GLBT Religion & Spirituality - A Selective Bibliography: 2001–2005

Consult also the updated lists: 1950-2000 and 2006-2010, and 2011-present.

This selective book list indicates the large number and wide range of published viewpoints available to lesbians and gay men interested in exploring their lives as spiritual journeys.

Specifically excluded from the list of published resources are: novels and poetry; items written in languages other than English; brochures, study guides, and tracts; articles in periodicals; chapters of books; books exclusively addressing the spiritual dimensions of the AIDS epidemic or the experience of living with AIDS; doctrinal statements and position papers about gays and lesbians adopted by religious institutions; and blatantly homophobic treatments of the subject. Some of the books listed were produced by publishers affiliated with religious institutions, and many of the titles listed were not written by lesbians or gay men. Book titles are arranged alphabetically by title within the categories listed below. With a few exceptions, titles are listed in only one of the categories. Because not every title was examined, some titles may be inappropriately categorized, or could be categorized differently.


Compilers of Resource

Last updated April, 2012 by Don Bell (Tuscaloosa, AL) and Mike McCabe (Brevard, NC) for the American Library Association's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table.

Please submit corrections and additions to this publication to: Don Bell, Librarian, Shelton State Community College, 9500 Old Greensboro Road, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405. E-mail:

Book Lists

Christian Traditions

General Surveys

10 Spiritual Lessons for Successful Living for Gays and Lesbians (... and Everyone Else!): Discovering Positive Spirituality for Gays and Lesbians on the Journey of Faith by Metropolitan Community Churches. 2003.

Always My Child: A Parent's Guide to Understanding Your Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered or Questioning Son or Daughter by Kevin Jennings and Pat Shapiro. Fir eside, 2002.

The Anglican Quilt: Resolving the Anglican Crisis Over Homosexuality by Robert Van de Weyer. O Books, 2004.

Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth by Wayne R. Besen. Routledge, 2003.

Below the Belt: Sexuality, Religion, and the American South by Angelia R. Wilson. Cassell, 2000.

Between Sodom and Eden: A Gay Journey Through Today’s Changing Israel by Lee Walzer. Columbia Press, 2000.

Beyond The Closet : Healing the Rift Between Gay People and the Church by Kye Faithfield, PublishAmerica, 2004.

Black, Gay, and Christian: An Inspirational Guidebook to Daily Living by Herndon L. Davis. Davis, Lett & Associates; Media Publishing Division, Atlanta, 2004.

Blessed Bi Spirit: Bisexual People of Faith edited by Debra R. Kolodny. Continuum, 2000.

Calling the Rainbow Nation Home: A Story of Acceptance and Affirmation by E. T. Sundby. iUniverse, Inc., 2005.

The Church and Homosexuality : Searching for a Middle Ground by Merton P. Strommen. Kirk House Pub; 2001.

A Church at War: Anglicans and Homosexuality by Stephen Bates. I. B. Tauris, 2004.

A Church of Our Own: Disestablishment and Diversity in American Religionby R. Stephen Warner. Rutgers University Press, 2005.

The Church on the Margins: Living Christian Community by Mary R. Sawyer. Trinity Press International, 2003.

Coming Out in Christianity: Religion, Identity, and Community by Melissa M. Wilcox. Indiana University Press, 2003.

Coming Out Young and Faithful edited by Leanne McCall Tigert and Timothy J. Brown. Pilgrim Press, 2001.

Community Organizing Against Homophobia and Heterosexism: The World Through Rainbow-Colored Glasses by Samantha Wehbi. Routledge, 2004.

Conservative Christian Identity and Same-Sex Preference: The Case of Gay Mormons by Rick Phillips. Lang, Peter Publishing, 2005.

Crossing over and Coming Home: Twenty-One Authors Discuss the Gay Near-Death Experience as Spiritual Transformation by Melvin Morse. Liz Dale (Editor). Emerald Ink Publishing, 2001.

Crossing over: Liberating the Transgendered Christian by Vanessa Sheridan. Pilgrim Press, 2001.

The Cost of Truth: Faith Stories of Mennonite and Brethren Leaders and Those Who Might Have Been by Roberta Showalter Kreider. Strategic Press, 2004.

Discerning the Word: The Bible and Homosexuality in Anglican Debate by Paul Gibson. Anglican Book Centre, 2002.

Disclosures : Conversations Gay and Spiritual by Michael Ford. Cowley Publications, 2005.

Divine Sex: Liberating Sex from Religious Traditionby Philo Thelos. Trafford Publishing, 2003.

Do It Yourself by Marcella Althaus-Reid and Lisa Isherwood. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2005.

Exile or Embrace?: Congregations Discerning Their Response to Lesbian And Gay Christians by Mahan Siler. Pilgrim Press, 2005.

Exploding Mystery: A Queer Science of the Sacraments (Queering Theology) by Elizabeth Stuart. T & T. Clark Publishers, 2005.

Faithful Conversation: Christian Perspectives on Homosexuality by James M. Childs, Jr. Fortress Press, 2003.

From Wounded Hearts: Faith Stories of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People and Those Who Love Them by Roberta Showalter Kreider. Strategic Press, 2003.

The Fundamentals of Extremism: the Christian Right in America by Kimberly Blaker. New Boston Books, 2003.

Gay Perspective: Things Our Homosexuality Tells Us About the Nature of God and the Universe by Toby Johnson and Edwin Clark Johnson. Alyson, 2003.

Gay Religion by Scott Thumma. Rowman & Littlefield (Non NBN); September 2004.

Gay Spirit: Myth and Meaning (White Crane Spirituality) by Mark Thompson (Editor). Lethe Press, 2005.

Gay Spirituality: The Role of Gay Identity in the Transformation of Human Consciousness by Edwin Clark (Toby) Johnson. 1st ed. Alyson Books, 2000.

Get By: A Survival Guide for Black Gay Youth by Jonathan Jones. BookSurge Publishing, 2005.

Gifted by Otherness: Gay and Lesbian Christians in the Church by L. William Countryman and M.R. Ritley. Morehouse Publishing, 2001.

God and Gays by Sherry Hope. Buy Books on the (publisher), 2003.

God, Sex, and Politics: Homosexuality and Everyday Theologies by Dawne Moon. University of Chicago Press, 2004.

God's Other Children: A Spiritual Journey in Gay Life by Tara L. Molina. Authorhouse, 2005.

The Great Debate by Glenn Clark, Jr. Writers Club Press, 2003.

Homosexuality and Christian Faith: Questions of Conscience for the Churches by Walter Wink, editor. Fortress Press, 2003.

Homosexuality and Religion by Richard Hasbany. Haworth Press, 2003.

Homosexuality and the Bible: Two Views by Robert A. J. Gagnon and Dan O. Via. Fortress Press, 2003.

Homosexuality and the Church of Jesus Christ: Understanding Homosexuality according to the Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by A. Dean Byrd. Cedar Fort, Incorporated/C F I Distribution, 2001.

Homosexuality, Science, and the "Plain Sense" of Scripture edited by David L. Balch. W.B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2000.

Homosexuality : The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate by Stanton L. Jones, Mark A. Yarhouse. Intervarsity Press, 2000.

Indecent Theology: Theological Perversions in Sex, Gender, and Politics by Marcella Althaus-Reid. Routledge, 2000.

Know My Name: a Gay Liberation Theology by Richard Cleaver. 1st edition. Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.

Listening to the Spirit: A Handbook for Discernment: "What Is the Gospel Message to Our Church as We Relate to Gay and Lesbian Christians?" by William O. Paulsell. Chalice Press, 2002.

Lord Given Lovers : The Holy Union of David & Jonathan by Christopher A. Hubble. iUniverse, Inc. 2003.

Love, Honor & Respect : How to Confront Homosexual Bias and Violence in Christian Culture by Bob Buchanan. Writers Club Press, 2000.

LoveLife: Confessions of a Gay Romantic by Marc Adams. Willow Books, 2004.

