February 2010, Volume 39 No. 3
A Good or Raw Deal for Libraries? Google Books and its Implications for Libraries by Travis Bonnett
GLA on My Mind: Successful Initiatives of Georgia's Library Association by Deborah Striplin
Eight Things to Know about ALA-APA by Jenifer Grady
ALA Midwinter Round-Up: Boston
ALA Land - Midwinter 2010 by Katie Elson Anderson
Road-Testing Advice: NMRT's Conference Orientation Session by Melanie Griffin
Participating and Networking: First Time at ALA Midwinter 2010 by Bohyun Kim
Making the Most of Midwinter by Heidi Steiner
Council Actions During Midwinter 2010 by Jenny Emanuel
Chillin' at Midwinter by Alice Platt
Regular Features
President's Column by Courtney L. Young, NMRT President, 2009-2010
NMRT Member Profile: Elizabeth Goldman by Bethany Wilkes
Job Talk Column: Choose Your References with Care by Laura Westmoreland
FREE Freedom to Read Foundation memberships to new LIS grads
3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant Awarded to Three Individuals