Seeking Midwinter to Midwinter committee volunteers!

NMRT Vice-President/President-Elect Courtney L. Young is seeking volunteers to serve on the following 2009-2010

Midwinter to Midwinter (MW-MW) committees. See linked Committee webpages for complete descriptions:



Midwinter Social

Appointments to Midwinter committees will begin at the conclusion of the 2009 Midwinter meeting in Denver and end

at the conclusion of the 2010 Midwinter meeting in Boston. Please complete the NMRT volunteer form If you are interested

in serving on one of these committees. A link to the form can be found below:

Those interested in serving on Annual to Annual committees should be on the lookout for information forthcoming in spring 2009.If you have questions about serving on NMRT committees please contact Courtney directly.

Courtney L. Young, Associate Librarian

NMRT Vice-President/President-Elect 2008-2009