New Writers' Support Ad Hoc Committee

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Books & Articles

Alley, Brian, and Jennifer S. Cargill. Librarian in Search of a Publisher: How to Get Published. Phoenix: AZ: Oryx Press, 1986.
Block, Karla J. "
From the Editor's Desk," LIScareer, February 2004.
Bowman, Vibiana. "
The Battle of Getting an Article Published ... Notes from the Front," LIScareer, January 2004.
Carter, Ruth C., "How to Get Research in Cataloging Published," Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 19, no.1 (1994), 107-117. --provides guidance on finding topics and the writing process. It also provides a sample checklist of evaluation criteria used by reviewers and comments.
Crawford, Walt. First Have Something to Say: Writing for the Library Profession. ALA, 2003.
Cubberley, Carol W., "Writing for Publication," in Tenure and Promotion for Academic Librarians (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 1996), 83-97. -This outlines types of publishing and gives some ideas for fostering collaboration among colleagues within one's library.
Di Vecchio, Jerry, "Transforming an Oral Presentation for Publication," Library Administration & Management 12, no. 3 (Summer 1998), 138-141.
Etches-Johnson, Amanda. "
Look Mom, I Got my Name in Print! Lessons Learned by a Publishing Neophyte," LIScareer, March 2004.
Giesecke, Joan, "Preparing Research for Publication," Library Administration & Management, 12, no. 3 (Summer 1998), 134-137. --this presents tips for writing, mistakes to avoid,
Gordon, Rachel Singer. The Librarian's Guide to Writing for Publication. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2004.
Haas, Lesllie, Milton, Suzanne Miltton, "Surviving the Publishing Process: A Beginner's Guide," RQ, 36, no.2 (Winter 1996), 230-246. --surveyed 50 librarians and editors on acceptance rates, waiting periods, timeliness of response to article submissions.
Janes, Joseph. "On Research: The Early Stages: Ideas, Questions, and Getting Started," Library Hi Tech, 18, no.3 (2000), 289-291.
Jones, Wayne. "
Getting Published," LIScareer, December 2001.
Schroeder, Carol F., and Gloria G. Roberson, eds. Guide to Publishing Opportunities for Librarians. New York: Haworth Press, 1995. --this is a little outdated but still helpful in providing submission policies for the major journals in library science. Some journals included have since changed names.
Sellen, Betty-Carol, ed., Librarian/Author: A Practical Guide For Getting Published. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1985.

Amanda Etches-Johnson, Committee Chair

Last Update: April 2004