The Loyal Opposition: Struggling with the Church on Homosexuality edited by Tex Sample and Amy E. DeLong. Abingdon Press, 2000.

The Man Jesus Loved: Homoerotic Narratives from the New Testament by Theodore W. Jennings, Jr. Pilgrim Pr; 2003.

Many Members, Yet One Body: Committed Same-Gender Relationships and the Mission of the Church by Craig L. Nessan. Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2003.

Married in the Sight of God: Theology, Ethics, and Church Debates over Homosexuality by Christian Batalden Scharen. University Press of America, 2000.

No Exceptions: A Gay Christian's Guide by Victoria M. St. Christopher and Koz St. Christopher. 2nd ed. Creative Works Publishing, 2000.

Oh God!: A Black Woman's Guide to Sex and Spirituality by Susan Newman. Ballantine Publishing Group, 2002.

Omnigender: A Trans-religious Approach by Virginia Ramey Mollenkott. Pilgrim Press, 2001.

Out of the Closet and Into the Light: Clearing up the Myths and Giving Answers About Gays and Lesbians by Jerry Stephenson. iUniverse, 2000.

Our God Too : Biography of a Church and a Temple by Tom Swicegood. iUniverse, Inc., 2003.

Praying from the Margins: Gospel Reflections of a Gay Man by Glen O'Brien. Columbia Press, 2003.

The Queer God by Marcella Althaus-Reid. Routledge, 2003.

Queer Theology: Rethinking the Western Body by Gerard Loughlin. Blackwell Publishers, 2005.

Queeries: Questions Lesbians and Gays Have for God by Michael S. Piazza. Sources of Hope Publishing, 2003.

Queering Christ: Beyond Jesus Acted Up by Robert E. Goss. Pilgrim Pr, 2002.

Queering Creole Spiritual Traditions: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Participation in African Inspired Traditions in the Americas by Randy P. Conner and David Hatfield Sparks. Harrington Park Pr; May 2004.

Qu(e)erying Evangelism: Growing a Community From the Outside In by Cheri Dinovo. Pilgrim Press, 2005.

A Question of Truth: Christianity and Homosexuality by Gareth Moore. Continuum Pub Group, 2003.

Re-Creations: Religion and Spirituality in the Lives of Queer People by Catherine Lake (Editor). AAA, 2001.

Restoried Selves: Autobiographies of Queer Asian-Pacific-American Activists by Kevin K. Kumashiro. Taylor & Francis, 2003.

Sacred Journeys: A Pastor's Memoir with Spiritual Reflections by Paul Whiting. iUniverse, 2004.

Science, Scripture, and Homosexuality by Alice Ogden Bellis and Terry L. Hufford. Pilgrim Press, 2002.

Sexual Theologian: Essays on Sex, God and Politics (Queering Theology) edited by Marcella Althaus-Reid and Lisa Isherwood. T. & T. Clark Publishers, 2005.

Shaping Sanctuary: Proclaiming God's Grace in an Inclusive Church compiled and edited by Kelly Turney. Reconciling Congregation Program, 2000.

Stings of the Flesh: Essays on Being Christian and Gay by Robert Klein Engler. Xlibris Corporation, 2001.

Stranger Next Door: The Story of a Small Community's Battle over Sex, Faith, and Civil Rights by Arlene Stein. Beacon Press, 2002.

Straightforward: How to Mobilize Heterosexual Support for Gay Rights by Ian Ayres and Jennifer Gerarda Brown. Princeton University Press, 2005.

Talking About Homosexuality: A Congregational Resource (Holy Conversations: A Congregational Resource) by Karen P. Oliveto, et al. Pilgrim Press, 2005.

Together in Love: Faith Stories of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Couples by Roberta Showalter Kreider. Strategic Press, 2002.

Trans-Gendered: Theology, Ministry, and Communities of Faith by Justin Edward Tanis. Pilgrim Press, 2003.

Transgendering Faith: Identity, Sexuality, and Spirituality by Leanne McCall Tigert and Maren C. Tirabassi, eds. Pilgrim Press, 2004.

The Way Forward? Christian Voices on Homosexuality and the Church by Timothy Bradshaw, ed. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2003.

Weathering change: gays and lesbians, Christian conservatives, and everyday hostilities by Thomas J. Linneman. New York University, 2003.

Where The Edge Gathers: Building A Community Of Radical Inclusion by Yvette A. Flunder. Pilgrim Press, 2005.

Will the Gay Issue Go Away? by Carl L. Jech. PublishAmerica, 2002.

Witness: Gay and Lesbian Clergy Report from the Front by Dann Hazel. 1st ed. Westminster John Knox Press, 2000.

The Work of a Gay College Chaplain: Becoming Ourselves in the Company of Others by Gary David Comstock. Harrington Park Press, 2001.

Wounded in the Name of God by Brent Coleman. Metanoia Press, 2001.

Roman Catholic Traditions

Acts of Faith, Acts of Love: Gay Catholic Autobiographies As Sacred Texts by Dugan McGinley. Continuum Pub Group; (April 2004).

Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments Catholic and Gay by James Alison. Crossroad Publishing Company, 2001.

Fortunate Families: Catholic Families with Lesbian Daughters and Gay Sons by Mary Ellen Lopata and Casey Lopata. Trafford Publishing, 2003.

Homosexuality: A Positive Catholic Perspective: Questions and Answers About Gay/Lesbian Life by New Ways Ministry. New Ways Ministry; 3rd Revision edition, 2003.

On Being Liked by James Alison. Crossroad Publishing Co., 2004.

Priests in Love: Roman Catholic Clergy and Their Intimate Relationships by Jane Anderson. Continuum, 2005.

A Question of Truth: Christianity and Homosexuality by Gareth Moore . Continuum International Publishing Group, 2003.

Sanctity and Male Desire: a Gay Reading of Saints by Daniel L. Boisvert. Pilgrim Press, 2004.

Sex and Heaven: Catholics in Bed and at Prayer by John Portmann. Palgrave Macmillan, 1st edition, 2003.

Sexual Diversity and Catholicism: Toward the Development of Moral Theology edited by Patricia Beattie Jung with Joseph Andrew Coray. Liturgical Press, 2001.

Sexuality and Catholicism: Abortion, Homosexuality, Women and the Church, Birth Control, Clergy and Sex Abuse, Carnal Love, Celibacy, Population Control by Thomas C. Fox. George Braziller Publishers, 2000.

The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism by Mark D. Jordan. University of Chicago Press, 2000.

Sons of the Church: the Witnessing of Gay Catholic Men by Thomas B. Stevenson. Haworth Press, 2005.

Telling Truths in Church: Scandal, Flesh, and Christian Speech by Mark D. Jordan. Beacon Press, 2003.

Unwanted Wisdom: Suffering, the Cross, and Hope by Paul Crowley. Continuum, 2005.

With Listening Hearts: Understanding the Voices of Lesbian and Gay Catholics by Peter J. Liuzzi; foreword by Stephen E. Blaire. Paulist Press, 2001.

Personal Narratives

Being Gay and Lesbian in a Catholic High School: Beyond the Uniform by Michael J. Maher. Haworth Press, 2001.

Broken Fever: Reflections of Gay Boyhood by James Morrison. St. Martin's Press, 2002.

Gay Face of God by Bruce Simpson. Third Millennium Publications, 2004.

The High Priesthood of Being Gay: An Ontology by James Hagerty. Factor Press, 2000.

Protestant Traditions

Church at war: Anglicans and homosexuality by Stephen Bates. I. B. Tauris & Company, Limited, September 2004.

Fractured Dance: Gadamer and a Mennonite Conflict over Homosexuality by Michael A. King and Herbert Simons. Pandora Press U. S., 2001.

Gays And the Future of Anglicanism by Andrew Linzey and Richard Kirker. O Books, 2005.

