SCOTYA Award Announcement
The New Members Round Table (NMRT) and the American Library Association (ALA) Awards Committee wish to congratulate San Jose State University as the winner of the 2014 ALA Student Chapter of the Year Award and Indiana University as this year's runner-up.
The Student Chapter of the Year Award is presented in recognition of a chapter's outstanding contributions to ALA, its school, and the profession. The purpose of the award is to increase student involvement in ALA through student chapters and to recognize its leaders. Official ALA Student Chapters are organizations formed by students at schools offering accredited programs of library and information studies. The winning student chapter receives a $1,000 travel grant to help with the cost of ALA conference attendance.
This year's Student Chapter of the Year Award Committee praises San Jose State University for its excellence in each of the six categories - communication, financial health, membership, leadership, and programs related to the Student Chapter of the Year Award. Of particular note to the committee was their commitment to member engagement, retention, and outreach, including utilizing a range of social media and other virtual communication channels to connect with its entirely online student body. Additionally, San Jose State University provided a number of library-related programs throughout the past year, including a co-sponsored faculty colloquia on MOOCs and new platforms for learning, local library tours, and a collaboratively created "23 Things for SLIS Students and Alumni: Essentials for Success" learning program. The hard work of their leadership in professional organizations is equally commendable. Congratulations, San Jose State University!
The runner-up of this year's award is the ALA Student Chapter at Indiana University, who notably engaged with their membership through creative communications and publication initiatives (including the launch of a monthly zine), as well as through a variety of professional and social programs throughout the year.
The members of the SCOTYA Committee, NMRT, and the ALA Awards Committee appreciate the time and effort put in by all of the nominated ALA student chapters this year, and we encourage all to keep up the great work!