SRRT Resolutions 1970: ALA Councilors and President Ballot Statements, Voting Report Printed in ALA Bulletin, and Roll Calls Votes
Text of a 1970 SRRT Resolution calling for President and Councilor candidate statements, a complete count of votes cast for the candidates, and roll-call votes on policy matters in Council to be published in the ALA bulletin to be distributed to all ALA members.
ALA Councilors and President Ballot Statements, Voting Report Printed in ALA Bulletin, and Roll Calls Votes
Adopted at 1970 Annual Conference
BE IT RESOLVED That the ALA ballots for the position of Councilor and President provide a short statement of the candidate's professional concerns, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a complete report of votes cast for the candidates for these positions be listed in the ALA Bulletin, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the actions of Council be taken by role call vote on policy matters and the results distributed to the members published.