Report to the PLA Board of Directors
Committee/Advisory Group/Task Force† report to be included on the PLA Board of Directors Meeting Consent Agenda
This biannual report is due twice a year to coincide with the winter board meeting and Annual Conference board meeting. Due dates based on the PLA Board meeting schedules and to be shared by your staff liaison.
The purpose of this report is to bring the Board up to date on your work and to tie it to the PLA Strategic Plan. This report is not intended to be exhaustive, so please keep your responses as brief and concise as possible. This report will be included in the PLA Board consent agenda for the January Board meeting and the June Board meeting, which will be posted to the PLA Public Resource Library site on ALA Connect. Also, your report will be automatically posted to the PLA Committee/Advisory Group/Task Force Reports portal, where it will be publicly accessible. Please note: if you have an action item for the Board's consideration, i.e., an item that requires Board approval to move forward due to policy and/or financial implications or request of a special nature, please contact the PLA office no later than 48 hours prior to the Board meeting and preferably sooner.
†Does not include PLA Award Juries, Budget & Finance Committee, or Nominating Committees.
Report Instructions
If you wish to complete your report over multiple sessions, then you must click on the “Save Draft and Continue Later” link on the report form in order to save your in-process report and return to it later. After doing so, you will receive a link to your in-process report. Please bookmark this link in your web browser. You also have the option to enter your email address to receive the link via email. Please note, this link will expire after thirty days, so you must return to the report and complete it within that timeframe.
Click the "Submit to PLA Board" button on the report form only when you have completely finished the report. After clicking "Submit to PLA Board" your report will be confirmed with a "thank you" screen. You will also receive a copy of your report via email.
For your convenience, listed below are the questions that comprise the report:
- Committee/group name [select from dropdown menu]
- Chair name
- Chair email address
- Staff liaison [select from dropdown menu)
- This report represents work done January–June (for Annual Conference board meeting) or July–December (for winter board meeting) [select one]
- How many times did your group meet during this reporting period? [select one]
- After reviewing the current PLA Strategic Plan, please answer the following:
- Describe the current work of this committee and how it supports our strategic goals. Include work accomplished, decisions made, and any recommended follow-up actions.
- Do you see opportunities to better align committee work with the strategic goals?
- What recommendations do you have for in-coming committee members? Are there particular streams of work in progress to be carried over into the new committee year? [January–June reporting period only]
- What specific activities will this committee undertake over the next six months to support that alignment? [July–December reporting period only]
- Are there other PLA or ALA committees whose partnership and collaboration would accelerate meeting PLA strategic goals?
- Is there anything else about your committee experience you’d like to share?
Next Step
If you're ready to start your report, then: