SRRT Newsletter - Issue 197, January 2017
- Letter from the Editor
- SRRT Coordinator's Column
- ALA Midwinter Meeting 2017 Schedule
- Feminist Task Force News
- International Responsibilities Task Force News
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Task Force News
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) News
- Sustainability Round Table (SustainRT) News
- ALA Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Implementation Working Group (EDI-IWG) News
- Essay: Social Work for Librarians: Cultural Humility
- Call for Editorial Board Members
- Call for Submissions
- Publication Information
Letter from the Editor
by Melissa I. Cardenas-Dow
Dear SRRT Newsletter readers:
Welcome to the January 2017 issue of the SRRT Newsletter! We bring you news of events and meetings at our ALA Midwinter Meeting in Atlanta, as well as a preview of plans for the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago.
Much has transpired since the last issue of the SRRT Newsletter. Many of these recent events, which involve resolutions that have come before ALA Council, programs and events that affect the entire association, will be discussed during the SRRT Action Council meetings at ALA Midwinter. The schedule and location for the events are provided in this issue.
With the results of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, many ALA members are coming together to express their solidarity with others in the local Atlanta communities by joining the Atlanta March For Social Justice & Women. Details of the pre-March gathering during the ALA Midwinter Conference are also listed in this issue.
I hope to see many of you during the Conference!
All the best,
Melissa I. Cardenas-Dow
SRRT Newsletter Editor
SRRT Coordinator's Column
by Diedre Conkling, SRRT Coordinator, District Librarian, Lincoln County Library District, Newport, Oregon
It is almost time for the ALA 2017 Midwinter Meeting. If you are attending, and I hope you are, then please come to any of the SRRT Action Council and SRRT Task Force meetings. They are all open to everyone.
After attending a SRRT Action Council meeting I'm sure you will want to run for one of the four open SRRT Action Council positions, and you will still have time. Your biographical forms just need to be filled out by January 26, 2017. Those elected this Spring 2017 will have terms starting at the end of the 2017 Annual Conference through the end of the 2020 Annual Conference. To run for a position you need to fill out the form at Register on the site and then go to #74 for SRRT Action Council. The more complete the information you provide the better it is for all of us when we are voting.
SRRT Action Council and Task Force Meetings at the ALA 2017 Midwinter Meeting
Please remember that everyone may attend any of these meetings. You get to participate in all discussions and bring new ideas. The only restriction is that you may not vote during SRRT Action Council meetings but you may participate in the discussion leading up to a vote.
SRRT Action Council Meetings:
Saturday, January 21, 8:30 - 11:30 a.m., GWCC, A406
Sunday, January 22, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m., OMNI, Redwood
SRRT All Task Force Meeting (each task force meets at this time at individual tables):
Friday, January 20, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m., GWCC, A304
Includes: Feminist Task Force, Hunger, Homeless, & Poverty Task Force, International Responsibilities Task Force, International Responsibilities Task Force, and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Task Force
ODLOS launches Intersections, calls for contributors
The ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services (ODLOS) is launching Intersections, a new blog that highlights the everyday work of library and information science workers as they advocate for equity and inclusion as they relate to diversity, literacy and access among membership, the field of librarianship and the communities they serve.
John L. Amundsen is now working on really publicizing ODLOS activities and the activities of the various round tables supported by ODLOS. You can help by contributing to Intersections. It would be great to have SRRT members and various Task Forces contributing pieces to Intersections. Go to for more information.
I'm looking forward to seeing many of you at the ALA 2017 Midwinter Meeting.
ALA Midwinter Meeting 2017 Schedule
Friday, January 20, 2017
Amelia Bloomer Project Committee Meeting I (SRRT-FTF)
1/20/17, 12:00-4:00 p.m.
