On-Demand Webinars: Programs & Services
One Library's Mission to Provide Its Senior Community with Social Engagement and Emotional Connectedness
Learn how to partner with local agencies to create an uplifting environment of connection and support for older adults.
How the Work of Fred Rogers Supports the Evolution of Public Libraries
Learn how Fred Rogers’ work can inform the evaluation of library services and support the wellbeing of library staff.
Is Your Library Hearing-Friendly?
Learn about difficulties people with hearing loss experience and different strategies for communication and accessibility.
Expand Library Digital Equity Services with New Funds Now!
Get essential information, examples, and practical tips to apply for once-in-a-generation opportunities to advance the digital equity work your library is already doing.
Yoga and Mindfulness Techniques for Calm Kids (and Librarians!)
Learn to integrate joyful yoga and mindfulness into the programs you already do, or start to create a complete yoga and mindfulness program at your library.
I Stream, You Stream: Offering Customizable Streaming Apps for Checkout
Learn how to provide access to a menu of streaming app optons so patrons are able to stream movies and television episodes.
Technology in Public Libraries: Results from PLA’s 2023 Annual Survey
Learn how your library can use the 2023 Public Library Technology Survey report and PLA’s data tools to understand and improve your library's performance, demonstrate value, and increase impact in your community.
Dementia Inclusive Library Service
Learn how to grow dementia-inclusive service in public libraries of all sizes, financial capacities, and community contexts.
Host a Repair Café in Your Library
Your library can host a Repair Café or other community repair event to foster a culture of repair, reuse and resourcefulness.
Partnering with the National Library Service to Provide Materials and Services to People with Print Disabilities
Learn how to partner with National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled to provide free reading materials in alternate formats.
Gearing up for Kindergarten: How to Start a School Readiness Program
Learn how to host a 10-session early learning program using the San Diego County Library’s Kindergarten Gear Up toolkit.
Centering Teens in the Fight against Censorship
Public libraries empowering and educating teens and young adults to fight for their right to read freely.
Benchmark 101: Become a Data-Informed Library
Learn how Benchmark can support your library in everyday decision-making.
Disability Inclusion in Library Services
Learn how to best serve patrons with disabilities by understanding their community, culture, and needs.
Addressing Emotion and Culture in the Fight Against Fake News
Learn about a library-led research project that is designing new digital literacy approaches for combating misinformation.
Working with Community Partners to Offer Library Programming to Expectant Parents and Parents of Newborns
Learn to reach expectant/new parents from underserved populations about the key role they play in their babies’ development.
Public Library Services for Strong Communities: Results from PLA’s 2022 Survey
Provides an overview of results from the Public Library Association's (PLA) 2022 Public Library Services for Strong Communities Survey.
Capturing Library Contributions to Sustainable Development Goals with Project Outcome
Learn about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and how your library can leverage Project Outcome to capture and share your library’s impact in its community and the impact of libraries worldwide.
Supporting Formerly Incarcerated Individuals with a Fresh Start @ Your Library
Learn from members of the Fresh Start @ Your Library team, including social workers, and understand the steps they took to reach formerly incarcerated individuals and provide services to six communities through the public library.
Introducing Benchmark: Library Metrics and Trends
Learn how Benchmark can support your library in everyday decision making, such as establishing baselines and identifying opportunities to improve.
Digging Deeper into Local and Family History with Census Data
Discover public library programming and strategies to engage your community in a deeper understanding of local and family history. Census sources important to local history research and family genealogy will be discussed.
Boosting Youth Workforce Readiness
Learn about programs happening in both formal and informal learning environments that are helping youth develop essential skills and experiences to be successful in pursuit of their interests and skills, including work-based learning opportunities, apprenticeships, and more.
Bridging Workers’ Digital Skills Gaps through Libraries
Hear from national, state, and local leaders developing strategies and implementing programs to begin closing the digital skills divide, specifically focused on employability outcomes and workforce development.
Supporting Patrons to Obtain In-Demand Credentials That Boost Employability and Career Mobility
Hear from a panel of experts who have made sense of the maze of available learning opportunities to connect workers to high-quality NDCs that lead to in-demand jobs and career pathways. Learn about nationally recognized, “stackable,” and portable credentials, and how library staff are supporting patrons to secure them to boost their employability and career mobility.
Data Literacy for Youth: Using Census Data in Public Library Programming
Discover how public library programs and services can help children and young adults think critically and ethically about data.
Strengthen Patron Workforce Opportunities with Labor Market Information
Highlights labor market information (LMI) resources and use cases and demonstrates how this information can inform and improve workforce service development, outreach, and partnerships to connect residents with in-demand jobs, gain in-demand skills, and improve economic mobility.
Partnering to Meet Community Workforce Needs
Introduces and showcases national workforce partners and local collaborative program examples. Panelists answer the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and, most importantly, HOW to collaborate to improve library services and visibility—no matter your starting point—as well as enhance patron and community impacts.
Building Business Know-How through Data Literacy
Learn how libraries collaborate with economic development agencies, community groups, and individuals to foster workforce development and promote informed business planning and decision-making.
Data that Counts: An Introduction to Census Data for Public Libraries
This on-demand webinar introduces you to the important role that public libraries can play in assisting individuals, groups, and organizations with finding, accessing, and using census data for planning and decision making.
150 Million New Technology-Oriented Jobs and the Skills Needed to Get Them
Libraries and communities need to act now to ensure those hit by job losses direct their energies into promising career paths and develop the skills they need to gain employment.
Virtual Platform Possibilities – Providing Digital Skilling Resources for Patrons
In this on-demand webinar, digital literacy experts discuss ways to offer or expand virtual digital skill development programs for patrons and staff, and support technology training in a virtual environment.
Public Libraries Respond to COVID-19: Innovative Solutions in Times of Crisis
Hear examples from library staff who have responded to this time of crisis with innovative solutions to services and programs.
Public Libraries Respond to COVID-19: The Current Landscape
Learn about the current public library landscape amidst COVID-19 and hear from library leaders about what they’ve done.
Libraries Connecting You to Coverage: Health Literacy
Better understand the importance of health literacy, how to promote accurate health information and resources, and how to develop community partnerships to broaden the scope of a healthy community.
Advancing Racial Equity in Your Library
An overview of concepts and approaches libraries are using to reduce racial barriers in their work.
Your Neighbor is a Writer: Curating a Local E-book Collection
Multnomah County (OR) Library's Library Writers Project engages with the writing community while promoting library staff as curators of books worth your time.
A New Approach to Building Family Engagement Pathways: The 5Rs Framework
Explores how the five important processes that build successful family engagement pathways are being implemented in early childhood programs and libraries, and offers practical ideas that you can use to build family engagement pathways in the learning setting you work in.
Understanding and Serving People Experiencing Homelessness: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Library Service
This two-part series addresses the prevalence, causes, and impact of homelessness and related trauma on children and adults, while exploring ways to address homelessness in public libraries.