People of a Compassionate God: Creating Welcoming Congregations by Janet F. Fishburn. Abingdon Press, 2003.

Where the Spirit Leads: The Evolving Views of United Methodists on Homosexuality by James Rutland Wood. Abingdon Press, 2000.

A Whosoever Church: Welcoming Lesbians and Gay Men into African American Congregations by Gary David Comstock. 1st ed. Westminster John Knox Press, 2001.

Personal Narratives

Called Into Ministry: To Be a Good and Faithful Pastor: Reflections of a Partnered Lesbian by Mary Albing. Kirk House Publishers, 2004.

Commitment: Love, Sex, Marriage, and My Family by Dan Savage. Penguin, 2005.

Escaping God's Closet: The Revelations of a Queer Priest by Bernard Duncan and Duncan Mayes. University Press of Virginia, 2001.

From Wounded Hearts: Faith Stories Of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender People And Those Who Love Them by Roberta Showalter Kreider (Editor). Strategic Press, 2003.

Gift of the Soul: A Spiritual Journey by Dale Colclasure and David Jensen. Rainbow Pride Press, 2002.

God Loves Faggots, Tooby Debra A. Self. PublishAmerica, Inc., 2004.

Julian Rush-Facing the Music: A Gay Methodist Minister’s Story by Lee Hart Merrick (as told to). Writers Club Press, 2001

Love Lifted Me: In Spite of the Church by K. Godfrey Easter. LLM Publishing Group, 2002.

Spirituality of Men: Sixteen Christians Write about Their Faith by Philip L. Culbertson. Augsburg Fortress, Publishers, 2001.

Stings of the Flesh: Essays on Being Christian and Gay by Robert Klein Engler. Xlibris Corporation, 2001.

Subversive Devotions: A Journey into Divine Pleasure and Power by Pat Youngdahl. Harren Communications Llc., 2003.

Surprised By Peace by Mary Britton. PressOn Publications, 2002.

This Far by Grace: A Bishop's Journey Through Questions About Homosexuality by J. Neil Alexander. Cowley Publications, 2004.

Bible Interpretation

The Bible and Homosexual Practice : Texts and Hermeneutics by Robert A. J. Gagnon. Abingdon Press, 2001.

A Biblical Defense Guide for Gays, Lesbians and Those Who Love Them by Craig Bettendorf. Trafford Publishing, 2005.

The Children Are Free: Reexamining the Biblical Evidence on Same-sex Relationships by Jeff Miner, John Tyler Connoley, and David Squire. Jesus Metropolitan Community Church, 2002.

Christianity and Homosexuality by Gareth Moore. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2002.

The Closet Door Has Swung Open: What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality and the Gay Rights Movement in America by Understanding For Life Ministries, 2003.

Gay and Lesbian Theologies: Repetitions with Critical Difference by Elizabeth Stuart. Ashgate Publishing, 2002.

Ghetto Religiosity II: Uncovering the Naked Truth by Khalil Amani. iUniverse, Inc., 2001.

God's Beauty Parlor: And Other Queer Spaces in and around the Bible by Stephen D. Moore. Contraversions. Stanford University Press, 2001.

The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart by Peter J. Gomes. Harper SanFrancisco, 2002.

Homosexuality: Biblical Interpretation and Moral Discernment by Willard M. Swartley. Herald Pr, 2003.

Homosexuality, Science, and the "Plain Sense" of Scripture edited by David L. Balch. W.B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2000.

Lord Given Lovers: the Holy Union of David and Jonathan by Christopher Hubble. iUniverse Incorporated, 2003.

More Than Meets The Eye: The Campaign To Control Gender Translation In Bibles by A. Nyland. Smith & Stirling Publishing, 2004.

Over the Wall: What the Bible Does Not Say About Homosexuality by Tom Allen. Authorhouse, 2005.

Practicing Safer Texts: Food, Sex and Bible in Queer Perspective (Queering Theology) by Ken Stone. T. & T. Clark Publishers, 2005.

Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. Supplement Series, 334) by Ken Stone (Editor). Pilgrim Pr, 2001.

Reclaiming the Sacred: The Bible in Gay and Lesbian Literature by Raymond-Jean Frontain and Michael R. Rotblatt. Haworth Press; 2nd edition, 2003.

The Sins of Scripture by John Shelby Spong. HarperCollins, 2005.

Sodomy: A History of a Christian Biblical Myth (Bible World Series) by Michael Carden and Philip R. Davies. Equinox Publishing, 2004.

Steps to Recovery from Bible Abuse by Rembert S. Truluck. Chi Rho Press, 2000.

The Subversive Gospel: A New Testament Commentary of Liberation by Tom Hanks; translated from the Spanish by John P. Doner. Pilgrim Press, 2001.

Take Back the Word: A Queer Reading of the Bible edited by Robert E. Goss and Mona West. Pilgrim Press, 2000.

To Continue the Dialogue: Biblical Interpretation and Homosexuality edited by C. Norman Kraus. Pandora, 2001.

What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality by Daniel Helminiak. Alamo Square Press, 2000. (new ed.)

Devotional Literature

A Book of Prayer for Gay and Lesbian Christians by William G. Storey. Crossroad/Herder & Herder, 2002.

Courage to Love: Liturgies for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community by Geoffrey Duncan. Pilgrim Press, 2002.

For Another Flock: Daily Advent and Christmas Meditations For Gay And Lesbian Christians by Jeffrey Lea. 2005.

I Am This One Walking Beside Me: Meditations Of An Hiv Positive Gay Man by Daniel Gebhardt. Pilgrim Press, 2005.

Out on Holy Ground: Meditations on Gay Men's Spirituality by Donald L. Boisvert. Pilgrim Press, 2000.

Passionate Holiness: Marginalized Christian Devotions For Distinctive Peoples by Dennis O'Neill. Trafford Publishing, 2005.

Reconciling Journey: A Devotional Workbook for Lesbian and Gay Christians by Michal Anne Pepper. Pilgrim Pr, 2003.

Reformation of the Heart: Seasonal Meditations by a Gay Christian by Chris Glaser. 1st ed. Westminster John Knox Press, 2001.

Pastoral Care & Counseling

Black, Gay, and Christian: An Inspirational Guidebook to Daily Living by Herndon L. Davis. Davis, Lett & Associates; Media Publishing Division, Atlanta, 2004.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients by Christopher R. Martell, Steven A. Safren, and Stacey E. Prince. Guilford Press, 2003.

Pastoral Care and Counseling in Sexual Diversity by A.B. Malony and H. Newton. Haworth Press, 2001.

Pastoral Care of Gays, Lesbians and Their Families by David K. Switzer. Augsburg Fortress, Publishers, 2000.

Jewish Traditions

Found Tribe: Jewish Coming Out Stories by Lawrence Schimel. Sherman Asher Pub., 2002.

Gay Synagogue in New York by Moshe Shokeid. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002.

The Jewish Tradition, Sexuality, and Procreation by Lewis D. Solomon. Rowman & Littlefield, 2002.

Judaism and Homosexuality: An Authentic Orthodox View by Rabbi Chaim Rapoport. Vallentine Mitchell, 2004.

Judaism For Two: A Spiritual Guide for Strengthening and Celebrating Your Loving Relationship by Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer, Nancy H. Wiener, and Elliot N. Dorff. Jewish Lights Publishing, 2005.

Kosher Meat by Lawrence Schimel. Sherman Asher Publishing, 2001.

Lesbian Rabbis: the First Generation by Rebecca Alpert, Shirley Idelson, and Ellen Sue Elwell. Rutgers University Press, 2001.

Mentsh: On Being Jewish and Queer by Angela Brown. Alyson Publications, 2004.

Queer Jews by David Shneer (Editor) and Caryn Aviv (Editor). Routledge, 2002.

Queer Theory and the Jewish Question by Daniel Boyarin, ed. Columbia University Press, 2003.

