New Members Round Table 2006 Candidates
Education: University of Illinois, M.S. in Library and Information Science, 2003; Indiana University Northwest, M.S. in Secondary Education, 2002; Millikin University, B.A. in English/Secondary Education, 1995.
Current Position: Technical Services Manager, Champaign Public Library, 2003-present.
Previous Positions: Graduate Assistant, Illinois Fire Service Institute Library, 2002-03; Graduate Assistant, University of Illinois Archives, 2001-02.
ALA Activities: ALCTS: Assistant Editor, ALCTS Newsletter Online, 2005-Present; ALA: Member, Awards Committee, 2005-Present; ALCTS CCS: Member, Cataloging of Children's Materials Committee, 2005-Present; NMRT: Outreach Director, Executive Board, 2005-Present; NMRT: Co-Chair, Student and Student Chapter Outreach Committee, 2004-05; ALA: Intern, Awards Committee, 2004-05; ALCTS CCS: Intern, Cataloging of Children's Materials Committee, 2004-05; NMRT: Chair, Student Reception Committee, 2003-04; NMRT: Member, Membership Promotion and Relations Committee, 2003-04; NMRT: Member, Archives Committee, 2002-04; NMRT: Member, Nominating Committee, 2002-03; NMRT: Co-Chair, Publicity Committee, 2003.
Offices Held outside of ALA: Illinois Library Association: Intern, Membership Committee, 2005-Present; Illinois Library Association: Chair-Elect, Resources and Technical Services Forum, 2005-06; University of Illinois Library School Alumni Association: Vice President/President-Elect, 2005-06; Synergy: The Illinois Library Leadership Initiative: 2005.
Membership in Other Professional and Related Organizations: Illinois Library Association, 2005-Present; Beta Phi Mu, 2003-Present.
Publications: ""Committee Internships: The Easy 'In'"," Info Career Trends, January 2006; "Technical Services Manager, Public Library," A Day in the Life (Libraries Unlimited), in press; "Library 2.0: What's Next in Tech," Illinois Library Association Reporter, December 2005.
Honors, Awards, Prizes, Medals, Citations: 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant, 2004.
Accomplishments: Member of the 2005 class of Synergy: The Illinois Library Leadership Initiative, and member of the steering committee for "Librarian Crossing," the Synergy class project.
As an NMRT member, I’ve benefited from many opportunities that I wouldn’t have found elsewhere in ALA. The opportunity to continue giving back to NMRT as Vice President/President-Elect would be a tremendous honor. I have two major goals that I would like to accomplish during my tenure as NMRT President: 1) To strengthen the connections between NMRT and other ALA divisions and roundtables by reviewing the current liaison program and making any necessary changes; and 2) To provide relevant and practical leadership training for early-career librarians using electronic and in-person means, including discussions on NMRT-L and programs at Midwinter and Annual conferences. These goals are based on needs that I’ve noticed during my time as an NMRT committee chair and as an NMRT director, as well as my interactions with members of other ALA divisions and roundtables.
Education: University of Kentucky, Master of Science in Library Science, 2001; Transylvania University, Bachelor of Arts, 1996; Morehead State University, Master of Business Administration.
Current Position: Director of Library and Information Services, Gateway Community and Technical College, 2005-present.
Previous Positions: Associate Director of Library and Information Services, Gateway Community and Technical College, 2004-05; Senior Reference Librarian, Kentucky Virtual Library, 2002-04; Reference Librarian, Kentucky Virtual Library, 2001-02; Graduate Assistant, University of Kentucky Libraries, 2000-01; Marketing/Communication Services Assistant, Tenmast Software, 1997-2000.
ALA Activities: NMRT: Chair, Governance Committee, 2005-Present; NMRT: Member, Student and Student Chapter Outreach Committee, 2005-Present; ALA Council: Member, Council Committee on Legislation, 2005-Present; LIRT: Member, 2005-Present; RUSA: Member, 2005-Present; LITA: Member, 2004-Present; ALCTS: Member, 2004-Present; ACRL: Member, 2004-Present; LAMA: Member, 2004-Present; NMRT: Outreach Director, Board of Directors, 2004-05; NMRT: Co-Chair, Membership Promotion and Relations Committee, 2003-04; NMRT: Chair, Alumni Relations Ad Hoc Committee, 2002-03; NMRT: Member, Publicity Committee, 2001-02.
