Cataloging & Classification Committee


To provide a forum within MAGIRT for the discussion of issues concerning descriptive and subject cataloging, including classification and the content designation of cartographic materials.


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The Chair and as many members as necessary to complete the work of the Committee. The Chair or his/her designee shall represent MAGIRT at the Anglo-American Cataloging Committee for Cartographic Materials (AACCCM), the Association of Library Collections and Technical Services, Cataloging and Classification Section, Cataloging Committee, Description and Access (ALCTS/CCS/CC:DA),and the MARC Advisory Committee. The Chair is also a resource person for OCLC and the Program for Cooperative Cataloging.


The Coordinator discusses and makes recommendations on proposed actions by the ALA ALCTS/CCS/CC:DA, especially those actions which directly relate to the Committee's purpose. The Committee shall also be concerned with proposals by organizations, such as the AACCCM, the Library of Congress and the Government Printing Office (GPO). The Committee should maintain close liaison with MAGIRT's GeoTech Committee which may consider similar issues. Finally, the Committee should assist the MAGIRT Chair in organizing any conference programs dealing with cataloging and classification of cartographic materials. It should bring to the MAGIRT Executive Board and the annual membership meeting reports of the Committee's general activities and any recommendations to be endorsed by MAGIRT.


All meetings of the Cataloging and Classification Committee are open to any member of ALA.

Staff Liaison

Danielle M. Ponton

Program Manager for Round Tables
