Federal and Armed Forces Libraries Round Table Annual Membership Meeting

ALA Annual Conference, 2003

Sheraton Centre   Toronto

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Saturday, June 21, 2003


Attendees:   Beth Blankley, Jennifer Bushong, Robin M. Dixon, Margaret Groner, Richard Hanusey, Shirley Holcomb, Anne Karle-Zenith, Shirley Loo, Arlene Luster, Mike Morrison, Marie L. Nelson, Karen Olender, Janet D. Ormes, Fran Perros, Maria Pisa, Jane Sessa, Cynthia Shipley, Joan R. Taylor, Amos Tookes, Eileen Welch


  1. Welcome and Call to Order.   Jennifer Bushong, FAFLRT President, called the official portion of the meeting to order at 8:47 a.m., following the breakfast social.  The Agenda was accepted as amended, with the postponement of the Awards until later in the meeting.


  1. Membership Report.   Joan Taylor reported that as of June 11, 2003, ALA records indicate that FAFLRT has 340 personal, 60 institutional, and 3 corporate members, for a total of 403 members.  (However, per the mailing list, we have 353 personal and 66 organizational/corporate members, for a total of 419 members.)  Fran Perros also reported that 58 FAFLRT members voted in the Spring 2003 ALA election.


  1. Minutes of the 2002 Annual Membership Meeting were amended to include Joan Taylor’s Membership Report, and accepted.


  1. President’s Report.   Jennifer Bushong


  1. A joint reception and awards presentations will be co-hosted by AGIIG / FAFLRT / GODORT, and held Monday, 23 June, 2003, 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the University of Toronto Faculty Club.
  2. She and Margaret Groner attended the ALA Round Table Coordinating Committee Meeting.  Discussed at this meeting:

                                                               i.      “Who Speaks for ALA.”

                                                             ii.      Paraprofessionals should be included more in ALA activities.

                                                            iii.      2003 ALA Annual Conference Attendance, as of June 16, was reported to be 8,642 ALA paid registrants, 1249 Canadians, 2756 cancellations, and 400 additional Thursday on-site registrants.    Vendors/employees attendance is 1000 less than the previous year.

                                                           iv.      ALA membership stands at 64,713.

                                                             v.      There is now one Councilor per 6-7 round tables, but it is felt that more contact with our elected councilor would be desirable.

  1. James Hill has updated FAFLRT’s ALA web pages.
  2. A reminder was given to provide Jane Sessa with newsworthy items for the Federal Librarian, FAFLRT’s newsletter.
  3. Two people are needed for next year’s Nominating Committee.
  4. FAFLRT is sponsoring this morning’s 10:30 a.m. program by Stephen Abram, VP, Corporate Development, Micromedia Proquest, speaking on “The Next Generation Changed When I Wasn’t Looking!  What Now?” about generational change.  Attendance is encouraged.
  5. Our vendor supporters were thanked:

n      Gale:  Breakfast on June 21, 2003

n      Proquest:  Program on June 21, 2003

n      SIRSI and Infocurrent:  Reception on June 23, 2003


  1. Treasurer’s Report.   The Financial Statement prepared by Carol Bursik, dated June 16, 2000, “Based on the ALA Performance Report of April 30, 2003,” was distributed.  It shows Beginning Net Assets (9/01/02) of $5759.93, Revenues of $3516.78, and Expenses of $7037.10, leaving a Balance Carried Forward of $2,239.61.  The June 16, 2003 Treasurer’s Report reports that as of June 5, 2003, $3391.24 was received from vendors for advertising in the Federal Librarian, but not yet reflected in ALA’s April 30 Performance Report.  In addition, support from SIRSI ($500) and InfoCurrent ($250) was received for the June 23, 2003 Reception.


  1. Committee Reports


  1. Awards Committee.   Shirley Loo and Maria Pisa announced and presented the following 2003 FAFLRT Awards:

                                                               i.      Janet Ormes, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, received the FAFLRT Achievement Award, recognizing achievement in the promotion of library and information service and the information profession in the Federal and Armed Forces communities.

                                                             ii.      R. James King, Naval Research Laboratory, received the FAFLRT Distinguished Service Award (in absentia) for his faithful service as Listserve Manager and Webmaster.

                                                            iii.      Anne Karle-Zenith, a student at the University of Michigan School of Information, was the recipient of the Adelaide del Frate Conference Sponsorship Award.


  1. Nominating Committee.   J. Mike Morrison and Fran Perros.

                                                               i.      It was difficult obtaining nominees for the 2003 elections.

                                                             ii.      The FAFLRT dues increases were approved, with 58 in favor and 8 opposed.

                                                            iii.      Newly elected officers are:

1.      Vice President/President-Elect:  Linda Resler

2.      Treasurer:  Carol Bursik (re-elected)

3.      Director (Armed Forces):  Linda Towne

4.      Director (Federal):  Mary Boone


  1. Other Business
    1. Contracting-Out Activities.   Fran Perros suggested more tracking of contracting-out activities would be beneficial.  Maria Pisa stated that federal agencies cannot appeal an award.  It was suggested that it would be helpful to have a committee to monitor out-sourcing, as well as volunteer(s) to chair and man this committee.  Mike Morrison agreed to be a member of this committee.
    2. Booth Coordinator.   Eileen Welch reported on the location of the booth, and sought volunteers to man it, as only one person thus far had offered assistance.
    3. Newsletter.   Jane Sessa needs people willing to speak with vendors about potential advertising in the Federal Librarian.  News items are also needed.
    4. Scholarship fund donations are needed.  Jennifer Bushong will visit the Newsbank booth to inquire whether they would be willing to re-establish their $1000 donation.
    5. FAFLRT future programs.   Shirley Loo requested ideas for future FAFLRT ALA Annual Conference programs.


The meeting adjourned at 9:57 a.m.



Respectfully submitted,


Marie L. Nelson

FAFLRT Secretary