On-Demand Webinars: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
One Library's Mission to Provide Its Senior Community with Social Engagement and Emotional Connectedness
Learn how to partner with local agencies to create an uplifting environment of connection and support for older adults.
Is Your Library Hearing-Friendly?
Learn about difficulties people with hearing loss experience and different strategies for communication and accessibility.
Microaggressions: What Are They and Why Are They So Harmful?
Explore microaggressions in the workplace, their impact on individuals and organizational culture, and how to address them.
Growing and Training Your Staff at Any Level!
Learn how to think outside of the box with professional development and training in order to retain great staff members.
Technology in Public Libraries: Results from PLA’s 2023 Annual Survey
Learn how your library can use the 2023 Public Library Technology Survey report and PLA’s data tools to understand and improve your library's performance, demonstrate value, and increase impact in your community.
Dementia Inclusive Library Service
Learn how to grow dementia-inclusive service in public libraries of all sizes, financial capacities, and community contexts.
Supporting Neurodiverse and Atypical Leadership in Libraries
Atypical managers share their strategies for success, tools for immediate action, and techniques for self-acceptance.
Public Libraries Supporting African American Writers
Learn how to help overcome barriers and consistently provide resources and support to African American writers.
Partnering with the National Library Service to Provide Materials and Services to People with Print Disabilities
Learn how to partner with National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled to provide free reading materials in alternate formats.
Health Literacy and Public Libraries
Practical, evidence-based health literacy to combat health misinformation and improve health outcomes and equity.
Gearing up for Kindergarten: How to Start a School Readiness Program
Learn how to host a 10-session early learning program using the San Diego County Library’s Kindergarten Gear Up toolkit.
IDEAS (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Solutions) in the Library
Learn about universal design in communication, programming, services, and marketing to enhance access and accessibility.
Disability Inclusion in Library Services
Learn how to best serve patrons with disabilities by understanding their community, culture, and needs.
Re-Weaving the Culture through Inclusive Norms in the Public Library
This panel discussion provides background on white cultural norms in librarianship, illustrated by examples from the lived experience of the panelists, so you can develop a deeper understanding of the way that these norms marginalize, silence, and harm BIPOC library staff members.
The ACA and Advancing LGBTQ Health
Educates public library practitioners about available health insurance coverage options, benefits, and special federal protections exclusively for LGBTQ communities.
Public Libraries Respond to COVID-19: Strategies for Advancing Digital Equity Now
Speakers share strategies ranging from amplifying WiFi signals to deploying mobile hotspots to mapping and publicizing public WiFi access.
Advancing Racial Equity in Your Library
An overview of concepts and approaches libraries are using to reduce racial barriers in their work.
Conflict as Opportunity: Library Restorative Practices for Youth
Explore the praxis behind the Pima County (AZ) Public Library's culture shift to using restorative justice practices to facilitate more mindful approaches to incidents involving youth.
Understanding Power, Identity, and Oppression in the Public Library
Provides an introductory understanding of the concepts of power, identity, and oppression, and how they impact public libraries’ staff, services, programs, collections, and spaces.
Understanding and Serving People Experiencing Homelessness: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Library Service
This two-part series addresses the prevalence, causes, and impact of homelessness and related trauma on children and adults, while exploring ways to address homelessness in public libraries.