Hilton Atlanta -- Room 215
All Task Force Meeting
1/20/17, 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Georgia World Congress Center, A304
Feminist Task Force Meeting I (SRRT)
1/20/17, 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Georgia World Congress Center, A304
Hunger, Homelessness & Poverty Task Force Meeting (SRRT)
1/20/17, 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Georgia World Congress Center, A304
International Responsibilities Task Force Meeting (SRRT)
1/20/17, 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Georgia World Congress Center, A304
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Task Force Meeting (SRRT)
1/20/17, 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Georgia World Congress Center, A304
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Action Council I Meeting (SRRT)
1/21/17, 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Georgia World Congress Center, A406
Amelia Bloomer Project Committee Meeting II (SRRT-FTF)
1/21/17, 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Hilton Atlanta -- Room 215
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Amelia Bloomer Project Committee Meeting III (SRRT-FTF)
1/22/17, 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Hilton Atlanta -- Room 215
Action Council II Meeting (SRRT)
1/22/17, 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Omni Hotel at CNN Center -- Redwood
Progressive Librarians Guild Meeting
1/22/17, 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Omni Hotel at CNN Center -- Redwood
Progressive Librarians Guild Dinner
1/22/17, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Haveli Indian Cuisine, 225 Spring Street NW (in Downtown Atlanta two blocks east of Centennial Olympic Park)
Monday, January 23, 2017
Amelia Bloomer Project Committee Meeting IV (SRRT-FTF)
1/23/17, 9:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Hilton Atlanta -- Room 215
Feminist Task Force News
by Sherre Harrington, Director and Liaison to Mathematics & Natural Science - Berry College Memorial Library, Mount Berry, Georgia
For many, if not for all of us, 2017 promises to be a year of activism and solidarity. The SRRT Feminist Task Force is a perfect vehicle for social justice work within the American Library Association. We expect to witness support for creative ideas and a minimum of bureaucracy, all within the context of knowing that a bunch of folks who claim for themselves the label feminists will at least have the basics in common with one another. We hope you will come by FTF's table at the SRRT All Task-Forces meeting on Friday, January 20, 7:30-9:00 p.m., at the Georgia World Congress Center, A304.
Reception at Charis Books and More
FTF folks and allies are invited to a reception at Charis Books & More, the South's oldest independent feminist bookstore, on Saturday, January 21, 6:30 p.m. We'll have refreshments, private browsing in the shop, and opportunities for great conversation with old friends and new. Charis is moving, so look for details about location and travel arrangements on the FTF Facebook page.
Official ALA Information for Library Workers at the Atlanta March for Social Justice & Women
The Atlanta March for Social Justice & Women, a peaceful demonstration of solidarity bringing together members of underrepresented communities, women, and their allies in Georgia and nationally, will be January 21, 2017, beginning at 1:00 p.m. and ending at approximately 5:00 p.m.
The march will begin at the Center for Civil and Human Rights and end at the Georgia State Capitol. People who wish to travel together from the conference to the march should gather at Georgia World Congress Center, Hall A3 no later than 12:15 p.m.
There will be poster/sign making before the march, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Georgia World Congress Center, Hall A3. A limited amount of poster supplies from the Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services (ODLOS) will be available, please consider bringing supplies to share. You do not have to be registered for the conference to attend the poster making session or to travel with the group.
For more information, visit the Facebook page for the Midwinter march group:
Looking forward to seeing you in Atlanta!
International Responsibilities Task Force News
by Al Kagan, African Studies Bibliographer and Professor of Library Administration Emeritus - University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
The International Responsibilities Task Force will present a program at the annual meeting in Chicago with Bill McKibben, acclaimed author, environmentalist, and activist. His books have been published worldwide in over 20 languages. In 2014, he was awarded the Right Livelihood Prize, which is sometimes called the "alternative Nobel."
McKibben is co-founder and Senior Advisor at, an international, grassroots climate movement that works in 188 countries that, among other things, organizes rallies and spearheads the resistance to the Keystone Pipeline. This organization is also credited with beginning the fossil fuel divestment movement.
McKibben suggests that we see climate change as a threat on the order of World War III and respond accordingly. Once we accept the seriousness of the threat, we can make societal shifts similar to those experienced in the 1940s wartime era and move to renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy storage. There is great urgency to his message as climate change is happening more quickly than scientists anticipated. McKibben argues that the status quo and doubt are luxuries we cannot afford. The nonviolent war that McKibben proposes will save lives and has the potential to produce millions of jobs.
