
Stacy Alesi recently presented two workshops at the
Celebrate the Book: Readers' Advisory Conference at the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library: “How to Read a Book in 10 Minutes” and “Reading Reviews for Readers’ Advisory”.

Aimee Babcock-Ellis started a new job as a Librarian with the U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration Library in Arlington, VA.

Audra M. Birek recently started a new position as Manager of Library Services for EDMC Online Higher Education. Her position is based in Pittsburgh, PA but serves students across the country who make up the online component for The Art Institutes, Argosy University and South University.

Allison Coltin has her first publication forthcoming in 2011. It’s a chapter in a new library anthology. “Developing criteria and goals for a librarian mentoring program”. In C. Smallwood, and R. Tolley-Stokes (Ed.), Librarians as Mentors in Librarianship for Adults and Students. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.

Angiah Davis, Reference Librarian at the Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library, received an ACRL Librarian scholarship to attend the Association of College and Research Libraries’ 2011 National Conference in Philadelphia, PA.

Jessica Hernandez was appointed as a Librarian at the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)'s Biosciences Library in October 2010. She was also a panelist for the "Careers in Federal Libraries" program at the ASCLA Virtual Convergence on January 21, 2011. Jessica was recently awarded the 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant to attend the 2011 ALA Annual Conference, where she will be presenting the program "How I Landed My First Librarian Position, And What I Did 'In Between.'"

Leo Lo, Research & Development Librarian at K-State Libraries, Kansas State University, presented "Perspectives from a New Professional: My Experience as an ALA Emerging Leader" at the Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) Leadership Development Seminar held during the 2011 ALA Midwinter Conference. Lo was also one of 35 early career librarians selected as Field Recruiters for the ALA Discovering Librarianship program: an IMLS funded recruitment initiative focused on introducing ethnically diverse high school and college students to careers in libraries.

Rebecca Metzger, Reference & Instruction Librarian at Lafayette College, will be teaching the 4-week online course, "Marketing Your Library" for Simmons College's GSLIS Continuing Education Program in March, 2011. Librarians of all types who take this asynchronous workshop will learn to develop a user-centered approach to marketing.
Read more information here.

Michelle Millet has been appointed one of four new members of the ACRL Information Literacy Immersion Program faculty. Michelle is currently Head of Research Services at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Millet will focus on the areas of leadership and assessment. Within NMRT, Michelle has served as Leadership Director (2006-2007), Networking Director (2005-2006), Nominating Committee Chair (2004-2005), and Publicity Committee Chair (2003-04). She received her MLIS in 2001 from the University of South Florida and her master's in History in 2000 from Florida Atlantic University.

Sarah Jo Neubauer recently accepted a Reference Librarian position at the Foundation Center in San Francisco in January 2011. The Foundation Center is a leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide.

Rory Patterson was recently promoted from Assistant to Associate Librarian at the A. Pierre Guillermin Library, Integrated Learning Resource Center at Liberty University. In addition, Rory serves on the Board of the Association of Christian Librarians.

Virginia Pierce, University of South Carolina Digital Activities, recently presented a poster on “How Historical Archaeologists Can Use Ephemera in Their Research” at the Society of Historical Archaeology on Jan. 7, 2011 in Austin, TX.

Coral Sheldon-Hess, Web Services Librarian at UAA/APU Consortium Library, will be presenting "Social Media Starter Kit" at the Alaska Library Association Annual Conference in February. Coral also recently accepted nomination to be the Co-President of the Anchorage Chapter of the Alaska Library Association.

Marina Torres Aiello, Health Sciences Branch Coordinator at the University of the Pacific Library, has been selected by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Committee on Diversity and Leadership to participate in the 2010–2012 Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce as an ARL Diversity Scholar. The ARL Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce offers stipend funding in support of MLIS education of up to $10,000 over two years to students from traditionally underrepresented racial and ethnic minority groups who are interested in careers in research libraries.