New Members Round Table Raffle

By Kristina Keogh

There is still time to help the New Members Round Table Booth Committee fill our baskets for the upcoming American Library Association’s annual conference in Washington, DC in June 2007. We will raffle off two baskets for those who visit our booth and fill out our membership survey. New Members Round Table also sponsors a third basket for the silent auction.

We are not asking for costly items. Donations in the past have included keychains, mugs, t-shirts, and other cool stuff. New Members Round Table members who work at colleges and universities can donate items with the school's logo. Members from other types of libraries can send items of local interest, such as items promoting a nearby sports team or a tourist attraction.

If you would like to make a contribution, please send donations by June 15th to the following address:

Caroline Labbe

8625 Madley Ct.

Springfield, VA 22152

Thank you in advance for your help. Hope to see you in DC.

Kristina Keogh

New Members Round Table Booth Committee