Karen Holt recently accepted a new position. As of February 1, 2010, she will be the Digital Assets, Instruction, and Outreach Librarian for the Fine Arts Library at the University of Texas at Austin.
Annie C. Paprocki, Anthropology/Sociology Librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has been appointed by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) as the ACRL liaison to the American Anthropological Association. Her 2-year term will focus on scholarly communication and publishing models in anthropology.
Dave Trudeau has recently been named Director of Library Services at Vance-Granville Community College in Henderson, NC; he will be overseeing library services on four campuses.
Margaret Driscoll, graduate student at San Jose State University, School of Library & Information Science, and eReserves/Course Reserve Coordinator at the John Spoor Broome Library, California State University Channel Islands, has archived a pre-print of an article written for the Open Movement and Libraries course into E-LIS. The article is entitled,
"Open Their Eyes: How the Open Access Movement has Changed the Scholarly Publishing World for Academics" and has been submitted to The Educational Collaborative (new Open Access journal) for their inaugural edition (Jan/Feb 2010) and is under editorial review.
Julie N. Kane, Head of Technical Services at Sweet Briar College Library, recently had a book chapter published.
Citation: Kane, Julie. "Mr. Monk Goes to the Library."
Mr. Monk and Philosophy: the Curious Case of the Defective Detective. Ed. D.E. Wittkower. Chicago, IL: Open Court, 2010. 105-118.
Coral Hess and
Dale Sheldon were wed right after Midwinter 2010. Their shared new last name will be Sheldon-Hess.
Tina Rawhouser, Head of Adult Services at White Oak Library in Montgomery County, MD, has been selected as one of ALA's Emerging Leaders for 2010.
After taking some time off from the profession,
Christina Zavos is now a Reference Librarian at the Jessamine County Public Library.
Elizabeth Downey, Instructional Services Librarian at Mitchell Memorial Library recently published an article.
Citation: Downey, Elizabeth M. "Graphic Novels in Curriculum and Instruction Collections."
Reference & User Services Quarterly 49, no. 2 (Winter 2009): 181-188.