A: The application should take no more than an hour to complete. Please review the application questions in advance of completing the application to streamline the process.
A. For tips on writing a competitive application, watch the Programming Librarian webinars below:
A: Yes. Please review the PDF of the incentive program application to review all questions in advance of submission. Please note paper applications are not accepted and the PDF is for review only.
A: No, applications may not be submitted in hard copy. To be considered for the incentives, applications must be submitted through ALA’s award management system by October 18, 2024.
A: For more information about using our grants management system, please visit our How to Apply webpage.
A: This application process is conducted through our new grant system which requires a separate login account from your ALA member login. When you are taken to the application page, click “Create Account” under the login information prompts, and you will be taken to the Account Creation page. For more information about using our grants management system, please visit our How to Apply webpage.
A: Branches are not able to apply individually and instead should submit a single application for the entire library system.
A. All public libraries with Digital Navigators, throughout the United States and its territories are eligible to apply.
A. Yes. All libraries must already have a preexisting program.
A: Yes, if their objectives align with the following statement:
The National Digital Inclusion Alliance defines Digital navigators as “trusted guides who assist community members with ongoing, individualized support for accessing affordable and appropriate connectivity, devices, and digital skills.”
They may be a person who staffs a tech help desk. This person may be a volunteer, staff member or part of another program. Feel free to reach out to discuss your specific questions, DigitalLearnHelp@ala.org .
A. Yes. Tribal libraries are eligible to apply.
General Questions
A. Our goal is to learn how to best support Digital Navigators with DigitalLearn resources. This opportunity is a small test program to evaluate feasibility and improve upon the study design of the incentive. This pilot program and will require a significant amount of evaluation and reporting.
A. Approximately 35 libraries.
A. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your application is submitted. All applicants will be notified of their status via email the week of November 4, 2024.
A. All accepted libraries will be required to sign an MOU (contract) and submit a W9 by November 22, 2024. Payments will be issued by ACH transfer or check. Estimated payment window: December 9, 2024–February 7, 2025.
A. No. Applications cannot be edited once they are submitted.
A: Yes. After completing the first, brief section of the online application, you will have multiple opportunities to save your work and return later to edit, review, and submit by the deadline. You can also download and view your application responses as a PDF, prior to submission, by clicking the “Application Packet” button on the upper right corner of the application page.
A: All applications will be reviewed, and awardees selected by PLA staff and member volunteers. Attention is given to every aspect of an application, with an attempt made to evaluate how the library will increase digital literacy programming in their community. Adhering to application guidelines will be taken into consideration.
A. Yes.
Incentive Information
A: DigitalLearn.org is an online hub for digital literacy support and training. Check out this video for a quick primer. The site launched in June 2012 and builds upon and fosters the work of libraries and community organizations as they work to increase digital literacy across the nation. The home page features self-paced modules. Modules include basic skills such as using a computer, navigating a website, and searching. Modules are video-based with narration, in both English and Spanish, typically 6–22 minutes long, written in plain language, and often at an elementary to middle school reading level.
The training side of the site, training.digitallearn.org, features extensive customizable resources for trainers leading workshops.
All content is free to use.
A. No. Workshops or group trainings are not required to meet the goals of the pilot. Simply put, we are looking to determine how Digital Navigators can utilize the materials available on DigitalLearn.org and Training.DigitalLearn.org. The goal is to reach 15 individuals while incorporating aspects of DigitalLearn.
We highly recommend using the latest content, which was co-created with AT&T. Look for training materials and modules with blue text indicating AT&T involvement.
A: Digital Navigators are encouraged to use one or more of the following DigitalLearn training materials which PLA co-created with AT&T. You may also utilize the self-paced modules co-created by AT&T.
Since this is a pilot program you can also experiment and use the self-paced modules as well.
A: The materials on training.digitallearn.org are not a one-to-one match for the self-paced modules. The workshop materials do not refer to or incorporate any aspect of the self-paced modules. Both share the same learning objectives and Digital Navigators are permitted to use the modules. We have found trainers hosting workshops like to suggest attendees use the self-paced modules to support, practice and expand upon their workshop experience.
A: No. If your library receives incentive funds through this project, you will be required to use DigitalLearn materials. You are welcome to customize these materials and tailor them to meet your needs. Each topic’s materials are extensive and are intended to meet a variety of learner needs. If you make additions, changes, or create supplementary materials that could be utilized by other libraries, please share with the PLA team.
