Home of the ALA Round Tables

ALA Round Tables

Customize your ALA journey with ALA ROUND TABLES

Round Tables are an excellent way to get involved at ALA, explore your personal interests, and ignite your passion. You will network with your peers around issues and ideas that are impacting your library and your career. Get involved and work with other members to build the resources and tools the profession needs, share your expertise, and learn from your colleagues.

You must be an ALA Member to join ALA Round Tables.

Pro-rated dues apply when adding a Round Table to an existing membership.


Coretta Scott King Book Award Round Table CSKBART

Coretta Scott King Book Awards Round Table (CSKBART)

The Coretta Scott King Book Awards Round Table honors the legacy of Mrs. Coretta Scott King by promoting distinguished award-winning children and young adults’ literature by African American authors and illustrators that depicts the Black experience.


Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange RT (EMIERT), a round table of the American Library Association

Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table (EMIERT)

EMIERT provides a forum for the exchange of information on library materials and resources in English and other languages, and promotes service for all ethnolinguistic and multicultural communities in general.


Film and Media Round Table

Film and Media Round Table (FMRT)

FMRT offers a unique forum for learning about new developments in video librarianship, as well as resources for finding answers to some of the more elusive questions facing video librarians in their daily work.


Games and Gaming Round Table

Games & Gaming Round Table (GAMERT)

With members from all types of libraries, GameRT is built around our shared passion for games and the use of gaming within libraries.


Ogvernment Documents Round Table (International, U.S. Federal. State. Local

Government Documents Round Table (GODORT)

The GODORT is a dynamic forum where information professionals learn, discuss, advocate, and create scholarship on and about government information at all levels of government.


Graphic Novels and COmics Round Table

Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table (GNCRT)

The GNCRT supports library staff in all aspects of engaging with graphic novels and comics, including collection development, programming, and advocacy.


Intellectual Freedom Round Table

Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT)

The IFRT provides a forum for the discussion of intellectual freedom of libraries and librarians and promotes a greater opportunity for involvement among the members of ALA in defense of intellectual freedom.


International Relations Round Table

International Relations Round Table (IRRT)

The IRRT promotes interest in library issues and librarianship worldwide, helps coordinate international activities within ALA, develops programs and activities to further the international objectives of ALA, and provides hospitality and information to visitors from abroad.


Learning Round Table

Learning Round Table (LearnRT)

The LearnRT helps veteran trainers and newcomers stay on top of trends in the field by providing valuable resources and support.


Library History Round Table

Library History Round Table (LHRT)

The LHRT facilitates communication among scholars and students of library history and supports research in library history. It sponsors conferences, publishes a newsletter, and presents awards for excellence in library history research.


Library Instruction ROund Table : School, Public, Special, Academic

Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT)

LIRT empowers librarians to become better teachers through sharing best practices, leadership and professional development, and networking.


Library Research Round Table

Library Research Round Table (LRRT)

The LRRT aims to extend and improve library research, provide public program opportunities for describing and evaluating library research projects and for disseminating their findings, help ALA members use research techniques to make administrative decisions and solve problems, and expand the theoretical base of the field.


Library Support Staff Round Table

Library Support Staff Round Table (LSSRT)

The Library Support Staff Round Table (LSSRT) focuses on library support staff — who support staff are and what we do, as well as developing skills and support programming for library support staff on the front lines, in the back rooms, and everywhere in between.


Map and Geospatial Information Round Table

Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT)

Through community, education, and advocacy, the MAGIRT leads and inspires information professionals in their work with map and geospatial information resources.


New Member Round Table, your path to ALA

New Members Round Table (NMRT)

The NMRT is a place for members who are new to the library profession, new to ALA, or new to both. It provides career development programs, professional development grants, and networking opportunities with more experienced librarians.


Rainbow Round Table

Rainbow Roundtable (RRT)

The Rainbow Round Table promotes the development, advancement, and improvement of library services and resources for LGBTQ+ individuals and their communities. It is the oldest LGBTQ+ professional organization in the United States.


Retired Members Round Table

Retired Members Round Table (RMRT)

The RMRT provides an avenue for retired or late-career members to maintain relationships, continue meaningful organizational involvement, and share skills and knowledge through mentorship.


Social Responsibilities Round Table - Simple illustration of hands gently holding the earth

Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT)

The SRRT works to make ALA more democratic and to establish progressive priorities not only for the Association, but also for the entire profession. It empowers libraries and library workers to recognize and help solve social problems and inequities.


Sustainability Round Table

Sustainability Round Table (SustainRT)

The SustainRT encourages members to exchange ideas and opportunities regarding sustainability in order to move toward a more equitable, healthy, and economically viable society.