RMRT Member Spotlight

Each month we highlight one of our members, to get to know each other better and gain some great insight to retirement.
Michele Lauer-Bader

We highlight one of our members each month to get to know our group a little better!

This month's member: Michele Lauer-Bader

Michele (or Shelly as she likes to be called) is the current Chair of RMRT. Her position will become the Chair of the Nominations Committee for RMRT beginning July 2024.

Q: What made you decide to go into Library Sciences?

A: I had a wonderful high school librarian that I admired. I worked in the library and she allowed me to order books and see behind the scenes. (I also decided against law school because I didn't want to spend the next 3 years in school!) I graduated from the University of Maryland.

Q: What sort of positions have you held with Libraries?

A: I spent 24 years as a children's librarian in Maryland and New York/Long Island, most of it as the head of the Children's Department. I was promoted to Assistant Director and then moved to a library closer to home as the Assistant Director and became library Director in 2003, retiring in 2014.

Q: What was your favorite part of working professionally?

A: Knowing that librarians and libraries make a difference connecting kids with materials that they were interested in.

Q: How many years did you work before you retired?

A: 42 years.

Q: What made you decide to join RMRT?

A: Wanting to stay connected to libraries, the warm welcome I received.

Q: What are some activities and offices you've held with RMRT?

A: Membership Chair, Vice Chair, Chair

Q: What's your favorite part of being in RMRT?

A: The people.

Q: What sort of activities are you involved with outside of RMRT?

A: I serve on 5 boards (including RMRT), volunteer at the food pantry, belong to a book group for more than 20 years, walk my dog Sophie, travel, visit my kids, spend 2 weeks every summer since 1981 at Star Island, Isle of Shoals, New Hampshire.

Q: What's your favorite part of being retired?

A: Not rushing in the morning, taking my time over coffee and the puzzles.

Q: What sort of advice do you have for a new member of ALA?

A: Get involve, learn from others, find a mentor.

Q: What sort of advice do you have for a new Retiree?

A: Plan ahead, try things, settle on a few.