Message from the NMRT President
By Nanette Donohue
The Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia was a resounding success for NMRT. Our Resume Review Service was booked solid, our Orientation was well-attended, our Candidate Forum was informative, and our Midwinter Social was enjoyed by all. These events—and everything else that NMRT presents—were planned by our members. I’ve heard numerous comments from NMRT alumni members that the best thing about NMRT committees is that we actually
do things—there’s always a final product or something to show for your work. Our committees are doing things, and doing them well!
One of the highlights of my Midwinter (aside from the weather, which was amazing for Philadelphia in January) was the Executive Board meeting. During the meeting, the Board approved the formation of the Alumni Relations Task Force, which will explore ways to facilitate involvement for NMRT Alumni members. Our alumni members are everywhere—divisions, Council, even the Executive Board—and many of them would love to share their knowledge, expertise, and experience with the current NMRT membership. Amanda Roberts, this year’s Past President, will be chairing the Alumni Relations Task Force, which will begin its work after the 2008 Annual Conference. With Amanda taking the lead, it will certainly be a very active and effective committee!
The Board also approved the formation of the Online Collaboration Ad Hoc Committee, which will explore avenues for online participation and collaboration for NMRT members. We want to ensure that all members, regardless of their ability to attend in-person conferences, are able to participate in NMRT and take advantage of the programs and services that we offer.
Our Marketing Task Force presented a comprehensive report about best practices for marketing NMRT to members and non-members alike, along with some suggestions for re-branding. They did such a marvelous job that the Board decided to extend their charge for another six months, during which they will provide further suggestions and guidance for the Board.
NMRT President-Elect Laurel Bliss is beginning her committee appointment process. If you’re interested in serving on a 2008-2009 NMRT committee, please complete our brand-new volunteer form, which is located at Many of our committees do not require conference attendance, so even if you’re unsure about whether you’ll be attending the 2009 conferences, we welcome your participation! Also, both of the new committees (the Alumni Relations Task Force and the Online Collaboration Ad Hoc Committee) are open to volunteers, so if my description of their charges piques your interest, please volunteer. We’d love to have your input.
Finally, the ALA elections are coming up in March, and the Virtual Candidate Forum has begun on NMRT-L. Our Nominating Committee sponsors this forum, which gives Executive Board candidates the opportunity to address the NMRT membership. If you’re interested in “listening” in on the forum, subscribe to NMRT-L. Archives are available if you’ve missed any of the responses.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns about your NMRT membership, please contact me. I am always willing to help.