President's Message

by Amanda Roberts, 2006-2007 NMRT President

The 2006-2007 ALA Annual conference in Washington, DC, is upon us! We have several NMRT events, activities, and presentations scheduled, so please check the conference schedule ( and the NMRT-L listserv for announcements. Since Communication is the theme for my Presidential year, I chose a program about intergenerational relations that’s a bit different from the rest. Instead of focusing on the differences between NexGen, Baby Boomers, and all the other age-related categories we’re forced into, Pat Wagner of Pattern Research ( will talk about strategies to maintain harmonious working relationships with everyone, regardless of age. The program, "Navigating the Rapids: Myths and Realities of Intergenerational Workplaces," is located in Salon I of the JW Marriott. The time/date is Saturday, June 23, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Immediately after the NMRT President’s Program, the NMRT Membership Meeting will begin. This is the chance for NMRT members to have an open discussion about NMRT. We’ll start the meeting by responding to comments, suggestions, and complaints we’ve collected from NMRTers over the past year, and NMRT Board members will be on hand to field questions and talk about our committees’ accomplishments over the past year. This is a chance for you to get your voice heard, or to just learn about NMRT as an organization.

You may notice that this issue of Footnotes is a little different as it is both online and in print. The Footnotes Committee and Scholarship, Research, and Writing Committee collaborated over the past year to bring you this special edition, which contains everything from conference announcements to peer-reviewed articles. Also new this year is an additional conference orientation, ALA 101, which will be held Friday, June 22nd, 2007, 4:00-5:00 in the Washington Conference Center, Room 146A. We have quite a few more new developments, and I’ll give you full details at the NMRT Membership Meeting.

I look forward to seeing you at Annual!