President's Column - November 2012

Greetings NMRT members!

The time will soon be here to elect our 2012-2013 NMRT Board Members.

The Nominating Committee has put out a call for nominations for the 2013 NMRT Board and a fine slate of candidates has been approved by the current NMRT Board. Serving on the Board is a wonderful way to gain leadership experience and help shape the future of NMRT. We also will have some NMRT constitutional amendments to vote on as a membership during the 2013 election. Look for more about the 2013 NMRT Board Candidates and the NMRT Constitutional Amendments in the coming months.

Planning for the 2013 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle is underway. We hope you will join us there! There are still rooms available as part of the NMRT block at the Red Lion Hotel. This hotel is within walking distance to the convention center and provides free wireless access to guests. When registering, just indicate that you are a NMRT member. Early Bird registration ends November 30th and advanced registration ends January 18, 2013. For more details, explore the Midwinter Meeting website. NMRT events will include our popular Conference Orientation session, the NMRT Board Meeting, a Membership & Networking meeting, LLAMA/NMRT New Leaders Discussion Group and the Midwinter Social.

New fundraising efforts are being developed in the next couple of months to help support NMRT activities throughout the year, including the NMRT scholarships.

At the end of September, the Online Discussion Forum committee published the topics they are planning to cover over the next year. I hope that you will join in on the discussion on NMRT-L, our listserv.

It's not too early to start thinking about the 2013 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. Now is the time to apply for the Shirley Olofson Memorial Award which helps defray part of your annual conference expenses. Click here for more details and to apply.

Feel free to send your questions, suggestions or concerns about NMRT to me via email. I would love to hear from you!

Janel Kinlaw

NMRT President, 2012-2013