuals formerly employed by the University of Chicago, and

WHEREAS serious questions of intellectual freedom are involved,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that SCMAI conduct the full and complete investigation of personnel policies and procedures at the University of Chicago Library in compliance with the resolution passed by the Membership and endorsed by Council at Las Vegas, and be it further

RESOLVED that SCMAI report back to the Council and Membership at the 1974 Annual Conference in New York City.

SRRT Newsletter Issue 29, p. 3