Suggest a Title for the Stonewall Book Awards - Children's & Young Adult
This form can be used to suggest a title to the Stonewall Book Awards - Children’s and Young Adult Committee which selects the winner of the Mike Morgan and Larry Romans Children’s and Young Adult Literature Award and names honor books (as appropriate). The children’s and young adult literature award includes both fiction and non-fiction.
Anyone may suggest a title to the Stonewall Book Awards - Children’s and Young Adult Committee members for consideration. However, the publisher of a proposed title, agents or representatives of the author, or anyone else who may stand to gain directly from the nomination of the book should disclose this information via the form below. All suggestions must be submitted by the deadline of December 1st. Books themselves must also be received by December 1st. If a book will be published after December 1st but before December 31st, the committee may accept a galley copy or an ebook. The deadline to receive the completed Author and Publication Information Verification form is December 31st.
About the Stonewall Book Awards
The Stonewall Book Awards of the American Library Association are given annually to English-language books of exceptional merit relating to the LGBTQIA+ experience. The awards are given to works published in the United States in the previous calendar year, although works published elsewhere may be considered. Re-printings of previously published books will not be considered. Substantially changed new editions of previously published works and English translations of foreign-language books are eligible for the awards.
The Book Award Committee announces the winners at the American Library Association (ALA) LibLearnX (LLX), usually held in January. The awards, which consist of a commemorative plaque and a cash award of $1000, are presented to the winning authors or editors at the ALA Annual Conference, held in June or July. Honor authors receive a certificate and no cash award.
Awards are made in three categories: adult literature, adult nonfiction and children's and young adult literature. Use the form below to suggest titles for the children's and young adult literature category, adult literature and adult non-fiction titles should be suggested separately.