The talk will be co-sponsored by the Sustainability Round Table, Asian Pacific American Librarians Association, and the American Indian Library Association. Details on the program's place and time will be available shortly.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Task Force News
by LaJuan Pringle, Library Manager -- Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
The Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Task Force is preparing for the Midwinter Meeting in Atlanta. Our signature event, the Martin Luther King Jr. Sunrise Celebration is scheduled for Monday, January 23, 6:30 a.m., at the Georgia World Congress Center, Room B302-B305. The keynote speaker for this event will be Dr. Daina Ramey Berry. Dr. Berry is a specialist in the history of gender and slavery in the United States, with a particular emphasis on the social and economic history of the nineteenth century. She is currently Professor of History and African and African Diaspora Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. Patty Wong, County Librarian and Chief Archivist for Yolo County, California, will deliver the Call-to-Action address. A long-time leader in the field of librarianship and in the work of equity, diversity, and inclusion, Wong has held elected positions on ALA Council and the ALA Executive Board. This year's theme is "Freedom Ain't Never Been Free." The program continues our longstanding partnership with the Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA). The Task Force is very excited about this year's program.
Are you interested in being a part of a group that is dedicated to moving the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. forward? Are you interested in working on a Task Force that connects modern day librarianship with social justice? If this appeals to you, please consider joining the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Task Force. The Task Force works with BCALA to coordinate the annual Sunrise Celebration that takes place during Midwinter. We are also looking for ways to fuse librarianship with modern social justice movements (Black Lives Matter, Don't Shoot, etc.) as well as support ALA's efforts in solidifying equity, diversity, and inclusion throughout both the Association and our profession. If you are attending the ALA Midwinter Meeting, I invite you to join us for our task force meeting on Friday, January 20, 7:30 p.m. at the Georgia World Congress Center, A304. If you are unable to attend Midwinter, but are still interested, please contact me by email. Thank you.
LaJuan Pringle
Coordinator, Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Task Force
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) News
Submitted by Deb Sica, GLBTRT Chair
The GLBTRT invites you to a special ALA Midwinter Social. Please join us:
Sunday, January 22
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
The Center for Civil and Human Rights, home of the LGBT Institute
100 Ivan Allen Jr. Blvd NW Atlanta, GA 30313
The GLBTRT Executive Board would like to extend a special invitation to ALSC members and Spectrum Scholars in honor and celebration of our shared vision and achievement toward equity, diversity and inclusion for all.
Special thanks to Gale Cengage and the groundbreaking database, Archives of Human Sexuality & Gender, for making this event possible.
Attendance includes free after-hours admission into the museum and catering by Wolfgang Puck. Cash bar will be available. Queery after party TBA.
Please be sure to check out the Archives of Human Sexuality & Gender, the groundbreaking database containing LGBTQ History and Culture since 1940 and "(b)rings together approximately 1.5 million pages of primary source content on social, political, health, and legal issues impacting LGBTQ communities around the world, including the gay rights movement, activism, the HIV/AIDS crisis, and more. Documents are sourced from top libraries and archives like Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, GLBT Historical Society, New York Public Library, Lesbian Herstory Educational Foundation, Inc., and others." (see:
Sustainability Round Table (SustainRT) News
Submitted by René Tanner, SustainRT Coordinator
SustainRT at ALA Midwinter 2017
SustainRT has been busy meeting and planning for the year. For the ALA Midwinter meeting, SustainRT will have an in-person meeting on Saturday, January 21, 2017 from 1-2:30 p.m. Board members, Mary Beth Lock and Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, will present "The Future of Libraries" from 10:30-11:30 a.m. on January 21, 2017 as well. All are welcome to attend any and all of these events.
Image caption: Photograph by chesapeakeclimate (Bill McKibben) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
SustainRT at ALA Annual 2017
For ALA Annual 2017, we are excited to co-host a presentation by Bill McKibben through a partnership with SRRT, the Asian Pacific American Librarians Association, and the American Indian Library Association. McKibben will present: "Imagining a World That Works – In Time to Prevent a World That Doesn't."