Offices Held outside of ALA: Legacy: Vice-Chair, Projects/Social Committee, 2006-Present; Transylvania University: Chair, Reunion Committee, 2005-Present; Kentucky Library Association: Chair, Library Administration and Management Round Table, 2005-Present; Junior League of Cincinnati: Member, MindPeace Community Events Committee, 2005-Present; Kentucky Library Association: Member, Academic Section Communications Committee, 2005-Present; Greater Cincinnati Library Consortium: Member, Directors' Council, 2005-Present; Legacy: Member, Community Outreach Committee, 2005-Present; Legacy: Member, Education Committee, 2005-Present; American Association of Women in Community Colleges: Vice-Chair, Gateway Chapter, 2005-Present; Transylvania University: Board Member, Northern Kentucky Alumni Club, 2004-Present; Kentucky Library Association: Member, Library Instruction Round Table, 2004-Present; Kentucky Library Association: Member, Community and Technical College Round Table, 2004-Present; Kentucky Library Association: Member, Information Technology Round Table, 2001-Present; Kentucky Library Association: Mini-session Committee, 2004-05; Kentucky Library Association: Chair, Academic Section Newsletter Committee, 2004-05; Lexington Young Professionals Association: Member, Board of Directors, 2003-05; Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning: Member, Board of Trustees, 2003-05; Greater Cincinnati Library Consortium: Member, Membership Task Force, 2004-04; Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center: Crisis Line and Medical Advocacy Volunteer, 2003-04; Junior League of Lexington: Member, Membership Training Committee, 2003-04; Transylvania University: Member, Bluegrass Alumni Club, 2002-04; Lexington Young Professionals Association: Chair, Community Involvement Committee, 2001-02; Paul Laurence Dunbar High School: Co-Chair, Reunion Committee, 2001-02; Transylvania University: Member, Reunion Committee, 2000-01; Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Program: Facilitator, Conference, 2004; Lexington Humane Society: Team Leader, 4 Miles 4 Paws, 2004. Membership in Other Professional and Related Organizations: Beta Phi Mu, 2001-Present; Kentucky Library Association, 2001-Present.
Publications: Author, "Insuring and Protecting Your Library's Collections," Kentucky Libraries (Kentucky Library Association), Winter 2001; Author, "Unexpectedly Unemployed," Info Career Trends (Info Career Trends), May 2, 2005; Author, "Tips and Tricks for Conference Attendance," (, March 2004; Author, "Reach Out To Give Back," Info Career Trends (Info Career Trends), March 1, 2004; Author, "Finding the Balance: Fitting professional Activities Into Your Career," Info Career Trends (Info Career Trends), January 2, 2003; Author, "Being a Reference Librarian in a Virtual Library," (, April 2002; Author, "Now That I'm Here, What Do I Take?," The Librarian's Career Guide (Scarecrow Press), 2004.
Honors, Awards, Prizes, Medals, Citations: UK Library and Information Science Student Organization Leadership Award, May 2001; University of Kentucky SLIS Melody Trosper Award, May 2001; 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant, June 2002; Lexington Young Professionals Association Rising Star Award, February 2004.
Accomplishments: Accomplishments of which I am most proud include receiving both the Melody Trosper and the LISSO Student of the Year Award from UK. These awards are given to a student that shows professional promise and contributes to the education of other students in the program. I was honored to have received both upon completing my degree. I was also very honored to have received the 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant, through which I attended my first annual conference in Atlanta. More recently, my work in NMRT has helped me receive an appointment to the ALA Council Committee on Legislation. It is a great honor to serve with the other COL members and help ALA shape its legislative agenda. Finally, I am very proud of being selected as a "Rising Star" by the Lexington Young Professionals Association. This award recognizes both professional achievement and outstanding involvement in the local community.
