ALA International Member of the Month


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The “I am ALA” feature on the Round Table's homepage will spotlight ALA round table members and the work they do. These segments may be picked up by other ALA-related media, such as AL Direct and  If you’re willing to participate—and we hope you are—we’ll need the following:

  • Your answers to some basic questions.
  • Responses to a second set of questions to give readers more insight into your library and/or ALA activities, as well as into who you are. (The word limit for all the responses combined is 200-300 words.) 
  • A quality headshot, which must be no larger than .
  • Your agreement to the terms at the end of this web form.

Please write using full sentences so readers can easily learn about you and what you do.  To ensure clarity, avoid unusual acronyms.  The ALA team may edit your responses to best fit the format and to highlight what other members tell us they most want to hear about.

Thanks for helping to inspire your fellow ALA round table members!