NMRT Archives Committee


To manage the NMRT Archives, which includes the gathering, preservation, and provision of access to NMRT documentation in paper and electronic formats. To establish a comprehensive records management plan, facilitated by policies and guidelines, which can be implemented and modified as needed.


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Displaying active committee roster as of 11/04/2024. Last retrieved on 11/04/2024. Refresh now.

  • 1972-1976: The first archivist is concerned with NMRT activities.
  • 1977: Archives Committee is established.
  • 1981: Archives Committee is disbanded.
  • 1985: Archives Committee is reinstated with one archivist appointed.
  • 2000: NMRT Executive Board votes to make Archives Committee a "standing" committee, i.e., one having a continuing life.
  • 2001: (June) Two official documents, NMRT Archives Policy and NMRT Archives Policy for Electronic Documents, are drawn up and approved by NMRT Executive Board.
  • 2001: (October) Document Digitization Task Force develops the NMRT Archives Database
  • 2002: (January) Archives Committee term is changed to a Midwinter-to-Midwinter schedule.
  • 2002: (June) Document Digitization Task Force officially absorbed by Archives Committee after ALA Annual.
  • 2002: First reporting cycle (planning/progress/final reports) electronically submitted and made accessible via Archives Database.
  • 2011: First reporting (progress/final reports) electronically submitted to ALA Connect and accessible through ALA Connect. Reports remain accessible via the Archives Database.
Major Responsibilities
  1. Provide a centralized access point for committee information, policies, and procedures, which primarily involves maintaining the NMRT Archives Database.
  2. Determine and implement procedures and guidelines for archiving selected print and electronic documents.
  3. Provide access to various forms, report templates and other miscellanous documents via the NMRT Archives Database that have not already been provided in the NMRT Handbook.
  4. Respond to inquiries regarding archival issues related to official NMRT records.
  5. Maintain open communication about archival matters with NMRT Secretary and serve as the liaison to the ALA Archives at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Staff Liaison

Kimberly L. Redd, Program Manager (HRDR & ALA-APA)