Partnerships and Collaboration with PLA
The Public Library Association will look for and respond to requests for partnerships and collaborative projects that:
- Match PLA’s mission and roles in the public library community
- Conform to ALA policy and directives
- Provide a benefit to both PLA and the partner/sponsor through expanded services, new opportunities, increased recognition or similar benefits
- Contain a statement of the purpose, responsibilities and expectations of the partnership for both PLA and the partner/sponsor
A partnership is defined as a long-term project which includes the following considerations:
- An ongoing relationship between PLA and the proposed partner
- Enables PLA to fulfill its mission and roles in the public library community in new or expanded ways
- Requires involvement of PLA staff, officers and/or members to successfully carry out the project
- Requires funding from either the partner or PLA or both
- Requires significant recognition of the partnership
- Requires a written agreement to clearly define project costs, expectations, responsibilities, evaluation and promotion
A collaborative effort is defined as a short-term project which includes the following considerations:
- Matches PLA’s mission and roles in the public library community, but is not an expansion or new effort
- Is a one-time or limited project
- Requires only limited involvement of PLA staff, officers, and/or members
- Requires no PLA funding, or requires only regularly approved PLA funding
- Requires limited recognition of the project through regular PLA mechanisms
- Does not require an extensive evaluation or report to the PLA Board or project sponsor
- Partnerships must be approved by the PLA Board.
- Collaborative arrangements may be approved by the PLA staff with notice to the PLA Executive Board.
- Partnerships and collaborative arrangements must be in writing and on file in the PLA office.
Approved by the PLA Board of Directors, ALA Midwinter 2000.