President's Column
by Deana Groves
Greeting NMRT members!
In keeping with my Presidential theme of “Take Action,” I would like to call your attention to a document created by my 2009-10 Vice President Planning Committee:
Internships Opportunities within ALA. In 2009, the Training, Orientation & Leadership Development (TOLD) Committee took over the responsibility for the internship program and have since been hard at work updating the guidelines. Each year the ALA President notifies members that applications for ALA level committee appointments are being accepted; included with these traditional committee positions are internship positions. In addition to those at the ALA level, many Division and Round Tables also offer internship positions. I personally participated as an intern and found it a rewarding experience. It gave me the opportunity to participate in an upper level ALA committee, and, once my term expired, I was appointed as a full committee member. In the past, I have heard many people say it is difficult to get appointed to ALA committees; I see the internship program as a stepping stone and a great way to get started on that journey--I hope you have the opportunity to participate.
I would also like to remind everyone that several NMRT grant and awards applications are due soon:
- December 14, 2010: Shirley Olofson Memorial Award--$1000 toward Annual conference attendance
- December 15, 2010: 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant--covers all Annual conference costs
- February 25, 2011: Student Chapter of the Year Award--$1000 toward Annual conference attendance
Detailed information on these awards can be found on the
NMRT Grants, Scholarships and Awards page.
Lastly, planning is underway for the ALA Midwinter Conference to be held in sunny San Diego, California. Two of the more popular NMRT events are the Conference Orientation and the Midwinter Social. NMRT has a block of rooms reserved at the Courtyard by Marriott San Diego Downtown. You must
register for the conference prior to booking your room.
I hope to see many of you in San Diego!
Deana Groves
NMRT President, 2010-11