Bill McKibben is co-founder and Senior Advisor at, an international, grassroots climate movement that leverages people power to develop people-centric solutions to the climate crisis. McKibben is a prolific writer and opened the general public's eyes to the urgency of climate change back in 1989 with his book The End of Nature, which has been published worldwide in over 24 languages. Among his many related books are Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age; Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet; Maybe One: A Case for Smaller Families; and Hope, Human and Wild: True Stories of Living Lightly on the Earth. For more information on Bill McKibben, please refer to the International Responsibilities Task Force News of this issue.
Date, time, and location of McKibben's featured address at ALA Annual Conference in Chicago are forthcoming, so please stay tuned.
In other programming news, the SustainRT Program Planning committee is developing a panel presentation for ALA Annual about LEED Certification for libraries. The working title is ."LEEDing by Design: Building Libraries for a Sustainable Future." The panel will include librarians and architects with experience in green building projects. The panel will share their insights about construction projects including how to prioritize different levels of LEED certification, working with administration and other stakeholders, negotiations, and ways to fund sustainable building projects.
Plans for SustainRT travel award for ALA Annual attendance
The SustainRT Outreach and Membership committee has also been making plans to offer a travel stipend to a SustainRT member to attend the ALA Annual Conference. The call for submissions is forthcoming and will involve the submission of a video, essay, or blog entry for consideration.
SustainRT Webinar Series
Our webinar series continues and the Online Education Committee arranged the following webinars: "Planting the Seeds: Libraries and Librarians as Change Agents for Sustainability within Their Communities" and a presentation by David Selden with the National Indian Law Library on American Association of Law Libraries sustainability efforts. Webinar recordings are posted on the SustainRT Events website.
SustainRT in Library News
To our delight, we were invited to submit a video about sustainability and libraries for a global audience at the "Encounter for Sustainable Development in Libraries" Conference in Portugal on February 10, 2017. We currently have a call out to our membership to submit short videos for this compilation project, yet another reason to add SustainRT to your ALA membership.
We were happy to see the editorial, Calling All Change Agents: Let's Build a sustainability movement, recently published in the Library Journal. The article mentions the ALA Resolution on the Importance of Sustainable Libraries, which was drafted by SustainRT members and passed at Annual in 2015. The article discusses a similar resolution, the Sustainability Initiative, adopted by the New York Library Association (NYLA) and among its many accomplishments is an app that guides users through the process of making their library more sustainable by applying practices that are environmentally sound, economically feasible, and socially equitable (the triple bottom line).
Nominations are currently open for Coordinator-Elect and Member-at-Large. The deadline for submission is January 26, 2017 and anyone interested may contact Madeleine Charney via email for details.
If you have a story to tell about sustainability and libraries, please consider sending us a video clip or writing a guest blog post. For details about these opportunities, please visit our blog.
ALA Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Implementation Working Group (EDI-IWG) News
By Melissa Cardenas-Dow, ALA EDI-IWG co-chair, SRRT Newsletter editor
The ALA EDI-IWG has an open business meeting and a few supported events during the 2017 Midwinter Meeting in Atlanta.
ODLOS Town Hall
The ALA EDI-IWG will also be supporting the ODLOS Town Hall meeting on Friday, January 20, 12:30-2 p.m. This will be a great opportunity to hear about the various events and programs affiliated with ALA ODLOS (Office for Diversity, Literacy, & Outreach Services), to learn how to become more actively involved, and to ask questions and raise concerns regarding support for literacy and outreach services and diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Association.
EDI-IWG at ALA Midwinter 2017 and Next Steps
The ALA EDI-IWG has consolidated tasks into ranked priorities and focused on the top five that we are aiming to accomplish with smaller groups:
- Create and distribute a pre- and post-conference survey to attendees about experiences related to equity, diversity, and inclusion at the conference;
- Research and collaborate with local community organizations who are doing work on equity, diversity, and inclusion;
- Create EDI statement that is included in the registration process;
- Create a scenario-based session on micro-aggressions; and
- Work with other national associations to share checklists, clearinghouse information, etc.
