New Writers' Support Ad Hoc Committee
Books & Articles
Alley, Brian, and Jennifer S. Cargill. Librarian in Search of a Publisher: How to Get Published. Phoenix: AZ: Oryx Press, 1986.
Block, Karla J. "
From the Editor's Desk," LIScareer, February 2004.
From the Editor's Desk," LIScareer, February 2004.
Bowman, Vibiana. "
The Battle of Getting an Article Published ... Notes from the Front," LIScareer, January 2004.
The Battle of Getting an Article Published ... Notes from the Front," LIScareer, January 2004.
Carter, Ruth C., "How to Get Research in Cataloging Published," Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 19, no.1 (1994), 107-117. --provides guidance on finding topics and the writing process. It also provides a sample checklist of evaluation criteria used by reviewers and comments.
Crawford, Walt. First Have Something to Say: Writing for the Library Profession. ALA, 2003.
Cubberley, Carol W., "Writing for Publication," in Tenure and Promotion for Academic Librarians (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 1996), 83-97. -This outlines types of publishing and gives some ideas for fostering collaboration among colleagues within one's library.
Di Vecchio, Jerry, "Transforming an Oral Presentation for Publication," Library Administration & Management 12, no. 3 (Summer 1998), 138-141.
Etches-Johnson, Amanda. "
Look Mom, I Got my Name in Print! Lessons Learned by a Publishing Neophyte," LIScareer, March 2004.
Look Mom, I Got my Name in Print! Lessons Learned by a Publishing Neophyte," LIScareer, March 2004.
Giesecke, Joan, "Preparing Research for Publication," Library Administration & Management, 12, no. 3 (Summer 1998), 134-137. --this presents tips for writing, mistakes to avoid,
Gordon, Rachel Singer. The Librarian's Guide to Writing for Publication. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2004.
Haas, Lesllie, Milton, Suzanne Miltton, "Surviving the Publishing Process: A Beginner's Guide," RQ, 36, no.2 (Winter 1996), 230-246. --surveyed 50 librarians and editors on acceptance rates, waiting periods, timeliness of response to article submissions.
Janes, Joseph. "On Research: The Early Stages: Ideas, Questions, and Getting Started," Library Hi Tech, 18, no.3 (2000), 289-291.
Jones, Wayne. "
Getting Published," LIScareer, December 2001.
Getting Published," LIScareer, December 2001.
Schroeder, Carol F., and Gloria G. Roberson, eds. Guide to Publishing Opportunities for Librarians. New York: Haworth Press, 1995. --this is a little outdated but still helpful in providing submission policies for the major journals in library science. Some journals included have since changed names.
Sellen, Betty-Carol, ed., Librarian/Author: A Practical Guide For Getting Published. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1985.