LIS Student Reception

By Student Reception Committee Members: Angiah Davis, Jennifer Green, Sarah Preskitt, and Tracy Stout

On June 24, 2012, New Members Round Table (NMRT) hosted its LIS Student Reception at the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, California, where attendees had an opportunity to mix and mingle with librarians who have a wide range of experiences within ALA.ÿAppetizers and a great networking venue were provided to nearly 80 people who attended the reception.

Professional association involvement is essential, and many LIS students do not know much about ALA and its many divisions and round tables. Representatives from various associations within ALA attended the event to casually discuss the benefits of their association.ÿ Represented associations included the Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA), the Reference & User Services Association (RUSA), the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), the Public Library Association (PLA), and the NMRT.

LLAMA, NMRT, and PLA raffled free one-year memberships to LIS students.ÿ Kim Baker, Elizabeth Brookbank, and Amy Trulock were the winners, respectively.ÿ Former NMRT President Linda Crook presented the Student Chapter of the Year Awardÿ(SCOTYA)ÿto Florida State University and the runner-up award to Indiana University.

Pre-reception tweets went out using hashtags #NMRT and #ala12.ÿThe NMRT Student Reception Committee wishes to thank all of those who attended the reception and made it a success!

For more information about the NMRT Student Reception visit.