The IWG will be discussing these tasks and seeking participation among interested ALA members.
We will also have a visit with Emily Sheketoff, Director of the ALA Washington Office, to discuss how equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) issues are considered during the lobbying process. ALA members present at the IWG open business meeting are also welcome to provide comments and ask questions.
To learn more about the work involved, to participate, and to provide input and feedback, be sure to attend the open business meeting of the ALA EDI-IWG, Saturday, January 21, 8:30-10 a.m. at the Georgia World Congress Center, Room B209.
Atlanta March Gathering at ALA Midwinter
ALA ODLOS (Office for Diversity, Literacy, & Outreach Services) is supporting the Atlanta March for Social Justice & Women and ALA members interested in participating. A sign-making session is scheduled for Saturday, January 21, 10:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. at the Georgia World Congress Center, Hall A3. This session is a great place to meet others who plan to travel to the March together. ODLOS will be providing a limited amount of poster-making supplies. Registration to ALA Midwinter Conference is not necessary to attend this session.
EDI-IWG at the ALA Midwinter 2017 Symposium on the Future of Libraries
The ALA EDI-IWG will be participating in the Symposium with a presentation entitled, "Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Recommendations: An Equitable Future for ALA and the Profession," on Sunday, January 22, 3-4 p.m. at the Georgia World Congress Center, Room A403. From the program: "Task Force and Working Group members will present the recommendations in the context of the future of the United States and will ask for participation from attendees to help advance our profession to reflect and represent our nation's ever-increasing diversity." Join us!
Essay: Social Work for Librarians: Cultural Humility
Submitted by Sara Zettervall, Whole Person Librarianship
This essay is an edited reprint from the Whole Person Librarianship blog, founded and maintained by Sara Zettervall, Librarian at Hennepin County Library system in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area of Minnesota. The post makes references to other online materials, which we continue to link in this issue. Many thanks to Sara for allowing us to reprint this post in this issue of the SRRT Newsletter.
One of the foundational concepts of social work is "cultural humility." Cultural humility builds on the belief that each person is an expert on his/her/their life and recognizes that our cultural experiences shape how we view the world. We each exist at the intersection of various cultural spheres, and we make assumptions about how the world works based on that perspective. Our responsibility as human servants committed to social justice, whether we are social workers or librarians, is to foster awareness in ourselves that our perspective isn't the only one and trust in others when they speak about their own lives.
I've had this concept in mind since before the election, when I encountered it in the second module of the introductory social work course on edX, but post-election it has become even more relevant to library work. Some aspects of cultural humility were familiar to me and may be to you as well, whether you've heard this particular term before or not. The call for allies to support individuals and groups rather than try to speak for them is an example of cultural humility. Shailene Woodley does a good job of explaining allyship in a video that was trending in November 2016:
Cultural humility goes a step beyond allyship, though, and asks us to actively and consistently remind ourselves that other perspectives are just as valid as our own. One useful comparison to make is cultural competence vs. cultural humility. Cultural competence calls for knowing about how to work with different categories of people. Cultural humility says that while knowledge can be helpful, the best way to know and understand another person is to maintain a state of openness, non-judgment, and curiosity. This is much more difficult than it sounds. We all bring cultural blindspots with us as we move through the world, and for most of us the only way to reveal those blindspots is through conflict. For example, a lot of folks who move from the east coast U.S. (where I grew up) to Minnesota (where I now live) will at some point find out they're perceived as brash, loud, and/or demanding by people who grew up here. There's nothing wrong with being outgoing and opinionated, and there's also nothing wrong with waiting until you know someone better to trust them with your thoughts, but bringing those behaviors together without thinking can lead to frustration and embarrassment. This is just a small example–it is nothing compared to the larger misunderstandings that can easily happen when we assume that what's comfortable to us will be comfortable to others as well. When we take on cultural humility, we are taking responsibility for treating those embarrassing moments of misunderstanding as learning experiences. We pledge to ourselves that we will swallow our pride and have empathy for the other person.
