SRRT Resolutions 1973: University of Chicago Library

Text of 1973 SRRT resolution condemning the University of Chicago Library for anti-union activities directed against library staff and students.
University of Chicago Library

Adopted at 1973 Annual Conference

WHEREAS: Freedom of expression is guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, and is a right of particular interest to the library profession, and

WHEREAS: Librarians should be free to express controversial opinions without fear of punishment by their employers, and

WHEREAS: Many librarians at the University of Chicago have advocated the organization of a labor union for over two years, and

WHEREAS: That institution has used a variety of methods to delay an election which might result in the legal recognition of collective bargaining agents, and

WHEREAS: On June 15, 1973, the positions of six professional librarians were abolished by the University of Chicago Library administration on 15 minutes notice, and

WHEREAS: Four of these positions were held by persons most active in advocating the organization of a union, and

WHEREAS: Length of service, merit or other rational criteria were not used, and

WHEREAS: Faculty and students have indicated their opposition to the action of the library administration by their formation of committees, picketing in protest, and by massive refusal to use the library on June 25, 1973, and

WHEREAS: Approximately 90% of the library staff refrained from appearing at work on Monday, June 25, 1973, in direct protest against the library administration's actions, and

WHEREAS: The defense of intellectual freedom is a responsibility of this profession, be it, therefore,

RESOLVED: That the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association censure the University of Chicago Library.

SRRT Newsletter Issue 27, p. 16