Wrestling with God and Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition by Steven Greenberg. University of Wisconsin Press; 1st edition, 2004.

Personal Narratives

Coming Home: A Woman's Story of Conversion to Judaism by Linda M. Shires. Westview Press, 2003.

Independence Park: The Lives of Gay Men in Israel (Contraversions: Jews and Other Differences) by Amir Fink and Jacob Press. Stanford University Press, 2000.

An Underground Life: Memoirs of a Gay Jew in Nazi Berlin by Gad Beck Allison Brown (Translator). University of Wisconsin Press, 2000.

Eastern Religious Traditions

The Man Who Was a Woman and Other Queer Tales of Hindu Lore (Haworth Gay & Lesbian Studies) by Devdutt Pattanaik. Haworth, 2001.

Queer Dharma: Voices of Gay Buddhists, Volume 2 edited by Winston Leyland. Gay Sunshine Press, 2000.

Queer Nations: Marginal Sexualities in the Maghreb by Jarrod Hayes. University of Chicago Press, 2000.

Queering India: Same-Sex Love and Eroticism in Indian Culture and Society by Ruth Vanita. Routledge, 2001.

Tritiya-Prakriti: People of the Third Sex by Amara Wilhelm. Xlibris Corporation, 2004.

Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Christian Science: Its Encounter With Lesbian/Gay America by Bruce Stores. iUniverse, Inc., 2004.

Dating the Greek Gods : Empowering Spiritual Messages on Sex and Love, Creativity and Wisdom by Brad Gooch. Simon & Schuster, 2003.

Essays on Gay Tantra by William Schindler. Xlibris Corporation, 2001.

Essential Gay Mystics by Andrew Harvey. Pilgrim Press/United Church Press, 2001.

Gay Astrology: the Complete Relationship Guide for Gay Men by Michael Yawney. Warner Books, 2001.

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Myths from the Acoma to the Zuani: An Anthology by Jim Elledge (Editor). Peter Lang Publishing, 2001.

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Myths from the Arapaho to the Zuñi (American Indian Studies v. 13) by Jim Elledge, ed. Peter Lang, 2002.

The Gay Man's Kama Sutra by Kat Harding. Thomas Dunne Books, 2004.

Gay Mysticism: Ecstasy and Transfiguration Through Divine Love by Andrew Harvey. Sounds True, 2000.

Gay Tantra by William Schindler. Xlibris Corporation, 2001.

The Gay Wicca Book by Bruce KI. Wilborn. Barricade Books, 2002.

Gay Witchcraft: Empowering the Tribe by Christopher Penczak. Weiser Books, 2003.

Handfasting and Wedding Rituals: Welcoming Hera's Blessing by Raven Kaldera, Tannin Schwartzstein, and Kaldera Tannin. Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 2003.

Jesus and the Shamanic Tradition of Same-Sex Love by Will Roscoe. Suspect Thoughts Press, 2004.

Love the Sin : Sexual Regulation and the Limits of Religious Tolerance by Janet R. Jakobsen and Ann Pellegrini. Beacon Press, 2004.

My Guru and His Disciple by Christopher Isherwood. University of Minnesota Press, 2001.

The Path of the Green Man: Gay Men, Wicca, and Living a Magical Life by Michael Thomas Ford. Kensington Publishing, 2005.

Queer God by Marcella Althaus-Reid. Routledge, 2003.

Revolutionary Voices: A Multicultural Queer Youth Anthology by Amy Sonnie (Editor). Alyson Publications, 2000.

Sexuality and the World's Religions by David W. Machacek and Melissa M. Wilcox. ABC-CLIO, 2003.

Tantra for Gay Men by Bruce Anderson. Alyson Publications., 2002.

Two Flutes Playing: A Spiritual Journeybook for Gay Men by Andrew Ramer, Foreward by Mark Thompson. Lethe Press. Rev. ed. 2005.

Ceremonies & Rituals


Blessing Same-Sex Unions: The Perils of Queer Romance and the Confusions of Christian Marriage by Mark D. Jordan. University of Chicago Press, 2005.

Civil Wars: A Battle for Gay Marriage by David Moats. Harcourt; 1st edition 2004.

Creating Civil Union: Opening Hearts and Minds by Linda Hollingdale. Common Humanity Press, 2002.

Equality Practice: Civil Unions and the Future of Gay Rights by William N. Eskridge. Routledge, 2001.

From This Day Forward: Commitment, Marriage, and Family in Lesbian and Gay Relationships by Gretchen A. Stiers. Palgrave Macmillan, paperback ed. 2000.

Gay & Lesbian Marriage & Family Reader: Analyses of Problems & Prospects for the 21st Century by Jennifer M. Lehmann. Gordian Knot Books, 2001.

Gay and Lesbian Weddings by David Toussaint. Ballantine Books Random House, 2004.

Gay Marriage (At Issue Series) by Bonnie Szumski, Kate Burns, and Helen Conrath. Greenhaven Press, 2004.

Gay Marriage : Why It Is Good for Gays, Good for Straights, and Good for America by Jonathan Rauch. Times Books; 1st edition, 2004.

Gay Priest & the Woman Who Loves Her: the Pain and Promise of a Gay Marriage by Karen B. Hunter. Wicwas Press, 2004.

Gay Unions in Light of Scripture Tradition and Reason by Gray Temple. Church Publishing, 2004.

Just Married: Gay Marriage and the Expansion of Human Rights (Living Out: Gay and Lesbian Autobiographies) by Kevin Bourassa and Joe Varnell. University of Wisconsin Press; 1st edition, 2002.

Legalizing Gay Marriage: Vermont and the National Debate by Michael Mello. Temple University Press, August 2004.

Lesbian Rites: Symbolic Acts and the Power of Community by Ramona Faith Oswald and John C Worzbyt. Haworth Press, 2003.

The Long Arc of Justice: Lesbian and Gay Marriage, Rights, and Equality by Richard D. Mohr. Columbia University Press, 2005.

The "M" Word: Writers on Same-Sex Marriage by Kathy Pories. Algonquin Books, 2004.

Marriage and Same-Sex Unions : A Debate by Lynn D. Wardle, Mark Strasser, William C. Duncan, and David Orgon Coolidge. Praeger Publishers, 2003.

On Same-Sex Marriage, Civil Unions, and the Rule of Law: Constitutional Interpretation at the Crossroads by Mark Strasser. Praeger Publishers, 2002.

Same Sex Marriage: A Christian Ethical Analysis by Marvin Mahan Ellison. Pilgrim Pr, 2004.

Same-Sex Marriage and the Constitution by Evan Gerstmann. Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Same-sex Marriage in the United States: Focus on the Facts by Sean Cahill. Lexington Books, 2004.

Same-Sex Marriage: Pro and Con: A Reader by Andrew Sullivan. Vintage [Imprint] Knopf Publishing Group, Random House, 2004.

Same-Sex Marriage: Real Issues, Right Answers by Rick Godwin. Bridge-Logos Publishers, 2004.

Same-sex Marriage: The Moral and Legal Debate by Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum, eds. Prometheus Books, 2004.

Same-Sex Marriage: the Personal and the Political by Kevin Alderson and Kathleen Lahey. Insomniac Press National Book Network [Distributor], 2004.

Same-sex Unions: Stories and Rites by Paul V. Marshall. Church Publishing, 2004.

Together Forever : Gay and Lesbian Marriage by Eric Marcus. DIANE Publishing Company, 2003.

We Do: a Celebration of Gay and Lesbian Marriage by Amy Rennert. Chronicle Books, 2004.

The Wedding : A Family's Coming Out Story by Douglas Wythe and Andrew Merling. Avon, 2000.

Welcome To The Gay Age by Johyn Kavanaugh. Wheatmark, Inc. 2004.

What God Has Joined Together? : A Christian Case for Gay Marriage by David G. Myers and Letha Dawson Scanzoni. HarperSanFrancisco, 2005.

What Is Marriage For? by E. J. Graff. Beacon Press, 2000.