Sometimes, the stories we need to hear and the things we have to accept aren't comfortable and will conflict with our own beliefs. One local example involves our large population of Somali immigrants in Minneapolis. Somali women born in Somalia have some of the highest rates of female circumcision (or female genital mutilation) in the world, upwards of 90%, and often with the most extensive cutting. Healthcare workers in Minneapolis, most of whom aren't from the Somali culture, began to find that they had to cut women open and sew them back up again when they gave birth (so that they have a vaginal opening large enough for the baby to pass through; cutting is safer than letting scarred skin stretch and tear). While that's customary to many Somali women, it was a surprise to the health care providers. Many of those health care providers object to FGM as a cultural practice, but they are tasked with supporting mothers for whom that decision had passed long ago. Eventually, many providers recognized that their role had to be preparing the mothers who were already cut for the reality of birth with their existing bodies, and also preparing their fellow providers to treat the Somali women's bodies with respect. There are now some prenatal classes for Somali women that normalize the circumcised birth experience.
Most of our interactions in the library aren't that challenging, but we all know that public service brings us into contact with the full spectrum of human experience and opinions. Cultural humility supports the understanding that libraries can't ever be neutral and challenges us to think about whose perspective we represent in our collections and programs. Who aren't we hearing? Who are we silencing? Following the recent election in the U.S., librarians have stepped up to show how knowledge can help bridge the ever-widening bipartisan gap, as exemplified by Libraries Respond. In the spaces we create, we can let cultural humility be our guide. We can't dictate a perspective, and we can't be passive in the assumption that we're neutral (a great cultural blindspot for librarians). What we can do is hold space for the voices of our patrons. Create conversations. Facilitate dialogue. Model with our own behavior what it means to be a flexible and empathetic human being. This is always challenging work, but it's also our most important work.
Call for Editorial Board Members
Are you looking for a way to be more involved in the Social Responsibilities Round Table? Are you passionate about books, media and their role in social responsibility? Do you have excellent writing and editing skills? Are you good at meeting deadlines and encouraging others to meet them as well? If so, membership to the SRRT Newsletter Editorial Board might be just the volunteer position you're looking for!
We are in need of two members who can serve on the Editorial Board as soon as possible.
Editorial Board memberships positions are determined by the SRRT Action Council.
If you are interested in becoming members of the SRRT Editorial Board, please send a copy of your resume/CV, a brief letter of inquiry outlining your qualifications and interest in the position, and a writing sample and/or examples of previous work to Melissa Cardenas-Dow, SRRT Newsletter Editor and SRRT Editorial Board member, at micd.srrt.newsletter [at]
Call for Submissions
The SRRT newsletter is always looking for good articles, essays and letters to the editor. The next submission deadline is March 3, 2017.
Submissions to the SRRT Newsletter may be made by any current SRRT Member or SRRT affiliate. Please send your submissions electronically in one of the following formats: MS Word, RTF, PDF, or plain text pasted into the body of an e-mail. Submissions should be 500 to 1,000 words. Graphics are encouraged. If using images that are already on the Internet, the URL of the image and a caption or description may be added to the text of the submission.
Please send original submissions and inquiries to SRRT Newsletter Editor Melissa I. Cardenas-Dow at micd.srrt.newsletter [at], indicating "SRRT Newsletter" within the subject line of your e-mail. A confirmation of receipt will be sent in a timely manner.
Submissions for book or media reviews should be sent to Meaghan Hunt-Wilson, the SRRT Newsletter Reviews Editor at SRRTreviews [at], indicating "Reviews" in the subject line of your e-mail.
Publication Information
SRRT Newsletter is published quarterly by the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association. ISSN: 0749-1670. Copyright © 2017 by the Social Responsibilities Round Table. No part of this periodical may be reproduced without permission.
Editor: Melissa I. Cardenas-Dow, micd.srrt.newsletter [at]
Reviews Editor: Meaghan Hunt-Wilson, SRRTreviews [at]
Editorial Board Members: Cicely Douglas, Michael Gorman, and Rebecca Martin.
Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of ALA/SRRT. The editors reserve the right to edit submitted material as necessary or as whimsy strikes.