I strongly support both the freedom of expression and the freedom of access to information, even if the expression or information is considered objectionable to some. As a member of the ALA Council Committee on Legislation I am privileged to be able to help ALA support the belief in these rights. These two freedoms are the basis of library services in the United States, but we have recently seen attempts to whittle away at these freedoms. I believe it is essential that these freedoms be preserved, as they are the freedoms that differentiate us from those that we fight against. ALA has an obligation to the people of the United States to raise objections to those policies that interfere with these rights.
Education: Texas Woman's University, Master of Library Science, 2003; University of Texas at Austin, Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology, 1999.
Current Position: Librarian III, Richland College, 2004-present.
Previous Positions: Reference Assistant, Baylor University, 2000-03.
ALA Activities: NMRT: Chair, Membership Relations Committee, 2005-06; NMRT Co-Chair, Membership Promotion and Relations Committee, 2003-05; NMRT: Chair, Diversity Committee, 2002-03.
Offices Held outside of ALA: Texas Library Association: Member, Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee, 2005-Present; Texas Library Association: Webmaster, Library Support Staff Round Table, 2003-Present; Texas Library Association: Councilor, Library Support Staff Round Table, 2003-06. Membership in Other Professional and Related Organizations: Texas Library Association, 2001-Present.
Publications: "Developing Leadership Skills and Gaining Experience," Info Career Trends, Nov. 2003. Honors, Awards, Prizes, Medals, Citations: Leadership DCCCD Participant, Dallas County Community Colleges, 2005-2006; Spectrum Scholar, ALA, 2001.
Accomplishments: Information Literacy Librarian blog at; Reviewer for ACRL's Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 2005-present; "Leadership from Any Position, co-presented with Chandler Jackson & Dr. Mark McCallon, Texas Library Association Annual Conference, March 19, 2004.
I am very happy to have been nominated to run for NMRT Treasurer. Participation in NMRT enhances my career as a reference and instruction librarian. Through NMRT, I have developed my leadership skills and networked with other library workers. I would like to see every member of NMRT receive the same benefits. In order for all members to have these same opportunities, NMRT must continue to spend funds effectively and actively seek additional funds. If elected, I will prepare a sound budget and remain watchful for potential sources of revenue. Because member dues substantially contribute to the budget, I will continue my work in membership promotion and relations. In my vision for NMRT, every member is an active member with a committee appointment. Please allow me to pursue this vision by electing me to serve as your Treasurer.
Education: University of Oklahoma, Masters of Library & Information Studies, 2001; University of Oklahoma, Bachelor of Arts, English, 1999.
Current Position: Web & Digital Initiatives Coordinator, University of Oklahoma Libraries, 2005-present.
Previous Positions: Electronic Services Coordinator, University of Oklahoma Libraries, 2001-05.
ALA Activities: LITA: Committee Member, LITA/LSSI and OCLC Minority Scholarship Committee, 2006-06; NMRT: Committee Chair, 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant Committee, 2005-06; NMRT: Committee Chair, Publicity Committee, 2005-05; NMRT: Committee Member, Membership Promotion & Relations, 2003-05; NMRT: Committee Member, Student Association & Student Chapter Outreach, 2003-04; NMRT: Committee Member, Alumni Relations Ad Hoc, 2002-03.
Offices Held outside of ALA: Beta Phi Mu: President-Elect, 2005-06; Oklahoma Library Association: Secretary, 2005-06; Oklahoma Library Association: Secretary, Library Education Division, 2003-04.
Membership in Other Professional and Related Organizations: LAMA, 2005-Present; Beta Phi Mu, 2002-Present; LITA, 2002-Present; ACRL, 2000-Present; Oklahoma Library Association, 1999-Present; Phi Beta Kappa, 1999-Present; Mountain Plains Library Association, 2005-05.