Why Marriage? The History Shaping Today's Debate Over Gay Equality by George Chauncey. Basic Books, 2004.

Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality, and Gay People's Right to Marry by Evan Wolfson. Simon & Schuster, 2004.

Why You Should Give a Damn about Gay Marriage by Davina Kotulski. Alyson Publications, 2004.

Historical Scholarship

Before Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World, 1500-1800 by Khaled El-Rouayheb. University of Chicago Press, 2005.

The Crucifixion of Hyacinth : Jews, Christians, and Homosexuals from Classical Greece to Late Antiquity by Geoff Puterbaugh, Wayne R. Dynes (Preface)., 2000.

The Friend by Alan Bray. University of Chicago Press, 2003.

Homoeroticism in the Biblical World: A Historical Perspective by Martti Nissinen and Kirsi Stjerna. Augsburg Fortress, 2004.

Homophobia: A History by Byrne R. Fone. Picador USA, 2000.

Jacob's Wound: Homoerotic Narrative In The Literature Of Ancient Israel by Theodore W. Jennings, Jr. Continuum, 2005.

Knocking on Heaven's Door: American Religion in the Age of Counterculture by Mark Oppenheimer. Yale University Press, 2003.

Men, Homosexuality, and the Gods: An Exploration into the Religious Significance of Male Homosexuality in World Perspective by Ronald E. Long. Harrington Park Pr, August 2004.

Queering the Middle Ages by Glenn Burger (Editor) and Steven F. Kruger (Editor). University of Minnesota Press 2001.

Same Sex Desire in Victorian Religious Culture by Frederick S. Roden. Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

Same-Sex Dynamics Among 19th Century Americans: A Mormon Example by D. Michael Quinn. Univ of Illinois Pr., Reprint edition, 2001.

A Special Illumination: Authority, Inspiration and Heresy in Gay Spirituality by Rollan McCleary. David Brown Book Co., 2004.

Strangers: Homosexual Love in the Nineteenth Century by Graham Robb. W. W. Norton, 2003.

When Heroes Love: Eros In The Stories Of Gilgamesh And David (Gender, Theory, and Religion) by Susan Ackerman. Columbia University Press, 2005.

DVD Titles

All God’s Children: Can We Have Faith in a System that Doesn’t Always Have Faith in Us? Heartland Men’s Chorus. Narrated by Dr. Mel White. (DVD). 60 minutes? DVD release 2005. Musical documentary. (The second in a series of "musical documentaries," a unique program format that weaves together narrative, visuals, and music to tell the stories of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people and deals with relevant social issues. This DVD explores the experiences GLBT people have had with organized religion and the ways that communities of faith have dealt with the issues confronting the GLBT community.)

Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World. Director: John Scagliotti. Narrated by Janeane Garofalo. (DVD). 60 minutes. First Run Features. DVD release 2005. Documentary. (The first documentary to deeply explore the lives of gay and lesbian people in non-western cultures. Traveling to five different continents, we hear the heartbreaking and triumphant stories of gays and lesbians from Egypt , Honduras , Kenya , Thailand , and elsewhere, where most occurrences of oppression receive no media coverage at all.)

Family Fundamentals. By Arthur Dong. (DVD). 75 minutes. Deep Focus Productions. DVD release 2003. Documentary. Sundance Film Festival selection 2002. (Includes gay rights, religious views on homosexuality, and parenting a gay son or daughter.)

In My Father's Church. A film by Charissa King-O'Brien. (DVD). 49 minutes. Women Who Make Movies. DVD release 2004. Documentary. (Lesbian filmmaker wants to marry in the United Methodist Church where her father is the pastor. Same-sex marriage.)

Out in the Heartland. By Gretchen Hildebran. (DVD). 18 minutes. Frameline. DVD release 2005. Documentary. (Anti-gay marriage amendment by mega-churches in Kentucky affects gay families. Film looks at long-term consequences for everyone.)

Pursuit of Equality. (2005) 80 minutes. Studio: Prerogatives. DVD release Sep. 2008. (SF Mayor Gavin Newson Decided To Issue Same Sex Licenses In 2004. Film focuses on the compelling human rights struggle surrounding same-sex marriage. This is the only film footage in the mayor’s chambers during this historical event.)

Trembling Before G-D (2001). Director: Sandi Simcha Dubowski. (DVD). 84 minutes. New Yorker Video. DVD release 2003. Documentary. (Personal stories of Hasidic and Orthodox Jews who are gay or lesbian.)

Tying the Knot. Directed by Jim De Seve. (DVD). 83 minutes. New Video DVD. DVD release 2005. Documentary. (Heterosexual marriage vs. same-sex marriage. Rights and privileges when a partner dies.)

A Union in Wait. By Ryan Butler. (DVD). 28 minutes. Frameline. DVD release 2001. Documentary. (Two women want to marry in a university chapel, but are turned away. Explores attitudes toward same-sex marriage in the South in the late 90s.)

Title Index

10 Spiritual Lessons for Successful Living for Gays and Lesbians (... and Everyone Else!): Discovering Positive Spirituality for Gays and Lesbians on the Journey of Faith by Metropolitan Community Churches. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Acts of Faith, Acts of Love: Gay Catholic Autobiographies As Sacred Texts by Dugan McGinley. Roman Catholic Traditions

Always My Child: A Parent's Guide to Understanding Your Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered or Questioning Son or Daughter by Kevin Jennings and Pat Shapiro. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Anglican Quilt: Resolving the Anglican Crisis Over Homosexuality by Robert Van de Weyer. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth by Wayne R. Besen. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Before Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World, 1500-1800 by Khaled El-Rouayheb. Historical Scholarship

Being Gay and Lesbian in a Catholic High School: Beyond the Uniform by Michael J. Maher. Roman Catholic Traditions: Personal Narratives

Below the Belt: Sexuality, Religion, and the American South by Angelia R. Wilson. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Between Sodom and Eden: A Gay Journey Through Today’s Changing Israel by Lee Walzer. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Beyond The Closet : Healing the Rift Between Gay People and the Church by Kye Faithfield. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Bible and Homosexual Practice : Texts and Hermeneutics by Robert A. J. Gagnon. Bible Interpretation

A Biblical Defense Guide for Gays, Lesbians and Those Who Love Them by Craig Bettendorf. Bible Interpretation

Black, Gay, and Christian: An Inspirational Guidebook to Daily Living by Herndon L. Davis. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Black, Gay, and Christian: An Inspirational Guidebook to Daily Living by Herndon L. Davis. Pastoral Care & Counseling

Blessed Bi Spirit: Bisexual People of Faith edited by Debra R. Kolodny. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Blessing Same-Sex Unions: The Perils of Queer Romance and the Confusions of Christian Marriage by Mark D. Jordan. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

A Book of Prayer for Gay and Lesbian Christians by William G. Storey. Devotional Literature

Broken Fever: Reflections of Gay Boyhood by James Morrison. Roman Catholic Traditions: Personal Narratives

Called Into Ministry: To Be a Good and Faithful Pastor: Reflections of a Partnered Lesbian by Mary Albing. Protestant Traditions: Personal Narratives

Calling the Rainbow Nation Home: A Story of Acceptance and Affirmation by E. T. Sundby. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Children Are Free: Reexamining the Biblical Evidence on Same-sex Relationships by Jeff Miner, John Tyler Connoley, and David Squire. Bible Interpretation

Christian Science: Its Encounter With Lesbian/Gay America by Bruce Stores. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Christianity and Homosexuality by Gareth Moore. Bible Interpretation

The Church and Homosexuality : Searching for a Middle Ground by Merton P. Strommen. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Church at war: Anglicans and homosexuality by Stephen Bates. Christian Traditions: General Surveys, and Protestant Traditions

A Church of Our Own: Disestablishment and Diversity in American Religionby R. Stephen Warner. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Church on the Margins: Living Christian Community by Mary R. Sawyer. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Civil Wars: A Battle for Gay Marriage by David Moats. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

