Have MLIS? Need A Job? We can help!

By the Resume Review Service Committee

At each ALA Annual Conference and Midwinter Meeting the NMRT Resume Review Service has a booth or room in the ALA Placement Center. Members of NMRT volunteer as greeters at this booth, and can help you schedule an appointment to have your resume reviewed, and help you get ready for any interviews you might have in the Placement Center. The reviewers who will see your resume range from library directors to staff development officers to people who have served on many librarian search committees. We try to have a variety of librarians from academic, public and school libraries at each conference to meet the special requirements that each library type may have.

If you would like to have your resume reviewed in Washington DC, stop by the Convention Center, Hall E to make an appointment. This service is available to anyone attending the conference. Hours for this June are Friday, June 22 Noon to 5:00 p.m, Saturday, June 23 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, Sunday, June 24 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Monday, June 25 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Can't attend a conference, but still want your resume reviewed? The NMRT Resume Review service is also available via e-mail. Send your resume and the other information listed below in an e-mail to
nmrtrrs@yahoo.com. We will match you up with one of our reviewers with expertise in your type of library. A reviewer has a month to review your resume, and should contact you when they have it completed. The e-mail service is only available to NMRT members.

When you send your e-mail to
nmrtrrs@yahoo.com, please include your name, address, telephone, e-mail, type of library (academic, public, special, etc.) you want your resume reviewed for, area of specialization (reference, cataloging, youth services, etc.), whether or not your are a member of NMRT, your ALA member number, and please also attach your resume, and if you like, your cover letter.