May 2010, Volume 39 No. 4

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In Defense of Wikipedia: An Editorial by Travis Bonnett

Process to Final Product: Playing on the Strengths of a Novice Librarian and a Seasoned Colleague by Julia M. Derden & Jean B. MacDonald

Keeping CALM - Cooperation, Collaboration, Convergence by Charlene Hsu Gross

The Procrastinators Guide to the Tenure Process for Librarians by Dianne Hirning

10 Tips for Teaching Your First Information Literacy Course by Melissa Meggitt

Digressions, Episode 1 by Robert Metrick

Sharing Program Success Stories by Lisa M. Metzer

Strengthening Our Ties: The Louisiana Library Association Reinvigorates its New Members Round Table (and Vice Versa!) by Rebecca K. Miller

The Sharing of Global Resources: Digital Access to German-Language Newspapers by Amy Neeser

Expanding Your Skill Set Through Reviewing by Elizabeth Nelson

Using LibGuides for Instruction Sessions by Chella Vaidyanathan

Getting Involved in Intellectual Freedom: An Overview by Julia Glynn Warga

Regular Features

President’s Column by Courtney Young

Job Talk Column: Job Searching & Networking in a Tough Economy by Rebecca Sullivan

NMRT Member Profile: Ione Damasco by Cesar Garza



Kimberly Sanders Recognized for 25 years of Employment with ALA by Courtney Young and Lorelle Swader

3M/NMRT Grant Winners

ALA Annual Preview

NMRT President’s Program by Janel White

First Time ALA Attendee? Mark these events on your calendar!

Booth Committee Announcement - Volunteers Needed

Good Eats in Washington, D.C. by Matthew Ciszek