Position Descriptions
Elected as Vice President/President-Elect, serving one year as Vice-President and one year as President. The purpose of the NMRT Vice-President is to assist the President in performing those duties he or she assigns, to prepare for the following year as President by working closely with the President and other officers, and to make committee assignments for the coming year. The Vice-President/President-Elect also acts as a representative of NMRT. The VP also appoints the chair for the VP Planning Committee, and is copied on all email to assist in evaluating potential committee members/chairs.
Elected as Vice President/President-Elect, serving one year as President and one year as Past President. The purpose of the NMRT President is to oversee and coordinate all NMRT activities, dividing direct responsibility between all NMRT elected officers. The President is also the major NMRT advocate to groups within and outside ALA. Being NMRT President provides a unique opportunity to gain leadership skills. Effecting changes at this level requires a special set of skills, offering a great learning challenge.
The NMRT Treasurer is elected as a voting member of the NMRT Executive Board for a 2-year period. The purpose of the Treasurer is to serve as fiscal officer for NMRT, channeling the funds of the Round Table as needed. The Treasurer serves as the financial clearinghouse for NMRT funds including coordinating the payment of bills and monitoring funds spent and encumbered so that the NMRT budget is followed. Being NMRT Treasurer offers a chance to gain solid experience in fiscal mangement and budgeting for a decent size organization including fund raising, forecasting, working with larger organizations and other treasurers in ALA.
Supervises two committees: Archives and Handbook The NMRT Secretary is elected for a one-year term. The purpose of the Secretary is to perform the duties of Secretary as outlined in Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure and act as Secretary to the Executive Board by recording and documenting the decisions and discussions of the Board. The Secretary attends all NMRT Board Meetings, either in person or online, and is a voting member of the Board. The Secretary also requests reports of Board members and committee chairs throughout the year. Being NMRT Secretary offers a great opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of how the round table works.
Director positions
Directors are elected for two-year terms. Each year, two new Directors are elected. There are four NMRT Directors: Leadership Development, Member Services, Networking, and Outreach. Directors focus on specific aspects of the organization, while still being aware of the "big picture." Directorship provides opportunities to develop and nurture committee leaders, including knowing when to provide feedback or recognize individual leadership and communication styles. Supervising and guiding committees offers a different experience than running a project or committee.
Networking Director
Supervises 5 committees: 3M/NMRT Social Committee, Booth Committee, Local Arrangements Committee, Midwinter Activities Committee and Orientations Committee.
The Networking Director keeps abreast of all plans and communication within these committees. When questions arise, the Director assists in finding the answers, whether by forwarding to another NMRT officer or the ALA Liaison, or though informal means. Most questions are answered in this way. The Networking Director basically keeps track of the committees and ensures that things go as smoothly as possible. The Director is expected to attend all/most events planned by the committees. The Director also attends Board Meetings, either in person or online and votes on issues relating to the governance and future of NMRT.
Outreach Director
Supervises six committees: Student and Student Chapter Outreach; Student Chapter of the Year Award; Student Reception; Membership Promotion, Diversity and Recruitment, Member Relations; and Liaison Coordination and Support.
The Outreach Director keeps abreast of all plans and communication within these committees. When questions arise, the Director assists in finding the answers, whether by forwarding to another NMRT officer or the ALA Liaison, or though informal means. Most questions are answered in this way. The Outreach Director keeps track of the committees and ensures that things go as smoothly as possible. The Director is expected to attend all/most events planned by the committees, and participate in the services provided by the committees. The Director attends NMRT Board Meetings, either in person or online and votes on issues relating to the governance and future of NMRT.
Leadership Development
Supervises 6 committees: 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant Committee, Annual Program Committee, Marshall Cavendish Award Committee, Online Discussion Forum Committee, Scholarship, Writing and Research Committee, and Shirley Olofson Memorial Award Committee.
The Leadership Director keeps in contact with the chairs of the committees, advising them of deadlines for reports and tasks, responding to their questions, linking them with other resources in NMRT/ALA, etc. S/he also collects reports from committee chairs before each conference, reports on committee activities and items of strategic importance to the NMRT Executive Board and attends committee and Board meetings committees at conferences, offering support as needed.
Member Services
Supervises 4 committees: Web committee, Resume Review committee, Mentoring committee, and the Footnotes committee.
The Member Services Director keeps abreast of all plans and communication within these committees. When questions arise, the Director assists in finding the answers, whether by forwarding to another NMRT officer or the ALA Liaison, or though informal means. Most questions are answered in this way. The Member Services Director keeps track of the committees and ensures that things go as smoothly as possible.
The Director is expected to attend all/most events planned by the committees, and participate in the services provided by the committees. The Director attends NMRT Board Meetings, either in person or online and votes on issues relating to the governance and future of NMRT. The Member Services Director is also appointed to the Membership Promotion Task Force, a subcommittee of the ALA Membership Committee.
NMRT Councilor
Council, the governing body of ALA, is comprised of 183 members: 100 elected at large; 53 by chapters; 11 by divisions; 7 by round tables; and 12 members of the Executive Board.
New Members Round Table is entitled to one councilor to be elected by members of the Round Tables as provided in Bylaw Article IV, Sec. 2(d).
The Council is the governing body of ALA. It delegates to the divisions of the Association authority to plan and carry out programs and activities with policy established by Council. Only personal members of the Association may serve on Council. Two meetings are required each year, one at the annual conference of the Association and one not less than three months prior to annual conference. (See Article IV of the Bylaws.) Council determines all policies of the Association and its decisions are binding unless set aside by a three-fourths vote at any meeting of the Association membership or a majority vote by mail held upon petition of one percent of members and requiring a minimum of one-fourth of the membership voting. (See Article IV of the Constitution.)
The New Members Round Table councilor serves a three year term. The New Members Round Table councilor attends all Council meetings during the Midwinter and Annual conferences: Council I, Council II, and Council III. The councilor also serves on the ALA/APA Council and attends those meetings. The NMRT Councilor is a voting member of ALA Council and may speak on the council floor, make motions, and propose and submit resolutions. The NMRT Councilor is subscribed to the ALA Council listserv and the ALA/APA Council listserv. The NMRT Councilor should attend the two Council Forums during the Midwinter and Annual conferences. The NMRT Councilor is a voting member of the NMRT Executive Board and must attend all board meetings and e-board meetings.
Created & Maintained by the NMRT Nominating Committee
Last updated 08/2020
Contact: Michelle Osborne, Nominating Committee Chair (michelle.osborne@gastongov.com )