The Closet Door Has Swung Open: What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality and the Gay Rights Movement in America by Understanding For Life Ministries. Bible Interpretation

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients by Christopher R. Martell, Steven A. Safren, and Stacey E. Prince. Pastoral Care & Counseling

Coming Home: A Woman's Story of Conversion to Judaism by Linda M. Shires. Jewish Traditions: Personal Narratives

Coming Out in Christianity: Religion, Identity, and Community by Melissa M. Wilcox. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Coming Out Young and Faithful edited by Leanne McCall Tigert and Timothy J. Brown. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Commitment: Love, Sex, Marriage, and My Family by Dan Savage Protestant Traditions: Personal Narratives

Community Organizing Against Homophobia and Heterosexism: The World Through Rainbow-Colored Glasses by Samantha Wehbi. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Conservative Christian Identity and Same-Sex Preference: The Case of Gay Mormons by Rick Phillips. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Cost of Truth: Faith Stories of Mennonite and Brethren Leaders and Those Who Might Have Been by Roberta Showalter Kreider. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Courage to Love: Liturgies for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community by Geoffrey Duncan. Devotional Literature

Creating Civil Union: Opening Hearts and Minds by Linda Hollingdale. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Crossing over and Coming Home: Twenty-One Authors Discuss the Gay Near-Death Experience as Spiritual Transformation by Melvin Morse. Liz Dale (Editor). Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Crossing over: Liberating the Transgendered Christian by Vanessa Sheridan. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Crucifixion of Hyacinth : Jews, Christians, and Homosexuals from Classical Greece to Late Antiquity by Geoff Puterbaugh, Wayne R. Dynes (Preface). Historical Scholarship

Dating the Greek Gods : Empowering Spiritual Messages on Sex and Love, Creativity and Wisdom by Brad Gooch. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Discerning the Word: The Bible and Homosexuality in Anglican Debate by Paul Gibson. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Disclosures : Conversations Gay and Spiritual by Michael Ford. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Divine Sex: Liberating Sex from Religious Tradition by Philo Thelos. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Do It Yourself by Marcella Althaus-Reid and Lisa Isherwood. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Equality Practice: Civil Unions and the Future of Gay Rights by William N. Eskridge. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Escaping God's Closet: The Revelations of a Queer Priest by Bernard Duncan and Duncan Mayes. Protestant Traditions: Personal Narratives

Essays on Gay Tantra by William Schindler. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Essential Gay Mystics by Andrew Harvey. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Exile or Embrace?: Congregations Discerning Their Response to Lesbian And Gay Christians by Mahan Siler. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Exploding Mystery: A Queer Science of the Sacraments (Queering Theology) by Elizabeth Stuart. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments Catholic and Gay by James Alison. Roman Catholic Traditions

Faithful Conversation: Christian Perspectives on Homosexuality by James M. Childs, Jr. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

For Another Flock: Daily Advent and Christmas Meditations For Gay And Lesbian Christians by Jeffrey Lea. Devotional Literature

Fortunate Families: Catholic Families with Lesbian Daughters and Gay Sons by Mary Ellen Lopata and Casey Lopata. Roman Catholic Traditions

Found Tribe: Jewish Coming Out Stories by Lawrence Schimel. Jewish Traditions

Fractured Dance: Gadamer and a Mennonite Conflict over Homosexuality by Michael A. King and Herbert Simons. Protestant Traditions

The Friend by Alan Bray. Historical Scholarship

From This Day Forward: Commitment, Marriage, and Family in Lesbian and Gay Relationships by Gretchen A. Stiers. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

From Wounded Hearts: Faith Stories Of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender People And Those Who Love Them by Roberta Showalter Kreider (Editor). Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Fundamentals of Extremism: the Christian Right in America by Kimberly Blaker. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Myths from the Arapaho to the Zuñi (American Indian Studies v. 13) by Jim Elledge. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Gay & Lesbian Marriage & Family Reader: Analyses of Problems & Prospects for the 21st Century by Jennifer M. Lehmann. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Gay and Lesbian Theologies: Repetitions with Critical Difference by Elizabeth Stuart. Bible Interpretation

Gay and Lesbian Weddings by David Toussaint. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Gay Astrology: the Complete Relationship Guide for Gay Men by Michael Yawney. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Gay Face of God by Bruce Simpson. Roman Catholic Traditions: Personal Narratives

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Myths from the Acoma to the Zuani: An Anthology by Jim Elledge (Editor). Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

The Gay Man's Kama Sutra by Kat Harding. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Gay Marriage (At Issue Series) by Bonnie Szumski, Kate Burns, and Helen Conrath. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Gay Marriage : Why It Is Good for Gays, Good for Straights, and Good for America by Jonathan Rauch. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Gay Mysticism: Ecstasy and Transfiguration Through Divine Love by Andrew Harvey. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Gay Perspective: Things Our Homosexuality Tells Us About the Nature of God and the Universe by Toby Johnson and Edwin Clark Johnson. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Gay Priest & the Woman Who Loves Her: the Pain and Promise of a Gay Marriage by Karen B. Hunter. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Gay Religion by Scott Thumma. Rowman & Littlefield. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Gay Spirit: Myth and Meaning (White Crane Spirituality) by Mark Thompson (Editor). Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Gay Spirituality: The Role of Gay Identity in the Transformation of Human Consciousness by Edwin Clark (Toby) Johnson. 1st ed. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Gay Synagogue in New York by Moshe Shokeid. Jewish Traditions

Gay Tantra by William Schindler. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Gay Unions in Light of Scripture Tradition and Reason by Gray Temple. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

The Gay Wicca Book by Bruce KI. Wilborn. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Gay Witchcraft: Empowering the Tribe by Christopher Penczak. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Gays And the Future of Anglicanism by Andrew Linzey and Richard Kirker. Protestant Traditions

Get By: A Survival Guide for Black Gay Youth by Jonathan Jones. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Ghetto Religiosity II: Uncovering the Naked Truth by Khalil Amani. Bible Interpretation

Gift of the Soul: A Spiritual Journey by Dale Colclasure and David Jensen. Protestant Traditions: Personal Narratives

Gifted by Otherness: Gay and Lesbian Christians in the Church by L. William Countryman and M.R. Ritley. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

God and Gays by Sherry Hope. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

God Loves Faggots, Too by Debra A. Self. Protestant Traditions: Personal Narratives

God, Sex, and Politics: Homosexuality and Everyday Theologies by Dawne Moon. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

God's Beauty Parlor: And Other Queer Spaces in and around the Bible by Stephen D. Moore. Contraversions. Bible Interpretation

God's Other Children: A Spiritual Journey in Gay Life by Tara L. Molina. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart by Peter J. Gomes. Bible Interpretation

The Great Debate by Glenn Clark, Jr. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Handfasting and Wedding Rituals: Welcoming Hera's Blessing by Raven Kaldera, Tannin Schwartzstein, and Kaldera Tannin. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

The High Priesthood of Being Gay: An Ontology by James Hagerty. Roman Catholic Traditions: Personal Narratives

Homoeroticism in the Biblical World: A Historical Perspective by Martti Nissinen and Kirsi Stjerna. Historical Scholarship

Homophobia: A History by Byrne R. Fone. Historical Scholarship

Homosexuality: A Positive Catholic Perspective: Questions and Answers About Gay/Lesbian Life by New Ways Ministry. Roman Catholic Traditions

Homosexuality and Christian Faith: Questions of Conscience for the Churches by Walter Wink, editor. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Homosexuality and Religion by Richard Hasbany. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Homosexuality and the Bible: Two Views by Robert A. J. Gagnon and Dan O. Via. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Homosexuality and the Church of Jesus Christ: Understanding Homosexuality according to the Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by A. Dean Byrd. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Homosexuality: Biblical Interpretation and Moral Discernment by Willard M. Swartley. Bible Interpretation

