Call for Applications: Student Chapter of the Year Award

Deadline: February 25, 2011

Calling All Student Chapters!

Has your chapter had an outstanding year? Has membership in your chapter increased? Did your chapter develop and provide opportunities for members to participate in interesting and rewarding activities? Has your chapter received any awards? Do you have outstanding officers or members who should be recognized nationally? Apply for the New Members Round Table Student Chapter of the Year Award! Applying for this award is a great way to highlight the time, energy and creativity that your chapter has put forward in planning activities and increasing student involvement. The Award is presented in recognition of a chapter's outstanding contributions to the American Library Association, their library school, and the profession. The Student Chapter winner will receive $1,000.00 to help defray travel expenses to ALA Annual; the winning chapter and the runner up will each receive a certificate. Both will be recognized at the NMRT Student Reception at the 2011 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA. All interested applicants must be accredited ALA Student Chapters.

Please visit
ALA Student Chapter of the Year Award website for more award information and application forms. If you have any questions, please contact
Leo Lo, chair of the committee.