On-Demand Webinars: Information Literacy & Library Instruction

Boosting Youth Workforce Readiness

Learn about programs happening in both formal and informal learning environments that are helping youth develop essential skills and experiences to be successful in pursuit of their interests and skills, including work-based learning opportunities, apprenticeships, and more.

Supporting Patrons to Obtain In-Demand Credentials That Boost Employability and Career Mobility

Hear from a panel of experts who have made sense of the maze of available learning opportunities to connect workers to high-quality NDCs that lead to in-demand jobs and career pathways. Learn about nationally recognized, “stackable,” and portable credentials, and how library staff are supporting patrons to secure them to boost their employability and career mobility.

Strengthen Patron Workforce Opportunities with Labor Market Information

Highlights labor market information (LMI) resources and use cases and demonstrates how this information can inform and improve workforce service development, outreach, and partnerships to connect residents with in-demand jobs, gain in-demand skills, and improve economic mobility.

Partnering to Meet Community Workforce Needs

Introduces and showcases national workforce partners and local collaborative program examples. Panelists answer the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and, most importantly, HOW to collaborate to improve library services and visibility—no matter your starting point—as well as enhance patron and community impacts.

Building Business Know-How through Data Literacy

Learn how libraries collaborate with economic development agencies, community groups, and individuals to foster workforce development and promote informed business planning and decision-making.

The ACA and Advancing LGBTQ Health

Educates public library practitioners about available health insurance coverage options, benefits, and special federal protections exclusively for LGBTQ communities.