A: No. Although PLA encourages participating libraries to engage with local AT&T employee representatives it is not a requirement. In regions where AT&T employee volunteers are available, participating libraries are encouraged to engage AT&T employee volunteers in supporting the workshops when possible. Example roles for participating/volunteering AT&T employees may include: providing welcome remarks to attendees; serving as training “floaters” helping to answer learner questions; general event set-up/breakdown/support. In many regions, local AT&T employees can help promote workshops using a toolkit provided by PLA. In these regions, participating libraries will comply with PLA and AT&T’s promotional requirements as noted in the toolkit.
AT&T local support is limited and not guaranteed. AT&T employees cannot deliver workshops or promote or sell any products. Libraries are not required to utilize AT&T employee volunteers.
A. No, you do not need to be an AT&T customer to participate. This opportunity is open to all public libraries in the United States including Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C.
A. Funds awarded are to be used to support the utilization of DigitalLearn materials and to promote these AT&T co-created digital literacy courses.
Examples of how incentive funds may be used:
Compensate Digital Navigators who are not salaried library staff.
Purchase digital or physical aids to increase the accessibility of devices and learning environment.
Purchase non-capital equipment to be used for training (e.g., computer and/or projector, smart board, tablets to be used for training).
Advertise workshops/services and PLA and AT&T’s digital literacy resources. Examples include outdoor banners, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Google ads, radio ads, newspaper ads, billboards, and locally produced promotional videos.
Print handouts, certificates, and other learner materials for in-person trainings.
Purchase and distribute materials to promote DigitalLearn and your library’s digital skills support. Examples include bookmarks, notebooks, flash drives, headphones, tee shirts, socks, calendars, water bottles, tote bags etc.
Items to be used as a giveaway or free drawing. Examples include tablet, gift card or any of the items listed in the bullet above.
Translate training materials into languages other than English or Spanish.
Rent a space for training (if needed and not held in a library).
Provide snacks for attendees at in-person training.
Provide transportation for attendees.
Provide childcare for attendees.
Hire translators or interpreters.
Purchase PPE such as masks, hand and equipment sanitizer for in-person training.
NOTE: funds cannot be used for e-rate eligible expenses, such as broadband connections, maintenance and hotspots*. Please contact your state e-rate coordinator if you have detailed questions.
*Hotspots are under consideration for e-rate funding changes. This aspect will change as regulations change.
A. Review criteria will consider the following:
Interest and willingness to participate in data collection and candidly share feedback on how DigitalLearn can be used to support the work of Digital Navigators.
Overview of the library and the community it serves, including demographics, dynamics, and key issues or challenges it faces in relation to digital literacy.
Adheres to application guidelines
Clear plan for use of funds.
Demonstrates how the library will increase digital literacy programming in the community for under-served populations.
Presents a compelling case for how the funding will advance library’s efforts in reaching under-represented groups, historically marginalized audiences, or members of your community that your library has not reached previously.
A. Yes. Funds may not be used to support indirect costs (e.g., general library administrative expenses), capital expenses or as donations to other organizations. Funds cannot be used for e-rate eligible expenses, such as broadband connections and maintenance.
A. No, capital expenses are not eligible budget expenses.
A. It is difficult to ascertain whether expenses would be considered eligible without seeing the full proposal. As you consider your application, please note that your proposal should focus on using the PLA-provided DigitalLearn materials. You will need to provide justification for how your proposed spending relates to your planned training. When in doubt, refer to the overview to see if your project aligns with the incentive program goals.
A. Reporting is comprehensive and involves the following activities. A template will be provided in each instance:
Attendance numbers: On at least a monthly basis you will need to submit a short webform to report the number of learners who have attended. If you have a patron who attends multiple sessions, you may count them more than once. If you use any DigitalLearn training materials in a one-on-one interaction, you may also include that instance.
Project Outcome Post Workshop Surveys: Each library is required to set up an account and survey in Project Outcome. A short standard survey will be created with a specific link tied to your account. At the end of each workshop or interaction, encourage participants to complete a survey. These surveys are optional for participants but not for libraries.
(if offering) Workshop Schedule reporting: To help track progress, libraries must share the dates, times and locations of their workshops at least one week before hosting. A link to this form will be posted on the Portal. You will be able to see and edit your submissions.
Final Report (survey): After the conclusion of all workshops, you will have 2 weeks to complete the online survey which will serve as your final report.
Independent evaluator: PLA will engage with an independent evaluator who will reach out to you to gather information as part of their evaluation of the overall program.