Frequently asked questions of the Public Library Association (PLA).
The Public Library Association (PLA) is the largest association supporting the unique and evolving needs of public library professionals. Founded in 1944, PLA serves nearly 9,000 members in public libraries large and small in communities across the United States and Canada, with a growing presence around the world. PLA offers professional development and networking, transformative public library initiatives, and a conference that welcomes public library staff into meaningful partnership. In collaboration with its parent organization, the American Library Association, PLA strives to help its members shape the essential institution of public libraries by serving as an indispensable ally for public library leaders.
Public Library Association 225 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1300 Chicago, IL 60601
Librarians, library workers, library trustees, libraries, library vendors, anyone who supports libraries may join PLA. Dues vary according by type of membership. PLA members must also join our parent organization ALA. You can join online, print and fill out a membership form and fax or mail it in, or call the ALA Member and Customer Service Center at 1-800-545-2433 and press 5.
PLA members receive the periodical publication Public Libraries, preferred rates on PLA continuing education events, and on PLA publications. Only personal members of PLA have the right to vote in PLA elections, serve on PLA committees, and hold PLA office. PLA membership also includes ALA member benefits such as the monthly American Libraries magazine, discounts on ALA conference fees and ALA books and products. View a complete list of benefits.
There are many fulfilling careers in public librarianship. A master’s degree in library science (MLS) is necessary for librarian positions in most public libraries. Employers often prefer graduates of the library and information studies programs accredited by the American Library Association (ALA).
The ALA offers scholarships for continuing library education, including the Spectrum Scholarships for African American, Latino/Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander and Native American/Alaskan Native students in graduate programs in library and information studies and Century Scholarships for graduate students with disabilities.
Source for careers in Library & Information Science and Technology. Online job ads and more from C&RL News, American Libraries, and ALA's Human Resources Development and Recruitment.
Operates in conjunction with the ALA Midwinter Meetings and ALA Annual Conferences. Employers conduct on-site interviews and career guidance workshops along with résumé review services are provided for jobseekers.
PLA provides a helpful and resourceful spot for job seekers, recruiting libraries, and advisors to connect at its biennial PLA Conference. The Career Center offers coordinated events at select times—including a career fair, speed mentoring, résumé review, and interview coaching—and remains open during conference hours to enable job posting or impromptu interviews.
Also, check with your state library association for jobs in your area.
Although PLA doesn’t have a separate job listing service or program, we can link to a job posting (e.g. on your library’s or municipality’s website) if you send a request to The link will be included in that month’s edition of PLA Insider, a members-only email newsletter sent to PLA members near the end of each month. Please include the position title, library, city, state, and expiration date with a link to a full job posting to Don’t send content about the job (description, salary, etc.) as it will not be used. You might also consider placing an ad in Public Libraries or Public Libraries Online.
Public library jobs can also be advertised at (costs and deadlines vary):
Source for careers in Library & Information Science and Technology. Online job ads and more from C&RL News, American Libraries, and ALA's Human Resources Development and Recruitment.
Operates in conjunction with the ALA Midwinter Meetings and ALA Annual Conferences. Employers conduct on-site interviews and career guidance workshops along with résumé review services are provided for jobseekers.
PLA provides a helpful and resourceful spot for job seekers, recruiting libraries, and advisors to connect at its biennial PLA Conference. The Career Center offers coordinated events at select times—including a career fair, speed mentoring, résumé review, and interview coaching—and remains open during conference hours to enable job posting or impromptu interviews.
The biennial PLA Conference has a reputation for excellence as the largest conference devoted to public library professionals. The multi-day event offers over 100 top-quality education programs, social events that include author luncheons and networking receptions, and a bustling exhibits hall featuring the latest in products and services.
PLA’s publishing program provides top quality books and monographs on a wide range of public library concerns and issues. Notable publications include the popular Results Series of guides to public library management and Every Child Ready to Read materials.
The PLA 2024 Conference was held April 3–6, 2024 in Columbus, OH. Dates and location of the PLA 2026 Conference will be announced soon.
PLA accepts proposals for educational programs and preconferences at its biennial PLA Conference and at ALA Annual Conference. Proposal periods typically close 10–12 months prior to each conference. Visit PLA's Conferences and Preconferences page to learn more about current events and opportunities.
If you have an idea for a webinar you'd like PLA to present, please submit a proposal.
Contact Angela Maycock, Manager, Continuing Education, at or 800-545-2433, ext. 5024, with any questions about PLA educational programming.
PLA offers a number of publishing opportunities. If you have an idea for an article or other publication you'd like PLA to publish, please contact Kathleen Hughes, Manager, Publications, at or 800-545-2433, ext. 5024.
For more information about becoming a PLA sponsor, please contact Mary Hirsh, Deputy Director of Programs, at 312-280-5039 or For more information about becoming a PLA Conference sponsor, please contact Melissa Faubel Johnson, Meeting and Special Events Planner, at 312-280-5022 or Individuals can support PLA's efforts to strengthen public libraries and the communities they serve by becoming a Friend of PLA.
For decades, PLA’s awards program honored those providing public library service whose vision and accomplishments are extraordinary and deserve recognition. In 2021, PLA leadership chose to pause the awards program until further notice. In the meantime, we encourage you to share information on your exemplary programs, colleagues, and communities so that we can highlight them in PLA Insider, Public Libraries Online, and elsewhere. For more information, email
PLA is governed by a twelve-member Board of Directors. PLA members elect these voting members of the Board: President, President-Elect, Past-President, and the ALA Division Councilor, and six Directors-at-Large. The Fiscal Officer is an appointed position; while the PLA Executive Director is an ex-officio and non-voting member of the PLA Board. For more information about PLA’s organizational structure, see the PLA Bylaws.
Individual libraries are responsible for their own collections. There is no one place that distributes books to all libraries. However, some main libraries purchase books for their branches as well as themselves; and some libraries purchase their books through such distributors as Baker & Taylor, Ingram Book Services, Blackwell’s Book Services, and other book suppliers and wholesalers.
For more information on telling libraries about your own book and its availability to them, please review the information in the ALA Library’s LibGuides and fact sheets, as follows:
Provides basic information on marketing to libraries - including an overview of the library market, information on getting your title reviewed, and basic resources on self-publishing.
Information about library directories, mailing lists, and email lists is availabe on the Marketing Resources tab of the Marketing to Libraries LibGuide..
Provides general information on finding vendors for library products and services, as well as library consultant directory information.
Neither PLA nor ALA coordinate programs for book donations. For information about how to donate books to needy libraries, please see the ALA Library's LibGuide, Book Donation Programs.
The U.S. has 9,215 public library administrative entities that collectively include 17,426 outlets (central libraries, branches, bookmobiles, and books-by-mail-only outlets) in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and four outlying areas. (Source: Institute of Museum and Library Services, Public Libraries Survey, FY 2021).
Public libraries reported over 417 million visits in fiscal year 2021. Due to the impact of the pandemic, this represents a decline from previous years. However, rates of circulation of electronic materials per person have increased consistently since 2018 (Source: IMLS, Public Libraries Survey, FY 2021). Libraries offer a wide range of programs, services, and resources for their patrons, including summer reading programs, job and career services, community meeting rooms, and technology devices and training. Learn more in PLA’s annual survey reports.