Publications: Co-author, "Using the Library Intranet to Manage Web Content," Library Hi Tech, Forthcoming, Manuscript Accepted October 2005; Author, "Change Masters All: An Interview with Maureen Sullivan," Library Administration and Management, Forthcoming, Manuscript Accepted August 2005; Co-author, "The Changing Format of Reference Collections: Are Research Libraries Favoring Electronic Access over Print?," Acquisitions Librarian, 2006; Co-author, "Developing Committees to Create a Web Content Management System," Content and Workflow Management for Library Websites: Case Studies (Idea Group), 2005; Co-author, "Improving Reference Services through a University Website: Strategies for Collaborative Change," Reference Librarian, 2004; Co-author, "Managing E-Resources: A Database Driven Approach," E-Serials Collection Management: Transitions, Trends, and Technicalities (Haworth Press), 2003; Co-author, "Canceling Print Serials in Favor of Electronic: Criteria for Decision-Making," Library Acquisitions, Cataloging, and Technical Services, 2002.
Honors, Awards, Prizes, Medals, Citations: 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant, June 2004; Outstanding New Librarian Award, Oklahoma Library Association, 2004.
Accomplishments: As Web & Digital Initiatives Coordinator at OU, I coordinated the digitization of Sooner Magazine (1928-present) and the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma meeting minutes (1893-present). I also recently attended the 2004 MPLA Leadership Institute at Ghost Ranch.
I have found participation in NMRT truly rewarding and would like to continue to serve the organization in whatever way would be of most value to the organization. I believe the treasurer plays an important role in the operations of NMRT and would be honored to serve in this capacity. As NMRT treasurer, I would strive to maintain accurate financial records for NMRT as well as be available to provide important financial information needed for planning future NMRT activities. I would like to see NMRT work harder to recruit new ALA members into NMRT and expand our membership in whatever way possible. It may be in NMRT's best interest to invest in a membership campaign, and if possible, I would hope to find funds for this campaign as part of my duties as treasurer. NMRT provides valuable resources for new professionals, and we need to advertise this.
Education: Louisiana State University, Masters of Library and Information Science, 2003; Linfield College, Bachelor of Arts, 2000.
Current Position: Coordinator for Assessment and Staff Development, Florida State University, 2003-present.
Previous Positions: Library Associate, Louisiana State University Libraries, Reference Department, 2000-03.
ALA Activities: LAMA: 2005-Present; NMRT: Chair, Resume Review Committee, 2005-Present; ACRL: 2002-Present; NMRT: 3M/NMRT Scholarship Committee, 2004-05; NMRT: Footnotes Committee, 2004-05; NMRT: Local Arrangements Committee, 2003-04; ACRL: Presenter, Annual Conference, Poster Session, 2005.
Offices Held outside of ALA: Louisiana State University School of Library and Information Science: Secretary, Graduate Library and Information Science Student Association, 2001-03; ACRL-LA: Student to the Board, Executive Board, 2001-02; ACRL-LA: Co-speaker, 2002 Annual Conference. Membership in Other Professional and Related Organizations: Beta Phi Mu, 2004-Present; Florida Library Association, 2004-Present; Louisiana Library Association, 2002-03; ACRL- Louisiana Chapter, 2001-03.
Publications: Reviewer, "Website review: Association of Research Libraries Statistics and Measurement Program", Public Services Quarterly, June 2006.
I have been a librarian for two and a half years and involved in libraries, first as a student employee, as support staff, and as a librarian for over ten years. In that time I have been witness to vast changes in the culture of librarianship and the resources that we offer and that we offer guidance on. I firmly believe that change can be beautiful and frightening all at the same time. It is my concern that this wave of change can sweep us all away if we are not careful. I wish to be a conduit for the changes that are to come, to help guide them and make them less frightening for both new professionals and for those who are vested in librarianship.
Education: Texas Tech University, M.S., 2004; University of Oklahoma, M.L.I.S., 1999; Hendrix College, B.A., 1997.
Current Position: Life Sciences Librarian, New York University, 2004-present.
Previous Positions: Information Services Librarian, Texas Tech University, 2000-04.