Homosexuality, Science, and the "Plain Sense" of Scripture edited by David L. Balch. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Homosexuality, Science, and the "Plain Sense" of Scripture edited by David L. Balch. Bible Interpretation

Homosexuality : The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate by Stanton L. Jones, Mark A. Yarhouse. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

I Am This One Walking Beside Me: Meditations Of An Hiv Positive Gay Man by Daniel Gebhardt. Devotional Literature

Indecent Theology: Theological Perversions in Sex, Gender, and Politics by Marcella Althaus-Reid. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Independence Park: The Lives of Gay Men in Israel (Contraversions: Jews and Other Differences) by Amir Fink and Jacob Press. Jewish Traditions—Personal Narratives

Jacob's Wound: Homoerotic Narrative In The Literature Of Ancient Israel by Theodore W. Jennings, Jr. Historical Scholarship

Jesus and the Shamanic Tradition of Same-Sex Love by Will Roscoe. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

The Jewish Tradition, Sexuality, and Procreation by Lewis D. Solomon. Jewish Traditions

Judaism and Homosexuality: An Authentic Orthodox View by Rabbi Chaim Rapoport. Jewish Traditions

Judaism For Two: A Spiritual Guide for Strengthening and Celebrating Your Loving Relationship by Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer, Nancy H. Wiener, and Elliot N. Dorff. Jewish Traditions

Julian Rush-Facing the Music: A Gay Methodist Minister’s Story by Lee Hart Merrick. Protestant Traditions: Personal Narratives

Just Married: Gay Marriage and the Expansion of Human Rights (Living Out: Gay and Lesbian Autobiographies) by Kevin Bourassa and Joe Varnell. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Knocking on Heaven's Door: American Religion in the Age of Counterculture by Mark Oppenheimer. Historical Scholarship

Know My Name: a Gay Liberation Theology by Richard Cleaver. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Kosher Meat by Lawrence Schimel. Jewish Traditions

Legalizing Gay Marriage: Vermont and the National Debate by Michael Mello. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Lesbian Rabbis: the First Generation by Rebecca Alpert, Shirley Idelson, and Ellen Sue Elwell. Jewish Traditions

Lesbian Rites: Symbolic Acts and the Power of Community by Ramona Faith Oswald and John C Worzbyt. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Listening to the Spirit: A Handbook for Discernment: "What Is the Gospel Message to Our Church as We Relate to Gay and Lesbian Christians?" by William O. Paulsell. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Long Arc of Justice: Lesbian and Gay Marriage, Rights, and Equality by Richard D. Mohr. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Lord Given Lovers : The Holy Union of David & Jonathan by Christopher A. Hubble. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Lord Given Lovers: the Holy Union of David and Jonathan by Christopher A. Hubble. Bible Interpretation

Love, Honor & Respect : How to Confront Homosexual Bias and Violence in Christian Culture by Bob Buchanan. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Love Lifted Me: In Spite of the Church by K. Godfrey Easter. Protestant Traditions: Personal Narratives

Love the Sin : Sexual Regulation and the Limits of Religious Tolerance by Janet R. Jakobsen and Ann Pellegrini. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

LoveLife: Confessions of a Gay Romantic by Marc Adams. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Loyal Opposition: Struggling with the Church on Homosexuality edited by Tex Sample and Amy E. DeLong. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The "M" Word: Writers on Same-Sex Marriage by Kathy Pories. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

The Man Jesus Loved: Homoerotic Narratives from the New Testament by Theodore W. Jennings, Jr. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Man Who Was a Woman and Other Queer Tales of Hindu Lore (Haworth Gay & Lesbian Studies) by Devdutt Pattanaik. Eastern Religious Traditions

Many Members, Yet One Body: Committed Same-Gender Relationships and the Mission of the Church by Craig L. Nessan. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Marriage and Same-Sex Unions : A Debate by Lynn D. Wardle, Mark Strasser, William C. Duncan, and David Orgon Coolidge. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Married in the Sight of God: Theology, Ethics, and Church Debates over Homosexuality by Christian Batalden Scharen. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Men, Homosexuality, and the Gods: An Exploration into the Religious Significance of Male Homosexuality in World Perspective by Ronald E. Long. Historical Scholarship

Mentsh: On Being Jewish and Queer by Angela Brown. Jewish Traditions

More Than Meets The Eye: The Campaign To Control Gender Translation In Bibles by A. Nyland. Bible Interpretation

My Guru and His Disciple by Christopher Isherwood. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

No Exceptions: A Gay Christian's Guide by Victoria M. St. Christopher and Koz St. Christopher. 2nd ed. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Oh God!: A Black Woman's Guide to Sex and Spirituality by Susan Newman. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Omnigender: A Trans-religious Approach by Virginia Ramey Mollenkott. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

On Being Liked by James Alison. Roman Catholic Traditions

On Same-Sex Marriage, Civil Unions, and the Rule of Law: Constitutional Interpretation at the Crossroads by Mark Strasser. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Our God Too : Biography of a Church and a Temple by Tom Swicegood. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Out of the Closet and Into the Light: Clearing up the Myths and Giving Answers About Gays and Lesbians by Jerry Stephenson. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Out on Holy Ground: Meditations on Gay Men's Spirituality by Donald L. Boisvert. Devotional Literature

Over the Wall: What the Bible Does Not Say About Homosexuality by Tom Allen. Bible Interpretation

Passionate Holiness: Marginalized Christian Devotions For Distinctive Peoples by Dennis O'Neill. Devotional Literature

Pastoral Care and Counseling in Sexual Diversity by A.B. Malony and H. Newton. Pastoral Care & Counseling

Pastoral Care of Gays, Lesbians and Their Families by David K. Switzer. Pastoral Care & Counseling

The Path of the Green Man: Gay Men, Wicca, and Living a Magical Life by Michael Thomas Ford. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

People of a Compassionate God: Creating Welcoming Congregations by Janet F. Fishburn. Protestant Traditions

Practicing Safer Texts: Food, Sex and Bible in Queer Perspective (Queering Theology) by Ken Stone. Bible Interpretation

Praying from the Margins: Gospel Reflections of a Gay Man by Glen O'Brien. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Priests in Love: Roman Catholic Clergy and Their Intimate Relationships by Jane Anderson. Roman Catholic Traditions

Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. Supplement Series, 334) by Ken Stone (Editor). Bible Interpretation

Queer Dharma: Voices of Gay Buddhists, Volume 2 edited by Winston Leyland. Eastern Religious Traditions

The Queer God by Marcella Althaus-Reid. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Queer God by Marcella Althaus-Reid. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Queer Jews by David Shneer (Editor) and Caryn Aviv (Editor). Jewish Traditions

Queer Nations: Marginal Sexualities in the Maghreb by Jarrod Hayes. Eastern Religious Traditions

Queer Theology: Rethinking the Western Body by Gerard Loughlin. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Queer Theory and the Jewish Question by Daniel Boyarin, ed. Jewish Traditions

Queeries: Questions Lesbians and Gays Have for God by Michael S. Piazza. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Queering Christ: Beyond Jesus Acted Up by Robert E. Goss. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Queering Creole Spiritual Traditions: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Participation in African Inspired Traditions in the Americas by Randy P. Conner and David Hatfield Sparks. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Queering India: Same-Sex Love and Eroticism in Indian Culture and Society by Ruth Vanita. Eastern Religious Traditions

Queering the Middle Ages by Glenn Burger (Editor) and Steven F. Kruger (Editor). Historical Scholarship

Qu(e)erying Evangelism: Growing a Community From the Outside In by Cheri Dinovo. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

A Question of Truth: Christianity and Homosexuality by Gareth Moore. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

A Question of Truth: Christianity and Homosexuality by Gareth Moore. Roman Catholic Traditions

Reconciling Journey: A Devotional Workbook for Lesbian and Gay Christians by Michal Anne Pepper. Devotional Literature

