Outcomes Measurement
Core Webinar: Small Library Assessment Hills You Can Climb
CHICAGO –Core will host the webinar “Small Library Assessment Hills You Can Climb” on July 25, 2023, at 1 p.m. CT. The presenters, all experienced library assessment specialists, will briefly describe the landscape of library assessment, why we do...
Core Webinar: Visualizing and Assessing Library Data
CHICAGO –Core hosts the webinar “Visualizing and Assessing Library Data” on October 18, 2022, at 1 p.m. CT. Visualizing data can provide instant and effective storytelling. With library data, you can instantly explore usage stats, collection facts, and...
ALA Committee on Education seeks feedback on newly revised ALA Core Competences
Library professionals are working in environments fueled by rapid advances in technology, social change, funding challenges, and changing user needs. Therefore, the roles, capabilities, and expectations of library professionals are changing as well. The...
Discover the Role Human Behavior Plays in Designing Your Library with this Core webinar on February 23, 2021
This webinar discusses the different behavior and work patterns we have observed over our 30+ years of designing for libraries and public spaces as well as some of the best solutions for addressing those patterns. Designing for human behavior looks at the...
PLA announces webinars on health insurance education, measuring libraries' impact
CHICAGO – Today, the Public Library Association (PLA) announced two free webinars to take place in November. The first, Reaching the Uninsured: Libraries Work to Reduce Disparities in Health Insurance Coverage, will be held Tuesday, Nov. 19, from 1–2 p.m...
Upcoming free webinar focuses on data-visualization techniques
CHICAGO -- The Public Library Association (PLA) will present a webinar next month designed to help public library professionals apply data-visualization techniques to their work. The webinar is presented as part of PLA's Performance Measurement Initiative...
PLA, NNLM expand strategic partnership through consumer health programming survey
CHICAGO — The Public Library Association (PLA) has added another collaborative project to its ongoing partnership with the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM), a program of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). Through this partnership, PLA...
PLA opens Public Library Data Service survey for Fiscal 2018
CHICAGO — All public libraries in the U.S. and Canada are invited to complete an important survey, which collects important information on public libraries' finances, resources, service usage and technology from Fiscal Year 2018. A summary of the survey...
July webinar explores data-collection methods for outcomes measurement
CHICAGO – This month, the Public Library Association (PLA) will host a webinar intended to help library workers understand different data-collection methods that can be used to measure outcomes. This webinar, Beyond Surveys: How to Measure Outcomes Using...
The Chief Data Officer's Playbook
CHICAGO — The new and rapidly expanding role of the Chief Data Officer (CDO) is of significant interest and relevance to organizations and data professionals internationally. Written by Caroline Carruthers and Peter Jackson, both practicing CDOs, “ The...
January Project Outcome webinar focuses on measuring outcomes from library partnerships
CHICAGO – This month, the Public Library Association (PLA) will host a webinar intended to help libraries plan for collaborative outcome measurement when working with partner organizations. This webinar, Working with Partners: How to Plan for...
December webinar highlights Project Outcome as strategic planning tool
CHICAGO – In early December, PLA will host a webinar highlighting how select libraries are using Project Outcome to align performance measurement efforts with strategic priorities and measuring their success in priority program areas. This webinar...
November webinar to focus on using data to increase community impact of library programs
CHICAGO – Are your library's programs and services maximized to address the needs of the community you serve? This month, the Public Library Association (PLA) is partnering with the Research Institute for Public Libraries (RIPL) to present a webinar on...
October webinar highlights the many uses of outcomes data
CHICAGO – The Public Library Association (PLA) and American Library Association's Public Programs Office are partnering to present a webinar on the benefits of using outcomes data to improve and support library programming. Participants will learn how to...
September webinar focuses on measuring effect of digital literacy services
CHICAGO – Nearly all public libraries offer some sort of digital literacy services, ranging from group computer classes to individual tutoring assistance, but how do library staff know their efforts are achieving the desired effect? How can libraries...
July webinar looks at past and future of PLA's performance measurement program
CHICAGO – Project Outcome, the Public Library Association’s performance-measurement program for public libraries, has been in existence for two years, and PLA is offering a free webinar to help libraries understand where the program has been and where it...
June webinar features lessons learned from early adopters of PLA performance measurement program
CHICAGO – Through a panel-style webinar next month, the Public Library Association’s (PLA) will provide an overview of the Association's performance-measurement program for public libraries, Project Outcome. Project Outcome is a free online toolkit...