ALA Activities: ACRL Science and Technology Section: Co-Chair, General Science Discussion Group, 2005-Present; NMRT: Chair, Orientation Committee, 2004-06; ACRL Instruction Section: Intern and Member, Communication Committee, 2003-06; NMRT: Liaison to ACRL Instruction Section, 2003-04; NMRT: Co-Chair, Orientation Committee, 2003-04; NMRT: Juror for Student Chapter of the Year Award, 2003-03; NMRT: Member, Orientation Committee, 2002-03; ACRL Science and Technology Section: Member, Comparison of Sci-Tech Libraries Committee, 2001-03.
Publications: "Five Budget Tips for San Antonio," NMRT Footnotes, 2005; "Alerting Services: Timesavers in the Age of Information Overload," Connect, 2005; "Building Teams: Making It Work!," Brick and Click Libraries: Proceedings of an Academic Library Symposium (Maryville, Missouri, October 22, 2004), 2004; Section Editor, "Texas Reference Sources: A Selective Guide," Agricultural Sciences Section (Texas Library Association), 2004; Chapter Editor, "Finding Information on the World Wide Web," Introduction to Library Research (Stipes Publishing Co), 2001; Co-author, "Are New Library School Graduates Ready for Reference Service?," Texas Library Association Reference Round Table Newsletter, 2000.
I feel that NMRT plays a critical role in orienting and integrating new librarians into ALA. As a member of NMRT I have had the opportunity to serve as both a member and the Chair of the Orientation Committee, and I have seen first-hand how NMRT is bridging the gap between nervous new librarians and the large organization that is ALA. I welcome the opportunity to serve this truly helpful organization in meeting the needs of the new members of ALA.
Education: University of North Texas, MLS, 2002; Colorado State University, B.S., 1976.
Current Position: Coordinator of Reference Services, Bell Library, A&M Corpus Christi, 2004-present.
Previous Positions: Access Services Librarian, Bell Library, A&M Corpus Christi, 2002-04; Library Adjunct , Bell Library, A&M Corpus Christi, 2000-02. ALA Activities: International Relations Round Table: committee member, Pre-Conference Committee, 2005-Present; NMRT: committee member and Co-Chair, Booth Committee, 2001-Present; NMRT: Chair, Self Study and Resource Allocation Committee, 2003-04.
Offices Held outside of ALA: Texas Library Association: Chair, New Members Round Table, 2005-Present; Texas Library Association: member, Nominating Committee, District 4, 2004-05; Texas Library Association: Nominating Committee Chair, Chair Elect, New Members Round Table, 2004-05; Texas Library Association: Orientation Chair, New Members Round Table, 2003-04.
Accomplishments: Currently serving on University's Faculty Senate, as Senate Secretary. Produce and edit a newsletter for the Coastal Bend Audubon Society. I have written many free-lance articles of general and local interest in regional (non-library) publications.
A key ingredient of NMRT is person-to-person networking, even if it is done online. As a new librarian, I appreciated the opportunity to volunteer and observe how NMRT and ALA work, and to network, absorbing advice on how to proceed with career and professional activities. As director, I will be very aware of my role as a "welcomer" to new librarians, and to New Members. I spoke to a new librarian at an NMRT "Meet and Greet", who later told me that I had made a difference in her career decision-making. Each person, each new librarian, needs someone to guide them with a little bit of reality. As director, I will work to serve new librarians, ensuring that the committees I work with have all the tools, advance knowledge, and coordination I can provide.
Education: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, M.S. in Library and Information Science, 2003; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, A.B. in Anthropology, 1999.
Current Position: Adult Services/Reference Librarian, Westchester Public Library, 2004-present.
Previous Positions: Adult Services/Reference Librarian, PT, Tinley Park Public Library, 2004-Present.
ALA Activities: NMRT: Chair, Online Discussion Forum, 2005-Present; NMRT: Chair, Local Arrangements Committee, 2004-05; NMRT: Committee Member, Web Committee, 2003-05; UIUC Student Chapter: Co-Publicity Officer, 2002-03.