Reclaiming the Sacred: The Bible in Gay and Lesbian Literature by Raymond-Jean Frontain and Michael R. Rotblatt. Bible Interpretation

Re-Creations: Religion and Spirituality in the Lives of Queer People by Catherine Lake (Editor). Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Reformation of the Heart: Seasonal Meditations by a Gay Christian by Chris Glaser. 1st ed. Devotional Literature

Restoried Selves: Autobiographies of Queer Asian-Pacific-American Activists by Kevin K. Kumashiro. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Revolutionary Voices: A Multicultural Queer Youth Anthology by Amy Sonnie (Editor). Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Sacred Journeys: A Pastor's Memoir with Spiritual Reflections by Paul Whiting. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Same Sex Desire in Victorian Religious Culture by Frederick S. Roden. Historical Scholarship

Same-Sex Dynamics Among 19th Century Americans: A Mormon Example by D. Michael Quinn. Historical Scholarship

Same Sex Marriage: A Christian Ethical Analysis by Marvin Mahan Ellison. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Same-Sex Marriage and the Constitution by Evan Gerstmann. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Same-sex Marriage in the United States: Focus on the Facts by Sean Cahill. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Same-Sex Marriage: Pro and Con: A Reader by Andrew Sullivan. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Same-Sex Marriage: Real Issues, Right Answers by Rick Godwin. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Same-sex Marriage: The Moral and Legal Debate by Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Same-Sex Marriage: the Personal and the Political by Kevin Alderson and Kathleen Lahey. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Same-sex Unions: Stories and Rites by Paul V. Marshall. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Sanctity and Male Desire: a Gay Reading of Saints by Daniel L. Boisvert. Roman Catholic Traditions

Science, Scripture, and Homosexuality by Alice Ogden Bellis and Terry L. Hufford. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Sex and Heaven: Catholics in Bed and at Prayer by John Portmann. Roman Catholic Traditions

Sexual Diversity and Catholicism: Toward the Development of Moral Theology edited by Patricia Beattie Jung with Joseph Andrew Coray. Roman Catholic Traditions

Sexual Theologian: Essays on Sex, God and Politics (Queering Theology) edited by Marcella Althaus-Reid and Lisa Isherwood. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Sexuality and Catholicism: Abortion, Homosexuality, Women and the Church, Birth Control, Clergy and Sex Abuse, Carnal Love, Celibacy, Population Control by Thomas C. Fox. Roman Catholic Traditions

Sexuality and the World's Religions by David W. Machacek and Melissa M. Wilcox. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Shaping Sanctuary: Proclaiming God's Grace in an Inclusive Church compiled and edited by Kelly Turney. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Sins of Scripture by John Shelby Spong. Bible Interpretation

The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism by Mark D. Jordan. Roman Catholic Traditions

Sodomy: A History of a Christian Biblical Myth (Bible World Series) by Michael Carden and Philip R. Davies. Bible Interpretation

Sons of the Church: the Witnessing of Gay Catholic Men by Thomas B. Stevenson. Roman Catholic Traditions

A Special Illumination: Authority, Inspiration and Heresy in Gay Spirituality by Rollan McCleary. Historical Scholarship

Spirituality of Men: Sixteen Christians Write about Their Faith by Philip L. Culbertson. Protestant Traditions: Personal Narratives

Steps to Recovery from Bible Abuse by Rembert S. Truluck. Bible Interpretation

Stings of the Flesh: Essays on Being Christian and Gay by Robert Klein Engler. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Stings of the Flesh: Essays on Being Christian and Gay by Robert Klein Engler. Protestant Traditions: Personal Narratives

Straightforward: How to Mobilize Heterosexual Support for Gay Rights by Ian Ayres and Jennifer Gerarda Brown. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Stranger Next Door: The Story of a Small Community's Battle over Sex, Faith, and Civil Rights by Arlene Stein. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Strangers: Homosexual Love in the Nineteenth Century by Graham Robb. Historical Scholarship

Subversive Devotions: A Journey into Divine Pleasure and Power by Pat Youngdahl. Protestant Traditions: Personal Narratives

The Subversive Gospel: A New Testament Commentary of Liberation by Tom Hanks; translated from the Spanish by John P. Doner. Bible Interpretation

Surprised By Peace by Mary Britton. Protestant Traditions: Personal Narratives

Take Back the Word: A Queer Reading of the Bible edited by Robert E. Goss and Mona West. Bible Interpretation

Talking About Homosexuality: A Congregational Resource (Holy Conversations: A Congregational Resource) by Karen P. Oliveto. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Tantra for Gay Men by Bruce Anderson. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Telling Truths in Church: Scandal, Flesh, and Christian Speech by Mark D. Jordan. Roman Catholic Traditions

This Far by Grace: A Bishop's Journey Through Questions About Homosexuality by J. Neil Alexander. Protestant Traditions: Personal Narratives

To Continue the Dialogue: Biblical Interpretation and Homosexuality edited by C. Norman Kraus. Bible Interpretation

Together Forever : Gay and Lesbian Marriage by Eric Marcus. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Together in Love: Faith Stories of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Couples by Roberta Showalter Kreider. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Trans-Gendered: Theology, Ministry, and Communities of Faith by Justin Edward Tanis. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Transgendering Faith: Identity, Sexuality, and Spirituality by Leanne McCall Tigert and Maren C. Tirabassi, eds. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Two Flutes Playing: A Spiritual Journeybook for Gay Men by Andrew Ramer. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

Tritiya-Prakriti: People of the Third Sex by Amara Wilhelm. Alternative Viewpoints & Journeys

An Underground Life: Memoirs of a Gay Jew in Nazi Berlin by Gad Beck Allison Brown (Translator). Jewish Traditions: Personal Narratives

Unwanted Wisdom: Suffering, the Cross, and Hope by Paul Crowley. Roman Catholic Traditions

The Way Forward? Christian Voices on Homosexuality and the Church by Timothy Bradshaw, ed. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

We Do: a Celebration of Gay and Lesbian Marriage by Amy Rennert. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Weathering change: gays and lesbians, Christian conservatives, and everyday hostilities by Thomas J. Linneman. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Wedding : A Family's Coming Out Story by Douglas Wythe and Andrew Merling. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Welcome To The Gay Age by Johyn Kavanaugh. Ceremonies & Rituals

What God Has Joined Together? : A Christian Case for Gay Marriage by David G. Myers and Letha Dawson Scanzoni. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

What Is Marriage For? by E. J. Graff. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality by Daniel Helminiak. Bible Interpretation

When Heroes Love: Eros In The Stories Of Gilgamesh And David (Gender, Theory, and Religion) by Susan Ackerman. Historical Scholarship

Where The Edge Gathers: Building A Community Of Radical Inclusion by Yvette A. Flunder. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Where the Spirit Leads: The Evolving Views of United Methodists on Homosexuality by James Rutland Wood. Protestant Traditions

A Whosoever Church: Welcoming Lesbians and Gay Men into African American Congregations by Gary David Comstock. Protestant Traditions

Why Marriage? The History Shaping Today's Debate Over Gay Equality by George Chauncey. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality, and Gay People's Right to Marry by Evan Wolfson. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Why You Should Give a Damn about Gay Marriage by Davina Kotulski. Ceremonies & Rituals: Marriage

Will the Gay Issue Go Away? by Carl L. Jech. PublishAmerica, 2002. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

With Listening Hearts: Understanding the Voices of Lesbian and Gay Catholics by Peter J. Liuzzi; foreword by Stephen E. Blaire. Roman Catholic Traditions

Witness: Gay and Lesbian Clergy Report from the Front by Dann Hazel. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

The Work of a Gay College Chaplain: Becoming Ourselves in the Company of Others by Gary David Comstock. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Wounded in the Name of God by Brent Coleman. Christian Traditions: General Surveys

Wrestling with God and Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition by Steven Greenberg. Jewish Traditions