Bookmobiles & Book Bikes

National Bookmobile Day
Website: American Library Association
ALA National Bookmobile Day information page with flyers, an about document, and resources to use for your celebration.

Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services
Website: Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services
Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS). Don’t miss under the Resources tab, the Mini-bookmobile printable bookmobiles and their Facebook page for a way to connect with other bookmobile libraries. The association’s previous conferences pages have conference slides, handouts, and much more.

Library Book Bikes Gaining in Popularity, August 5, 2021
Article: Public Libraries Online
Book bikes — many of which are technically tricycles, owing to the need to comfortably accommodate the added weight of a cargo trailer — have been steadily rising in popularity over the past decade.

Bookmobiles and Beyond: New Library Services on Wheels Serve Newborns through Teens, April 6, 2017
Article: School Library Journal
April Witteveen describes different ways of serving youth, ideas on costs, and more resources.

Website: Pinterest
Bookmobile Pinterest board curated by the American Libraries Magazine offers links to posters, historical bookmobile (or other mobile book delivery) photos, and links and pictures of bookmobiles identified by their library for easy contact.