Membership in Other Professional and Related Organizations: Romance Writers of America, 2000-Present; Special Libraries Association, 2002-03. Publications: Author, "Punch Up Your Portfolio," (, July 2004; Contributor, "Perspectives: Recruitment," Public Libraries (Public Library Association), Jan/Feb 2006; Chapter Author, "Adult Services Librarian, Public Library," A Day in the Life (Libraries Unlimited), 2007.
Honors, Awards, Prizes, Medals, Citations: Beta Phi Mu, November 2003.
Accomplishments: The Young Librarian website, 2003-present.
A vital New Members Round Table is one where the development of future leaders for our profession is nourished and encouraged. The Director helps to develop and empower committee chairs, and in this way affects the next generation of leaders; the committee members. I hope to take the next step in the development of my leadership skills by being elected to the position of Director. I look forward to assisting our committee chairs and members in their journey to being the future leaders of our field.
Education: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, MS, Library and Information Science, 2003; Linfield College, BA, Political Science, 1999.
Current Position: Outreach Coordinator/Social Science Librarian, University of Montana, 2004-present.
Previous Positions: Cataloger, National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library, 2003-04; Adjunct Reference Librarian, Kirkwood Community College, 2003-04; Serials Cataloging Graduate Assistant, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2002-03; Library Assistant, Kirkwood Community College, 2001-02; Law Library Assistant, Miller Nash LLC , 2000-01; Library Program Coordinator, Project Vote Smart, 1999-2000; Interlibrary Loan Assistant, Linfield College, 1995-99; Page/Circulation Clerk, Spokane County Library District, 1993-99.
ALA Activities: ALA: Intern, Intellectual Freedom Committee, 2005-Present; ACRL: Member, Distance Learning Section Instruction Committee, 2005-Present; ALA: Member, EBSCO Conference Sponsorship Jury, 2005-06; MNRT: Co-Chair, Mentoring Committee, 2004-06; ALA: Member, Equality Award Jury, 2004-05; NMRT: Member, Nominating Committee, 2004-05; NMRT: Member, Social Committee, 2003-04.
Offices Held outside of ALA: Montana Library Association: Chair, Academic and School Libraries Division Conference Committee, 2005-06; Iowa OCLC Users' Group: Vice Chair, Cataloging Section, 2003-04. Membership in Other Professional and Related Organizations: Pacific Northwest Library Association, 2004-Present; Montana Library Association, 2004-Present; Iowa Library Association, 2003-04. Publications: "Web Search Basics," Empowering Distance Learners with Hands-on Information Literacy Activities (Library Instruction Publications), 2006.
Honors, Awards, Prizes, Medals, Citations: ACRL Pre-conference Scholarship, 2005; ALA-EBSCO Conference Sponsorship, 2004; Beta Phi Mu, 2004; Linfield College Competitive Scholarship in Political Science, 1995.
Accomplishments: I've been a member of ALA since 1999 and worked in libraries since 1993. I secured my first full-time professional position just last year, which recent grads will recognize as an accomplishment. My first big publication, "Web Search Basics" in Empowering Distance Learners with Hands-On Information Literacy Activities, is forthcoming from Library Instruction Publications. I will be giving my first big conference presentation, entitled "What do distance education faculty want from the library?" in April 2006 at the Off-Campus Library Services Conference. In NMRT these past two years, I helped launch the new Career Mentoring program and hope to get the chance to contribute to NMRT and ALA for years to come.
Now that I have my MLIS and a steady job, I seek to give back to the profession and ALA by becoming more involved. Though I'm relatively new to librarianship, I have much to offer. I have recent and varied experience as a paraprofessional and professional, which allows me to relate well to issues faced by all library staff. I have worked in public, special, and academic libraries of all sizes, and can conceptualize the differences and similarities in working in these environments. I can understand and focus on issues involving libraries and those who work in them, and help bring ALA's attention to these issues. As a recent library school graduate, I bring perspective on what is currently occurring in library education. As a native and current resident of the Pacific Northwest, I offer more representation in ALA for libraries and library workers in the West.