RMRT Board Member Nomination and Volunteer Form

For consideration for 2025-26 appointments, the online volunteer form must be submitted by March 1, 2025. Most appointments will be finalized before April 1, 2025. Terms begin following the close of the ALA Annual Conference.

Committee members must:

  1. Be a member of RMRT
  2. Anticipate attending the Annual Conference during the term of office unless the meetings are to be held virtually.
  3. Must be able and willing to conduct the work of the committee or board position between conferences.
Will you attend the ALA MidWinter Meeting AND Annual Conference during your committee term?
Which RMRT Committee are you interested in serving on?
Are you interested only in serving virtually on a committee?
Are you interested in serving as an intern on a committee?
Are you interested in serving as a committee chair?
There is a limit of 3 concurrent committee appointments/offices for ALA members. Would this committee appointment be allowed under that cap?